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  • We’re Off To See The Blizzard…


    If you follow me on Twitter, you already know that sometime early Thursday morning 4/2, I lamented the fact that according to the national weather service, a blizzard is supposed to hit Wayne, NE this weekend. Why would I worry about a blizzard in Wayne, NE? Well, because as I write this I am sitting on the floor outside my gate at the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport, on my way to Wayne… Now, I won’t be able to actually post this until I arrive at my destination (via Sioux City, IA BTW – Airport code SUX… yeah, no kidding.) I can’t post this yet because it seems that airports have done away with free wi-fi and are now charging 8 bucks for a couple of hours. I don’t need it that bad… What I need is a Crackberry….

    Either way, I had intended to tweet along, letting y’all know what was going on as I embarked on this odyssey to be Guest of Honor at WillyCon XI, the Wayne State College SF/Fantasy convention. However, I have obviously been thwarted in that respect.

    So…This first leg of my journey will be compressed here as a randomly entered journal of pseudo tweets… My personal hashtag for this will be #fuckme… I will also be adding psuedo tweets from others who had a direct influence on my trip, but didn’t even know they were tweeting:

    @mrsellars – Fuck me. Lambert airport is charging for Wi-Fi. No tweets till I make it to Minneapolis.

    @mrsellars – Why is the turbine on the left engine going whocka-whocka-whocka-thumpa-whap?

    @mrsellars – How many hamsters does it take to make that turbine turn so fast?

    @flight_attendant – We use guinea pigs on this plane.

    @mrsellars – Okay, I’ll bite. How many guinea pigs?

    @flight_attendant – Fasten your seatbelt sir.

    @flight_attendant_#2 – Wah wah wah, nah wahm nah wah…nom.

    @mrsellars – Damn… She sounds like the adults on a Charlie Brown cartoon.

    @flight_attendant – Coffee?

    @mrsellars – Yes, please.

    @mrsellars – Roller coaster turbulence over Iowa. My theory? Rising gases from a cloud of cow farts.

    @mrsellars – May I have some more coffee?

    @flight_attendant – I think you’ve had quite enough sir.

    @mrsellars – On ground in Minneapolis. Texted E K. Now sitting and waiting for gate to be free.

    @mrsellars – Damn! The universe apparently knows I missed my morning walk. Arrived gate F12 – connection at gate A11. Walkies!

    @mrsellars – Still 3 hours before I can board egg beater express bound for Sioux City. ½ cup of Fiber One at 6AM now wearing off. Need food.

    @mrsellars – Nothing here. Food court ½ mile back the way I came. Walkies!

    @mrsellars – Quizno’s line around block. Employees moving in slow motion. Stomach not happy.

    @mrsellars – Caribou coffee across the way. Going there.

    @mrsellars – Consumed not so stellar 2 dollar roast turkey wrap with 1 dollar 11 oz beverage that had blue green algae in it. Total cost $11.05.

    @mrsellars – Floor show during lunch. Captain Important paced back and forth in front of me yelling into his bluetooth headset. Impressive.

    @mrsellars – Walkies! Now back at gate. No seats available. Crap. I’ll sit over here on the floor.

    @mrsellars – Okay. Now I’ll tweet for a bit.

    @mrsellars – FUCK ME! Minneapolis charges for Wi-Fi too!

    @mrsellars – Fuggit. I’ll write it on word and post it as a blog later.

    @mrsellars – Damn! How far up do her legs go? Interesting view from down here on the floor.

    @mrsellars – Shit (or :poopie: for the Bitten by Books chatroom crowd.) My foot fell asleep.

    @mrsellars – Aha! People going to Ohio are boarding. Now’s my chance for a seat in the waiting area.

    @mrsellars – Missing my desk chair. It’s a hell of a lot more comfortable than this one.

    @Gate_Attendant – Sir… Sir! Are you on this flight to Ohio?

    @mrsellars – no ma’am.

    @Gate_Attendant – Are you sure?

    @mrsellars – Well, no, I don’t guess I am. I just told your ticket agent to give me a boarding pass for a random flight. Maybe I should look.

    @Gate_Attendant – Why are you wearing shorts? It’s 30 degrees outside.

