• Do I Want To Know?


    It was a day like any other day…

    Well, that’s not actually true. It was a day like any other day in the first half of January, when just enough snow fell overnight – and was still falling that morning – that the schools canceled classes and left parents of Elementary school kids scrambling to make arrangements. Of course, what with me working from home – I mean, after all, you can write a book pretty much anywhere if you try, so why not at home… But anyway, what with me working from home there wasn’t as much scrambling as there was re-planning.

    You see, I can’t work when I have people in my house.

    This is not to say that I don’t love having E K and the O-spring at home. I do. Problem is, they are a distraction, even when they are trying very hard not to be. Either they end up making some sort of oddly repetitious noise that is at just the right frequency for me to be able to hear, or I just can’t concentrate because I’d rather be doing something with them than working.

    The long and short of it being, on snow days I don’t get any writing done. I find other work to do. Used to be I’d play scrabble, monopoly, or something else with the O-spring. But these days she’s in that zone where dad is only cool if he has something she wants… you know… like money, or an orange that’s already been peeled and sectioned.

    Therefore, on this particular day I parked myself in my office to do other work that comes along with the whole author gig. Answering interview questions, doing research, reminding myself to pay my HWA dues then getting sidetracked and forgetting. That reminds me, I need to do that…

    Everything seemed to be plugging along okay. O-spring with her nose buried in her new Nook. O-spring singing. O-spring going all Rembrandt on some paper with her oil pastels. And me, sitting in my office, working and forgetting to do things I need to do.

    Then I heard it.

    “Heard what?” you ask.

    The thing that strikes fear into the hearts of parents everywhere.

    “Dad?” came the voice from the next room.

    “Whatcha’ need, kiddo?” I asked.

    “Ummm… Do we have any ‘Duck’ Tape?”

    <silence> <blink> <silence>

    Finally I asked, “What did you break?”


    Eventually the answer came. “Umm… Nothing…”

    Snow days. Apparently it isn’t just shoveling the white stuff that’s hazardous to your heart.

    More to come…


  • Hey, That’s MY Line…


    First she steals my heart…

    Then she steals my freedom…

    Next she steals my French fries… (right off my plate)

    And then she steals my virginity… Wait… No… That was already gone.

    Thing is, now she’s stealing my schtick.

    Yeah, I know, Richard Castle is already doing that, but I can’t say too much about that. Last time I did I pissed off the fan club shill.

    But, even with everything else, now E K – Her Supreme Evil Redheaded Goddess Techno MILF – is taking my schtick. No, not that schtick… She got that one even before we were married, and she doesn’t even let me see it, much less play with it anymore.

    I’m talking about the part where I’m funny.

    Okay, stop laughing, I am too funny.

    Seriously. Enough.

    All right then… So, there I was, engaged in my morning routine. You know, the one that starts at 5:30 AM where I get the coffee going, then give her Eebilness a back massage, followed by setting out her breakfast stuff, yadda yadda…

    And that’s when it happened.

    There she was, the Eebil Redhead, standing in the kitchen in her sheer black negligee and stiletto heeled mules, as she does every single morning, looking like she had just stepped out of the pages of a Frederick’s of Hollywood catalog…

    Wait… That was while I was still asleep. Let’s fast forward a bit…

    There she was, the Eebil Redhead, fiery hair sticking out at all sorts of odd angles, one eye shut, clad in sweats and a fuzzy bathrobe. How’s that for truth in advertising?

    Anyway, she was standing at the counter peering into a fresh box of Raisin Bran. If you remember my previous blog entries, you know that E K must have Raisin Bran every morning, otherwise people suffer – namely me. I came around the corner just in time to see her eyeball the contents, then eyeball the bowl she had just filled. She did this a couple of times, then closed the top on the box and began to shake it in a most violent fashion. She bounced it up and down, rattled it, beat it on the counter, slung it around in a circle, then shook it some more.

    Then she opened it, eyeballed it, eyeballed the bowl, and then did it all over again.

    Unable to take it any longer I asked, “Ummmm… What in the world are you doing?”

    “Imma rebbstrupping nabn race pins,” she mumbled. You have to understand, when she’s half asleep she speaks the same language she does when she’s drunk (See: Gimme Mai Shooz…)

    “What?” I asked.

    “Imma rebbstrupping nabn race pins.”

    “What?” I asked again, because that’s what I say when I don’t understand someone. Truth is I’ve been saying that a lot lately.

    With an exasperated sigh, she cocked her head, put a hand on her hip, drew in a breath and half yelled, “I’m redistributing the raisins!”

    “Oh, okay…” I replied. I stood and watched her in silence for a moment, then asked, “Why?”

    She pointed at the bowl and said, “Two scoops in every box and I’ve got one of ’em right here.”

    I love you honey. I even obey you and try not to complain too much when you beat me severely, use me as a doormat, and steal my French fries…

    But now you’re crossing the line. Observational Satire and the associated witty commentary are MY things. You need to stick with being unbelievably smokin’ hot and incredibly evil. It works for you.

    Me, on the other hand, humor is all I’ve got.

    More to come…
