• Hopping Coffins…


    As you all know, this blog – Brainpan Leakage – is mostly for me to blow off the silly that runs around in my head, along with the occasional opinion piece. However, since the #COFFINHOP only has a couple of days left, I thought I’d post about it over here as well…


    1. Links for a free e-book, discount codes on other e-books, and entry into the book giveaway can be found after the daily Halloween picture…

    In honor of said bouncing about betwixt coffins – what with this being all about Halloween and such – I am going to toss some silliness out there each day. It may be a picture of costumes from some of our more legendary parties, or it may be something altogether textual… say, for instance, why I actually like candy corn. You just never know. HOWEVER, there are a couple of things which shall remain the same throughout:

    1. The strong – and I do mean STRONG – suggestion that you HOP around to all of the coffins on the circuit. You can do this very easily. Simply click on the COFFINHOP Badge below (the pumpkin impaled by a stiletto, courtesy of my wife) and there you will find all sorts of information, including a list of the COFFINS (author blogs) on the web tour. Each of these fine authors has something to say about Halloween – maybe scary, maybe informative, maybe funny… you just never know. However, you owe it to yourself to swing by and scream trick-or-treat, because not only will you discover a whole slew of new authors, most – if not all – of the stops will have a chance to enter contests for spectacular prize type stuff: Autographed books, swag, and what have you… So, DO IT, or I’ll let my wife get hold of you, and you can already see what she’s capable of doing to a poor, defenseless Jack-o-Lantern that she liked. Just imagine what she might do if she’s angry…
    2. I will be running a contest here on M R LAND as my part of the COFFINHOP. See details after each day’s Halloween oriented post (as in, keep scrolling down). Right now I will definitely be giving away an ARC of IN THE BLEAK MIDWINTER (due in bookstores 11/18), and even some selected books from the Rowan Gant Series, both paperback and electronic.



    Enter the random drawing for a chance to win an Autographed ARC of In The Bleak Midwinter, my latest novel, which will be released 11/18 – To enter, email me by clicking this link: COFFINHOP CONTEST


    • If you have an e-reader, be sure to check out the special discount codes for epub and mobi versions of all the Rowan Gant Investigations novels HERE
    • Get a FREE e-novella – MERRIE AXEMAS: A Killer Holiday Tale HERE – Use Coupon Code: MS74K
    • Check back often. More cool stuff could happen… Seriously.

    There you go… Make sure you visit all of the other CoffinHoppers!!

    More to come…


  • Eat At Merp’s…


    Damn… Today “snuck” up on me. Seriously… O_o

    So, I am so busy that I’m meeting myself coming and going. Just finished prepping elebenty-twelb-bazillion mini tea sammiches for the o-spring’s Tea Party Project with her Gifted Class today. (NO, not THAT kind of tea party, the REAL kind with tea, snacks, and etiquette. You know, the kind you can actually take seriously and not just shake your head…) Anywho, I have tons more stuff to do – and that’s just BEFORE I deliver the sammiches…

    So… Here’s a quickie blog. Since everyone is always asking me for recipes whenever I mention foodstuffs, here’s my personal recipe for Cheese Stuffed Cornbread – just like we had last night with the Black Eyed Peas and Smoked Turkey:

    Merp’s Cheese Stuffed Cornbread

    Wet Ingredients

    • 1/2 Cup Plain Yogurt
    • 1.25 Cups Milk
    • 1/4 Cup Vegetable Oil
    • 2 Large Eggs
    • 1 TBSP Jalapeño Juice (from jar of sliced Jalapeños)

    Dry Ingredients

    • 1 Cup Flour (AP)
    • 1 Cup Yellow Cornmeal
    • 1 TBSP Baking Powder
    • 1 tsp Salt
    • 1/4 Cup Sugar (Optional)


    • Bacon Grease or Lard
    • 1 Cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese (Sharp or Mild, your choice)
    • Cast Iron Skillet – 10″
    • Butter

    Preheat oven to 400F. Grease Skillet with Bacon Grease/Lard, set aside.

    Beat eggs, then mix together with the rest of the wet ingredients until fully incorporated and smooth. Will be somewhat thick.

    Sift together all dry ingredients in a large bowl, make a “well” in the center, and pour in pre-mixed wet ingredients. Stir with a rubber/silicone spatula, using a folding motion, until fully incorporated. Mixture should be wet but lumpy, do NOT overmix.

    Pour 1/3 of mixture into skillet and smooth to edges with spatula. Sprinkle shredded cheese on top. Pour remaining 2/3 of mixture on top of cheese and carefully spread out.

    Place in 400 degree oven and bake until a toothpick comes out clean. Approximately 30 minutes.

    Poke several holes in top with toothpick or fork. Apply butter to top, return to oven for 2-3 minutes.

    Serve with Beans, Greens, Soups, or just about anything where cornbread is desired.

    Optional: Add crumbled bacon, or minced Jalapeños to the mix.

    More to come…