    @mrsellars – It’s complicated. You see, I have a condition.

    @Blond_Gate_Agent – Yah…Yah…I doo, don’tcha know…Yah…

    @Original_Gate_Agent – Yah, yah… I doo too, yah’know… Yew betcha…

    @mrsellars – Yep. I’m definitely in Minnesota.

    @mrsellars – Holy crap… I don’t think I’ve ever seen this much “A Prairie Home Companion” hair all in one place my entire life.

    @mrsellars – I didn’t even know they could still do those hairstyles. I wonder how many curlers they used on that one…

    @mrsellars – They just started up one of the egg beaters. I can still identify individual blades on the prop even though the engine is screaming like a banshee.

    @mrsellars – Wait… I can see the pilot through the windscreen…

    @mrsellars – Reading the pilot’s lips – I think I can, I think I can…

    @mrsellars – Might need to go back for coffee. Another ½ mile. Getting workout today.

    @mrsellars – I haz a headache. Battery on notebook running low. Might need to find an outlet.

    @mrsellars – Went about ¼ mile. Came across machine that sells coffee for a dollar. Decided to give it a try.

    @mrsellars – Punched in 1 F 3 for what was supposed to be a Butterfinger Latte.

    @mrsellars – Got 6 F 6 instead – year old pencil shavings strained through one of E Kay’s stockings with lukewarm water and a hint of rancid honey.

    @mrsellars – Don’t ask me how I know what E Kay’s stockings taste like. I won’t tell you.

    @mrsellars – How far is it from F12 to A11?

    @Another_Gate_Agent – A little over two miles.

    @mrsellars – Srsly?

    @Another_Gate_Agent – Yah.

    @mrsellars – Yep. Got my exercise.

    @cellphone – Boopee Doopee Doopee Dooooo Ahhhh Boopee…

    @mrsellars – Hello?

    @EK – Hi.

    [Rest of conversation censored due to graphic depictions of @mrsellars imagination along with sappy woodja-woodja lovey stuff…]

    @mrsellars – Still have headache. Took aspirin. Noticed that people in Minnesota have apparently never seen a man wearing shorts before.

    @mrsellars – Another hour plus left before the egg beater express flits me off to Sioux City. Hear they have Fly SUX T-shirts for sale. MUST have one…

    @mrsellars – Srsly. It’s a moral imperative.

    @mrsellars – Gate change. Oh joy… Not.

    @mrsellars – Apparently Minnesotans are also AFRAID to SPEAK to a man wearing shorts.

    @mrsellars – Thought I just saw Maurice Minnifield from Northern Exposure…

    @mrsellars – No, not the actor. The REAL Maurice Minnifield…

    @mrsellars – Damn! Rest of the passengers caught on to the gate change, and followed me over here. So much for a peaceful flight.

    @mrsellars – Imagining E K wearing [CENSORED]

    @mrsellars – {Bored Sigh}

    @mrsellars – Wondering if @PaulCooked ever got that badger off his head…

    @mrsellars – Pretty sure I just saw Kenny Rogers working on the ground crew. Must be paying off “Gambler” debts. (Ha! I kill me!)

    @mrsellars – Guy with HUGE ASS headphones staring at me. Kinda freaky.

    @mrsellars – Egg beater express got upgraded. Now flying on Estes model rocket. Hope the nose cone doesn’t suddenly fall off. Don’t wanna land using a plastic parachute.

    @passenger – I’m supposed to sit in that seat next to you.

    @mrsellars – Okay, but the flight is only half full and the flight attendant said sit anywhere you want.

    @passenger – My ticket says I’m supposed to sit in that seat next to you.

    @mrsellars – Are you just dying to sit next to me or something?

    @passenger – But… But… My ticket says I’m supposed to sit in that seat next to you.

    @mrsellars – Okay, “Sheldon”, how about if I move and let you have that seat.

    @passenger – But, but… Doesn’t your ticket say you are supposed to sit here?

    @mrsellars – No, “Sheldon”… My ticket says general seating. It’ll be okay…

    @Flight_Attendant – Coffee?

    @mrsellars – Yes, please.

