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  • The New E-Novella Is Here! The New…


    Because I’m lazy – and still have a ton of stuff to do in order to get ready for the 3 Days of Luetsencurbenpuken, I did a sort of copy and paste thing from the publisher’s website…



    December 16, 2010

    Contact: Wendy O’Brien, WillowTree Press Author Promotions Group

    Email: promo_dept@willowtreepress.com


    Holiday Themed Paranormal Horror-Thriller E-Novella

    Due to a data entry error, the FREE E-Novella, Merrie Axemas: A Killer Holiday Tale by M. R. Sellars, which was scheduled to become available December 22nd, has been released early. Since downloads were already occurring before we discovered error, rather than “un-publish” the E-book temporarily, we are leaving it in place.

    Merrie Axemas: A Killer Holiday Tale is available in EPUB, MOBI, LRF, PDB and PDF formats so that it should be compatible with most brands of e-readers, including Kindle, Nook, Sony and Kobo. If you don’t have an e-reader, Barnes & Noble and Amazon both offer their ebook apps free of charge for PC’s and Smartphones. If you do not wish to download an app, the novella can be read online via HTML, Java, and PDF.

    About Merrie Axemas: A Killer Holiday Tale

    A creepy, holiday-themed, paranormal thriller novella from M. R. Sellars, author of the best selling Rowan Gant Investigations series.Little Merrie Callahan is all grown up now.

    She doesn’t believe in Santa anymore.

    But she still has an axe to grind with the man in the red suit…

    And, for FBI Special Agent Constance Mandalay, the Christmas Holiday will never be the same again.

    Merrie Axemas: A Killer Holiday Tale by M. R. Sellars can be found here:


    We hope you enjoy this gift from M. R. Sellars and WillowTree Press.

    Be on the lookout for special holiday discounts on e-books, coming from WillowTree Press in the very near future!

    Happy Holidays and Happy Reading from everyone here at WTP!

    # # #

  • Close Encounters Of The Nekkid Kind…


    Several weeks back I was doing some work around the house. It was a warm, sunny afternoon in early October as a matter of fact. I happened to be in the back yard when I heard someone at my gate calling out to me.

    I turned to discover a video crew. At first I was a bit taken aback, but then I was also taken aback by a lady in the parking lot of the Home Depot awhile back when she jumped out of her vehicle, pointed at me, and started squealing “You’re… You’re HIM! You’re HIM!” So much so in her case that I dropped the lumber I was loading into the back of my truck and gave myself a nasty gash on my arm.

    I still don’t know which “HIM” she was talking about, but since no police showed up to arrest me I have to assume she didn’t mistake me for someone who had snatched her purse or taken the last jelly donut at the local Krispy Kreme.

    But that’s another story…

    So, back to early October… As it turns out these folks with video equipment in tow had traveled to Saint Louis for the express purpose of interviewing me on their show. Why they hadn’t contacted my publicist first to schedule it remains a bit of a mystery. All I know is that what ensued was a bit weird, disconcerting, made me very uncomfortable, and might not have even been entirely legal. At any rate, after chasing them off my property while  I was wielding an axe handle and screaming obscenities, I thought I’d seen the last of them.

    Apparently I was wrong…

    Even under the threat of legal action, this production company elected to release the footage of that bizarro interview, and to add insult to injury they have done so in several places around the web – from PUF TV to Youtube and beyond. At first I was livid. Then I was pissed. Then I was livid pissed since dividing my energies between the two seemed a bit wasteful. I started making phone calls and planning my revenge, on many levels.

    However… The Amazing Wendy, my publicist, tends to see silver linings where I do not. She has now urged me to give up on my quest to eviscerate these wingnuts, telling me that I should embrace this as a promotional opportunity instead. Wendy can be very convincing. So… Since not everyone is on Facebook, not to mention the state of obscure flux in which the FB news feed dwells, I am taking her advice and posting it here.

    You know, the more I think about it, the more I’m beginning to wonder if  maybe she was in on this the whole time…

    More to come…
