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  • BRAINPAN RE-LEAK: Is This Thing On?


    I’m under the gun with writing at the moment – no Palin, crosshair, vitriolic references intended – so I’m a bit behind in the blog department. While wondering what I could dash off in a few minutes this morning I was surfing Facebook, as per my usual routine and I noticed one of my friends had posted something about having coffee then giving blood on a particular day. Therefore, in the interest of saving time I thought I’d just re-run this particular leak for everyone. It is part 2 of 2, and can pretty much stand alone. But, as usual, feel free to click the link at the beginning so that you can go back and read part 1.

    Is This Thing On?

    Continued from: You Want My What?

    Let’s see, now where were we?

    Oh yeah… When last we left off, I had been drained of the majority of my blood by Hildegard Renfield at the behest of Vampirella, the evil Red Cross shill who had been sent to prowl through a Science Fiction convention looking for an unsuspecting author who had been working so hard that he wouldn’t be able to resist her offer of OJ and cookies. Oh, and I’d also been told to stay out of bright lights, make sure to not get myself wet, and whatever I do, definitely don’t feed myself after midnight, correct? No, wait… those are Mogwai…

    Oh, oh, wait, I know… I was told not to drink any booze!


    Good, then we are all on the same page.

    So, there I was, booted out the back of the Blood Mobile by Vampirella’s evil henchwoman, with only an Amazing Spiderman band-aid, some stale cookie crumbs, and an eyedropper full of OJ for my trouble. And, on top of that, I was a pint low. I still say it was really more than a pint, because I caught Hildegard chanting, “Two for the boss, one for me… One for the boss, one for me… One for the boss, two for me…”

    However, if that wasn’t bad enough, Chunkee – remember Chunkee? – was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. Unfortunately, it wasn’t because he was armed with wooden stakes as he prepared to storm the rolling exsanguination station in order to rescue me. Nope, it was because Hildegard had spent so much time bleeding me (apparently she didn’t have an adequate vacuuming system <– gratuitous Firefly reference) that we had no time to spare. He already had the ChunkMobile warmed up and sitting nearby so that we could race downtown to Union Station and have a confab with the show hosts before going on air.

    So, that’s what we did. The Chunkster drove like a madman, taking out old ladies with the door, honking his horn, and generally driving on the sidewalk when necessary. And, with a bit of time to spare, we arrived. We apologized profusely for the obvious rush and disorientation we were displaying, and explained the situation. It was no problem. Terry and John were all good and understood perfectly. In fact, they even said, “Hey, we have this sponsor who dropped off a bunch of energy drinks for us. Want one?”

    I shrugged. “Sure.”

    So, one of them ran out and then came back with an armload of these little silver cans with red, blue and yellow logos printed on them.

    Now, while this particular “energy drink” had been around in the United States for about 5 years, it hadn’t really been on my radar. To be honest, I’d never even heard of it. But, what the hell. I was game.

    I looked at the can and said, “No alcohol, right? This is just an energy drink?”

    I mean, after all, Hildegard told me I couldn’t have alcoholic beverages, right? She never said anything about energy drinks.

    “Yep, just energy drink,” they told me. “No booze at all.”

    “Okay,” I said, then popped open the can and downed it.

    A few minutes later they led us into an empty studio they were using as a “green room” so that I could wait until it was my turn to be on the air. Upon depositing us there, they left an armload of the silver cans too, saying, “Here. Have some more.”

    So, I did.

    Now, I need to point something out to you folks. If you have read my blogs you know I’ve spent plenty of time behind a microphone. Just a couple of blogs back I talked about my days at my High School student run station. I did the college station thing too. In later years I even did guest spots on local stations to answer technical questions for callers. So, I had plenty of experience behind a microphone AND in front of crowds. Hell, this wasn’t even my first rodeo as an author being interviewed. I’d done that plenty of times as well. This was no big deal. It was old hat. I could do it in my sleep…

    But, for some odd reason, I simply couldn’t sit still. I was pacing, fidgeting, and doing everything but bouncing off the walls. Actually, that’s not entirely true. There is a good possibility that I did, in fact, bounce off the walls once or twice… At any rate, Chunkee sat watching me in wide-eyed amazement for several minutes before finally asking me what was wrong.