    @Flight_Attendant – Cream and sugar?

    @mrsellars – Is the coffee really THAT bad?

    @Flight_Attendant – Fasten your seatbelt sir.

    And, now I’m here, and life is getting back to normal. Well, as normal as it can be for an old guy on a college campus, anyway…

    More to come…


  • Sometimes You Just Gotta Say, #WTF…


    There are times when you have to clean out the old brainpan. Get rid of excess words, phrases, clauses, and other ridiculous stuff. It’s a battle writers fight constantly. Generally we do it because if we don’t get the unsaleable crap out of the way, then we can’t put the saleable crap on the paper.

    Kinda like freeing up a log jam, so to speak.

    So, I’m sure you are probably wondering what qualifies as a writer’s soluble fiber for the brain… The Ex-Lax for the cerebral cortex so to speak…

    I have no clue.

    All I can say is that when it takes hold, all manner of nonsensical BS  – AKA Brain Sh*t – will spew forth. If you don’t believe me, just read the other entries in this blog… I mean, it isn’t called Brainpan Leakage for nothing, ya’know…

    So, anyway, on this particular day in history, my grey matter was cramping a bit, and the next thing you know I had… well… you know… an urgent brain movement.

    Not having time to get to the blog, I took advantage of the first receptacle I could find… What follows here are a series of inane, nonsensical, brain sh*t expelling tweets sent forth from my Twitter account this morning, all including their original hashtag – #WTF…

    BTW – I received three comments in the wake of this leakage – one person was horribly confused, another enjoyed them immensely, and well, the other commented by simply unfollowing me. Guess I was just a little too intense.

    I wasn’t concerned when she pulled the handcuffs from her overnight bag. However, the spatula and pinking shears gave me pause… #WTF

    There was only one way out that didn’t involve a body bag. Now, all I needed were some high heels, a spark plug, and a can of peas… #WTF

    The stilettos, she had, even if they weren’t my size. It was the spark plug and canned veggies that seemed out of my reach… #WTFpinking-shears

    The room smelled like toast, and she looked like prepackaged sex. It was when the pizza arrived that I understood her plan… #WTF

    It was thin crust, with double anchovies and extra cheese. The aroma was intoxicating, but somehow I knew it wasn’t meant for me… #WTF

    “You’re late!” she screamed. The pizza guy cowered, but it was too late. Now the pinking shears protruded from his chest… #WTF

    anchovy_pizzaIf only there had been black olives on that pie, then perhaps I could have made my escape. But, the peas were still eluding me… #WTF

    My luck held. She grabbed the spatula, then went in search of another victim. “Be right back,” she said, as she exited the room… #WTF

    This was my chance. Maybe I could do this without the peas. But wait, what about the shoes? Damn, she was still wearing them… #WTF

    I resigned myself to whatever fate had in store. Even if I could get by without the peas, the high heels and spark plug were a must… #WTFpeas

    I had just given up when the hotel detective entered the room. “Am I interrupting?” he asked. “Yes, but please do,” I replied… #WTF

    It seems they had found her in the lobby, spatula in hand as she served cheesecake to the guests in her own special way… #WTF

    “What tipped you off?” I asked, absently rubbing my wrists where the handcuffs had been cinched tight…. #WTF

    ngk-sparkplug-main_full“She wouldn’t let anyone have seconds,” the hotel detective replied, offering me a cigarette… #WTF

    I lit the cig and stared off into space while muttering, “You know, if she’d left the shoes, I’m sure I could’ve escaped.” #WTF

    The hotel detective shook his head. “Not likely. They were fuschia.” I looked at him sideways. “Fuschia?” #WTF

    “Yeah,” he said with a nod. “If they’d been red, maybe. But fuchsia, not a chance.” I nodded my own head in agreement… #WTFaaaac6sjmocaaaaaadw7pw

    “So, how did this all start?” the hotel detective asked. After correcting my spelling of fuchsia I looked out the window and sighed… #WTF

    “Well, you see,” I began. “There was this pair of handcuffs…”  – 30 –  #WTF

    More to come…


    Note: If you Twitter you can follow me @mrsellars. Be careful, I might follow back…