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  • Czar Foon-Gee…


    I happen to be a big fan of Father Guido Sarducci.  One of my favorite stories of his involves Carr-dih-naal-uh Foon-gee… The story is funny, but the name is downright hilarious.

    Well, that’s not what this is about. I know, never is…

    You see, when you have a really demanding redhead in your life – yes, E K – and you have to cook for her, you tend to start getting creative. ESPECIALLY when she decides that she, her personal doormat (that being moi), and everyone else entering the hallowed halls of La Casa de la Pelirrojas will be going 80% vegetarian.

    I say 80% because in order to keep up the strength in her whip arm, she does like to have some fish or fowl now and then. And, on special occasions she likes a piece of dead cow. But as I said, those would be the special occasions

    And so, this is where I get Czar Foon-Gee. You see, Her Supreme Evilness is a fan of Beef Stroganoff. However, if you are trying to be mostly, sorta, 80% vegetarian, heaping a mess of dead, floured, fried, and braised Moo on your plate really isn’t the way to go.

    So, as I was taking my daily beating from the evil redhead, for whatever infraction I had, or had not, perpetrated that day, I got to thinking – how can I whomp up some non-beef beef stroganoff?

    Well, there are several ways to go about it, but since a good hunk of the recipe already revolves around fungus – that being mushrooms, of course – I thought, why not build upon that.

    And so, I did…


    (Mushroom Stroganhoff To Feed The Evil Redhead – Serves 6-8)

    Not the best pic... This was a trial run and was missing the oyster mushrooms, plus I only had regular egg noodles on hand that day...



    • 2 Large Portobello Mushrooms
    • 8 ounces Crimini Mushrooms
    • 8 ounces Oyster Mushrooms
    • 1 Large Zucchini Squash
    • 1 Small Vidalia Onion
    • 4 ounces butter
    • 4 tablespoons all-purpose flour
    • 1 Cup Vegetable Stock (Preferably Homemade)
    • 1 Tbsp Tomato Paste
    • 1/2 cup sour cream
    • 1/3 cup white wine
    • salt to taste
    • ground black pepper to taste
    • Olive oil


    1. Clean mushrooms. Remember to remove gills from Portobellos. De-stem if necessary. Slice Portobellos into 1/4 thick strips. Slice Crimini mushrooms and oyster mushrooms. Set aside.
    2. Peel and chop vidalia onion.
    3. Slice Zucchini into 1/4 thick rounds.
    4. In a large skillet over medium heat, brown Zucchini and Portobello strips in olive oil, working in small batches. Set aside. Melt butter in pan, add the onions and cook slowly for 5 – 7 minutes, until they begin to caramelize. Set aside. Add Crimini and Oyster mushrooms, cook for another 3-5 minutes. Set aside.
    5. Add flour to pan and create a quick roux, then deglaze pan with white wine and vegetable stock. The juices should now thicken. Add tomato paste and stir until fully incorporated. Add mushrooms, zucchini, and onions back to pan.
    6. Stir in Sour Cream, then salt and pepper to taste.
    7. Serve over Kasha or Whole Wheat Egg Noodles.


    More to come…


  • John, Paul, George, and Charlie…


    As one approaches middle age, there is a tendency toward bruising… But that would actually be Chuin’s line (See Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins… No, really… See it…)

    Where I’m going with this is that when you get older, if you’re smart, instead of just collecting more and more crap, you start to jettison some of the crap you already have. For one thing, it’s less work to maintain your house. For another, it’s less stuff you have to move and/or deal with when you get old and have to go live at the Daisy Hill Old People Farm. And, it’s that much less crap your kid, or kids, will have to sort through when you get all corpsified and gross.

    Well, E K and I aren’t exactly youngsters any longer. Granted, E K still looks like one, but me, not so much. Still, being the practical Taurus, The Evil Redhead decided the other night that maybe it was time to get rid of some stuff. Now, while in the past she has been more than happy to give away MY stuff and then wait for me to notice, this time she was in a mood to offload some of her own. In particular, clothes.

    You see, her supreme evilness actually has some pretty damn good fashion sense. She recognizes what will most likely come back around, and she stores things away. Probably all part of her frugality. A way to recycle clothing that is perfectly wearable, but has gone out of style. But, as with any sort of squirreling away, eventually there are more generic Rubbermaid totes occupying your basement than you need. And so, she set about culling the hidden wardrobe.

    Now, there’s also something else I should point out. E K happens to be pretty damn creative. She also knows how to sew, and I don’t just mean stitching in a hem, or darning a sock. She used to make her own clothing, and still has what was at one time a pretty high end sewing machine.

    But on with the story…

    Her worshipfulness pulled out a few of the totes and began going through the hidden treasures that were old clothes, sorting things out into what was back in style that she could wear, retro sorts of things that would likely come back into style and that the o-spring might one day want, and those things that were destined for Goodwill. As usual, when one goes through such storage containers, she ran across various nostalgic items. You know, things like her Catholic Schoolgirl Uniform… No… Wait… That’s actually in the closet for adult play night… Ummm… Well…

    But seriously… A T-Shirt from the college she attended… Some clothing she had crocheted, sewn, and otherwise made. And, T-Shirts she had screen printed or appliqued.

    There were plenty of “remember this?” moments as the o-spring watched on in confusion. At one point E K withdrew a screen printed tee from her teen years that bore a silhouette type likeness of Ian Hunter, front man for Mott the Hoople.

    Yes… I can hear the younger folk among you saying, “Mott the what?” After all, that’s pretty much what the o-spring said. And so, it was explained, but she still said, “Mott the what?” so we gave up.

    Later in the parade of Tees, The Evil One withdrew a shirt that bore an applique of Charlie Chaplin. While Ian Hunter and Mott The Hoople were iconic to us, we were willing to admit that Charlie was likely far more iconic, and the o-spring was far more likely to recognize him.

    So, E K showed the spring the shirt and said, “Know who this is?”

    The child furrowed her brow and said, “He looks familiar.”

    E K replied, “Charlie Chaplin.”

    This was when things went south. The o-spring perked up and said, “Oh yeah, he was one of the Beatles, right?”

    Obviously, we will be starting an intensive musical education program with her in the very near future.

    More to come…