    “I dunno,” I told him.

    “Are you nervous or something?” he asked.

    “I don’t think so,” I replied. “I can’t imagine why I would be. It’s just a radio talk show. I’ve done more of these than I can count.”

    “Yeah, I know,” he said. “So what gives?”

    “I really don’t know,” I said, giving my head a shake as I paced from wall to wall 14 more times in the span of 5 seconds. “Gimme another one of those drinks.”

    And, he did. And, I drank it.

    Before long, Terry and John retrieved me and brought me into the studio where the magic was happening. It was reminiscent of some of my old, late-evening talk shows back in high school – the lights were off, everything was laid back and just plain cool. We did our sound checks, came in from a break, they introduced me, and BAZZINGA! It’s off to the races we went.

    I was scheduled to be on for 20 minutes that evening, and I came on at the bottom of the first hour of a 3 hour show. When it was time to say farewell, they didn’t. Instead they went to a commercial break, turned to me and said, “Holy crap, you’re the liveliest guest we’ve had in months. Want to stay on for the rest of the show?”

    I thought about it for a second, then looked at them and said, “Got any more of those little silver cans?”

    “Oh hell yeah,” they said. “The sponsor dropped off a friggin’ truckload. Want some more?”

    “Line ’em up,” I said. “We got some dead air to fill.”

    And so, the moral of this story is – Don’t listen to Hildegard Renfield. She doesn’t tell you the whole story when it comes to this exsanguination thing. Oh, and yeah, Red Bull is kinda like crack if you drink it right after giving blood…

    More to come…


  • Gospels Of The Bean…


    So, I’ve had multiple requests for a “repeat” of the “Gospels of the Bean” updates/tweets from a while back. In fact, I’ve even had folks requesting them for Christmas. Since I’ve been so busy with Luetsencurbenpuken (yes, I still need to post some pictures from 2010) and such, I neglected to have a blog entry ready for this morning… Therefore… Yeah. I’m going to get my lazy on and do a big old copy and paste from the “Gospels of the Bean” text file.

    Since I am writing this while pumping bean jooce into myself, AND I will need to go roust the o-spring and redhead very soon, this is going to be pretty haphazard. As in, no particular order. I have a busy day ahead and, besides, you know how my mind works anyway…


    cof-fee [kaw-fee, kof-ee] -noun : decoction of crushed, roasted seeds ingested primarily as a vehicle for caffeine delivery. – I haz some.


    “And BEAN spoke all these words, saying: I am BEAN, your God…”

    “1: You shall have no other caffeinated beverages before Me.”

    “2: You shall not make for yourself a false coffee, such as anything that is in the likeness of decaf.”

    “3: You shall not spill the brew of the BEAN in vain.”

    “4: Remember the birthday of Saint Juan Valdez, to keep it holy.”

    “5: Honor thy roasts, espresso, dark, medium, regular, and all in between.”

    “6: You shall not murder after partaking of the brew. Before is okay, after, not so much.”

    “7: You shall not drink tea as opposed to coffee, for this act is to commit adultery against the BEAN.”

    “8: You shall not steal the coffee of another.”

    “9: You shall not falsely accuse thy neighbor of being a cola drinker.”

    “10: You shall not covet your neighbor’s Bunn, Krups, Saeco, etc.”


    On the third day, Starbuck said to them, “Drink this and you will live, for it is of the BEAN.” Gevalia 42:18

    BEAN said,”In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, COFFEE will overcome.” Juan 16:33

    And Juan did according to all that the BEAN commanded him. – Gevalia 7:5

    When Starbuck partook of the coffee, he bowed down to the ground before the BEAN. – Gevalia 24:52

    Starbuck said to the baristas, “Come here and listen to the words of the BEAN your God.” – Starbuck 3:9

    “It will produce caffeinated beverages for you, and you will drink the brew of the BEAN.” – Gevalia 3:18

    “And BEAN spoke all these words, saying: I am BEAN, your God… 1: You shall have no other caffeinated beverages before Me.”

