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  • Extreme Makeover – Murv Edition


    Okay, first, let’s get the following out of the way:

    No, this isn’t an April Fool’s joke. I think we have already established that April 1 is most likely the only day out of the year when I am NOT a jokester – in effect, making the fact that I am not being my normal wiseass self the joke.

    Now, on with the point behind this post…

    After almost 20 years as a freak flag flyin’ hippie, it’s time for the hair to go. Yeah… Hair today, goon tomorrow… Or, like Timbuk 3 says:

    “…They’ve done lots of research
    It may be just hype, but the latest findings cause me to tremble
    They’ve categorized us into three basic types,
    by which of the three stooges we most closely resemble.”

    So, here’s the deal…

    In the comments section of this blog post, leave your suggestions for my new hairstyle. I will be having this done the weekend of the 11th. In fact, most likely on the 11th proper.

    However, before leaving your suggestions read the following disclaimer:


    1. This is not actually a contest.
    2. There are no prizes whatsoever. If your suggestion is picked, you win absolutely nothing. Nada. Not a thing. Zero. Zilch. Void. Ad nauseum
    3. Suggestions will be treated as suggestions. Look it up if that doesn’t make sense. Suggestions may or may not be followed.
    4. E K owns me, lock stock and barrel. She has a collar with tags to prove it. Sometimes she even makes me wear it :lol: . Therefore, as she has not relinquished ownership, The Evil Redhead has final say on all suggestions, and as noted in #3, may well ignore all of them. You know how she is…

    And, yeah… I’ll post pictures of the new “do” after it happens. As a matter of fact, I’m due for a new press kit photo as it is, so that will be the perfect time to make one happen.

    Let the suggesting begin!

    More to come…
