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  • 2 Many Pumpkin Pies…


    Pumpkin_PieWhat is it with Pumpkin Pie recipes? Do any of you know?

    I’ve been cooking ever since I could drag a chair up to the stove, and while I’m not Iron Chef material, I know my way around a kitchen – residential and commercial. And, due to my background with a skillet, I usually end up doing quit a bit of cooking around the holidays.

    When Turkey Day rolls around, I do get a slight bit of a rest every other year, as the family gathers locally and the cooking is divided up between a few of us. The other years I do the whole spread myself… But, no matter which year, odd or even, there is always the ubiquitous Pumpkin Pie.

    I happen to love Pumpkin Pie. EK and the O-spring, not so much. No biggie, that just leaves more for me… Not that my lard a$$ needs it, but what the hell… It’s the holidays and if you can’t enjoy yourself, why even bother, right?

    But, here is the big mystery – for as long as I have been clanging pots and pans in a kitchen, I have yet to discover a recipe for pumpkin pie that creates anything less than two pies. And, if you try to halve it, the damn thing doesn’t set up properly.

    I’d assume it’s a conspiracy on behalf of Libby’s and all of the other canned pumpkin folks out there, but this even happens with fresh pumpkin…

    So, there you go… Just one of those odd things I end up thinking about this time of year… Scary, eh?

    More to come…


  • A Fowl Dominatrix…


    So, against our better judgement we were going to let E K prepare Thankgsgiving Dinner this year. However, we kept hearing an enormous amount of noise coming from the kitchen. When we went to investigate we discovered that our original fears had come to fruition – The Evil Redhead was playing with the food.


    She was right in the middle of whipping the potatoes when we entered the kitchen…

    The dressing was anything but. In fact, it was naked and cowering in the corner…

    The cranberry jelly was quivering in its bowl…

    But, there was something far more disturbing waiting for us in the oven…

    Oven bondage

    Yes folks… Turkey Bondage.

    See… I told you we can’t let her loose in the kitchen.

    Happy Turkey Day folks… Don’t eat too much.

    I have to go now… The Evil Redhead is getting a little overzealous punching down the bread dough…

    More to come…