    The angel of BEAN said to me in the diner, ‘Coffee?’ I answered, ‘Yes, please.’ – Gevalia 31:11

    “So BEAN created coffee in its own image, in the image of BEAN it created brew; Arabica and Canephora it created them.” – Gevalia 1:27

    “So Juan moved his tents and went to live near the mountains, where he built an altar to the BEAN.” – Gevalia 13:18

    BEAN said to Coffee, “Where is your brother Espresso?”, “I dunno,” he replied. “Do I look like a Starbucks?” Gevalia 4:9

    The Bean said, “It is not good for mankind to be groggy. I will make a caffeinated drink suitable for them.” – Gevalia 2:18

    Bean said, “Let there be brew,” and there was brew. Bean saw that brew was good, and separated brew from grounds. – Gevalia 1:3

    For coffee so loved the world it gave its one and only brew, that whoever drinks it shall be not foul but have good mood. – Krups 3:16

    Brew not, and you shall not have coffee. Drink not, and you shall not be awake. — 2 Juan,  6:37

    “Now, my Coffee, may your bean be ground and your caffeine extracted for the drinkers of your brew.” — 2 Starbucks,  6:40

    “He who has coffee is better than the coffeeless; and he that drinketh his coffee than he that doesn’t.” – 1 Peaberry, 16:32

    “Tea may endure for a night, but coffee cometh in the morning.” — Peaberry 30:5

    May the glory of the bean endure forever; may the bean rejoice in its caffeine – 1 Folgers, 2:19

    Awaken me, O COFFEE, for your caffeine is kind; With your great stimulant, lead me to the path of consciousness. —Starbuck 69:69


    Coffee makes all things new again. A public service announcement of the Church of the Latter Day Bean…


    Tea is an Aqueous sin and Cola is both an Aqueous and a Carbonic sin, making it far worse. 24 Hail Peaberries minimum


    Oh coffee, who art in cup, Java be thy name. Thy espresso shot, rich and hot, just keep the refills a comin’…

    Oh coffee, who art in cup, peaberry be thy name. Thy caffeine come, as I swill one, do they have refills in heaven?


    Coffee is great, coffee is good, I’d best go drink some before I’m rude…

    Coffee is great, coffee is good. Better give me more before I get rude…

    Coffee is great, coffee is good, let us thank it for our mood…

    Thou hast raised me from sleep, O coffee; awaken my mind and open my lips, that I may praise Thee, O Holy Trinity- Bean, creamer, and sugar.

    Glory be to the bean and to the grinder and to the water, as it was in the beginning, but is now, coffee without end.

    Coffee…grant me the strength to pour, the serenity to brew when the pot is empty, and the wisdom to not kill anyone yet.


    Confession time – I have a little plastic statue of Juan Valdez and his donkey on the dash of my truck…

    I like my coffee straight up, no frills. But when I feel a little kinky, I put on one of my wife’s negligees and have an espresso…


    I like my coffee bay-bee! Hot, fresh, and… well, not so sticky. But strong, yes. Stronger the better. (Rock Candy)

    Coffee, coffee, bo boffee, banana bana, fo foffee, fee, fi, mo, moffee! KAW-FEE! (The Name Game)

    Have another cup of coffee, but don’t be sloppy, be careful don’t spill it, when you refill it, have another cup of coffee…  (Manic Monday)


    Coffee is… The only thing that keeps me from climbing the clock tower with a rifle in the morning.

    Coffee is… My Mistress, and damn she’s hot and steamy…

    Coffee is… An essential part of the food pyramid.

    Coffee is… Do I really need to embellish here?

    Coffee is… Not just a good idea, it’s the law.

    Coffee is… My own personal Prozac.


    I need a faster coffee bean juicer…

    Coffee… There can be only one.

    Coffee… Not just a good idea. It’s a way of life.

    If it weren’t for coffee, well then, I guess I’d just have to be an even bigger asshole today…

    I love the smell of coffee in the morning… Smells like… burnt coffea canephora berries actually…

    It is by coffee alone I set my mind in motion. It is by juice of the bean that thoughts acquire speed, desk stained, cup empty…

    Ahhh… Freshly squeezed coffea canephora juice… It just makes the world look so much more… well… tolerable.

    Chemicals my ass! Without COFFEE, life itself would be impossible…


    How many beans do you have to squeeze for one cup of coffee?

    More to come…
