• On Her Majesty’s Secret Alphabet…


    Okay, so I’m in the middle of writing and stuff, therefor this is just one of those quick “Did’ja ever notice” kind of blogs.

    I won’t go into a long explanation of things because the info is readily available on the net, suffice it to say, anyone who has ever seen a Bond flick knows who “Q” is.

    Here’s the thing – one of the delightful moments in most of the films (I say most because “Q” actually does NOT appear in ALL of them) is the bantering back and forth between Bond and “Q” as a new mess of insane gadgets are introduced. Now, I won’t even go into the odd paradox created by “Q” being upset about Bond destroying said gadgets, which by default is going to happen if he bothers to use them because most are designed to blow up at some point.

    No, my question is this – How did “Q” become so prescient? I mean, think about it – everything he gives the double nought spy for that particular movie is something that comes in REAL handy like. It’s as if the “man who shall be known as a consonant” has some prior knowledge that “Double Nought Sevum” will be tied up over a shark tank in exactly X position, thereby requiring a watch that will double as a miniature buzz saw.

    You know… I’m thinking maybe it would be a good idea for the Double Nought Spy folks to do a bit of internal investigation. From where I sit, it sure looks like some of their alphabet has defected to a different soup.

    More to come…
