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  • Virtualness…


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    Times, they are a changin’…

    Once upon a time I would pack my suitcase, brave the scrutiny of the power drunk rent-a-cops hired by the TSA, and then jet all over the country (coach, of course) to do book signings, chats, and seminars.

    While I still do that to an extent, a combination of emerging technologies and bottoming out economies has made a radical change to how authors handle appearances. I am talking, of course, about virtual touring

    So, in a blind embrace of technology… Well… Not exactly blind… I do try to keep one eye open so I can try to catch E K sneaking up on me (not that it works, mind you)… Anyway, the point here is, I Skype™ (among other things, but we won’t go there right now…)

    So, if you:

    • Run a book club

    • Schedule library chats

    • Are looking for a guest blogger

    • Want to schedule a chat for a classroom full of creative writers

    • Need a motor-mouthed guest for a podcast

    • Are looking for any other Virtual Author Appearance sort of thing

    I’m available… In other words, just consider me a modern day Paladin – “Have WebCam and Headset, Will Chat…”

    Drop me a line and we’ll Skype™. (Just don’t tell E K)…

    More to come…




    Watch PUF TV… Why? Because it’s like PBS and NPR without content censors.

    Besides, The Evil Redhead said so… She even made me do this:

    (Does NOT autostart – click play button to view)


    Watch PUF TV Online

    More to come…
