• Nature Calling, Will You Accept The Charges?


    Maybe I’m just old fashioned…

    Then again, maybe not.

    I just haven’t quite figured it out yet.

    But old fashioned or not, here’s my thing – There was one room in her house that always remained locked… It was… The garage.

    No… Wait… That’s Keys To Her Ferrari by Thomas Dolby. Great song, but not where I was headed with this. Besides, we don’t have a garage and the only room E K keeps locked is her “play room” in the basement, and she only does that so her “toys” can’t escape.

    Let’s see… Where was I? Oh, yeah…

    Here’s my thing – There’s one room in the house where I absolutely refuse to talk on the telephone. It is… The bathroom.

    Now, I realize this might sound odd. I mean, after all, there is a wide and varied history of telephones in bathrooms. I’ve stayed in many a hotel over the years where a telephone was stuck to the wall right there next to the stool. Hell, I once stayed in a hotel in New Orleans where the phone was positioned in such a way as to be usable from  the stool, the bidet, and/or the tub itself. I actually took a picture of that, although I can’t seem to find it at the moment. Of course, I was probably just as fascinated by the fact that the room had a bidet. Yeah… I know what they are for, but I was hard pressed not to do a Crocodile Dundee impersonation just for the hell of it. And, since the hotel happened to be in the French Quarter (Yeah, I know, French… Bidet… I can add) there would have been plenty of folks down on the street to hear me yelling from the window.

    But like I said, I’ve stayed in plenty of hotels where there was a telephone in the crapper. Not just in NOLA.

    Of course, I should probably take a moment to note that  I absolutely despise talking on the phone at ALL, and will avoid it at all costs.  Besides the fact that I just don’t like the damn thing, due to an injury during my EARLY teens my hearing has been substandard for the better part of my life, and in recent years has grown much worse… MUCH worse. Literally to the point that talking on the telephone is a rather painful chore for me even under the best of circumstances, because I simply cannot understand the person on the other end of the line.

    But that really isn’t my point.

    You see, when necessary I will talk on the phone. By necessary I mean it had damn well better be a dire emergency. Seriously. But not when I am in the bathroom.  For me to do that it would need to be a dire emergency squared. Of course, there’s no way for me to know that because I won’t answer the phone when I am in the bathroom. For the record, no, we don’t have a phone in there. However, we ARE in the era of Cell Phones, and I pack one around on my belt just like most everyone else. I use it for emergencies mostly. And I text. I didn’t used to text, but now I do. My eyes still work as long as I am wearing my glasses, so we’re all good there.

    But you know what? I won’t even text while I’m in there.

    There’s just something about the sanctity of the porcelain throne room that precludes me from chatting with anyone. I just don’t see a reason for telephone conversations in the bathroom. Sure, now that I am getting older I can certainly understand the idea of the classic, “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up,” sort of communication from inside the tiled closet, and that can certainly come in the form of a phone call to 911 or something.

    But why in the world would I want to carry on a convo while I’m doing my business?


    (sigh) (reach) (flip) “Hello?”

    “Hey, Murv. This is your broker. How are you today?”

    “Ummm… Okay, I guess.”

    “So, do you have a minute?”

    “I guess so. I… umm… well… I have some paperwork I’ll need to get after here rather shortly.”

    “Ahh, working eh? Writing a new book?”

    “Well, not right at this very moment… Actually I’m getting rid of last night’s dinner.”

    “Oh, I see. Cleaning the fridge.”

    “Not exactly. More like… Umm… Well. Taking a dump.”

    “Your fridge broke?”

    “No… Not taking it to the dump. Taking a dump.”

    “Ohhh, okay, I get it. Well since you’re sitting down…”

    More to come…


  • BRAINPAN RE-LEAK: Twas the night…


    This classic holiday entry originally ran in 2006…

    “Twas the Night Before Christmas, 21st Century Edition”

    Copyright © 2006, M. R. Sellars

    Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house,

    Not a creature was stirring, not even my spouse.

    Her wet stockings were hung in the bathroom with care,

    My razor was dull and full of her leg hair.

    My wife was nestled all snug in our bed,

    While visions of shoe sales danced in her head.

    When out in the living room there arose such a clatter,

    I sprang from my keyboard to empty my bladder.

    And what to my wondering eyes should appear,

    But some fat S.O.B. drinking my last beer.

    His eyes were unfocused, and his cheeks were a-flush,

    I could tell at a glance that Santa was a lush.

    His knees how they wobbled as he finished with a slurp,

    Then he got up from his chair and let out a burp!

    “Hi there, young fella,” he said with a *hic*

    “Best get outta my way, I think I’m gonna be sick!”

    He rushed to the bathroom and I heard my wife scream,

    Seems she was in there and didn’t think this too keen.

    What was next to occur was kind of a shock,

    I found her pummeling Santa with our new alarm clock!

    “Hey honey, chill out!” I said with a start.

    “Surely you don’t wanna kill the old fart!”

    “Look lady,” Santa cried as he lurched and careened,

    “I only got airsick ’cause I forgot my Dramamine!”

    “So you’re NOT just some drunk?” I asked as he scratched his crotch.

    “Of course not,” he replied, “But I WILL take a Scotch!”

    “And to show there’re no hard feelings,” he chortled with glee,

    “Tell me what is it you’d like to find under your tree.”

    I took a sharp breath, and held it inside,

    Santa you fool, you’d better run and hide.

    You’ve asked the wrong question, instead of the right,

    And now you’re gonna be here the rest of the night.

    My wife’s eyes sparkled, teeth showing as she grinned,

    And the next thing I knew she had the guy pinned!

    Catalogs flew, and flyers they fluttered,

    Creating immediately a large pile of clutter.

    Santa couldn’t move and his eyes filled with fright,

    Seeing her chance my redhead squealed with delight!

    “Some diamonds and pearls, from this place and that!

    Some pumps and some boots, and maybe a hat!”

    She ran down her list in a voice filled with glee,

    All I could think was “I’m glad it’s not me!”

    Santa wriggled and squirmed as she sat on his chest,

    Then he shouted and hollered, “Hey, give it a rest!”

    But my wife wasn’t finished, that much I knew,

    For she held that elf down and started anew.

    “Sapphires and rubies, and rings of white gold,

    I don’t even care if they’re new or they’re old!

    A black leather jacket and a skirt that goes with it,

    Matching gloves and a gift card that spends without limit!

    A full length fur coat, synthetic of course,

    Hey! Are you taking this down? Don’t make me use force!”

    The old guy kept kicking, and somehow broke free,

    How he managed to do so was way beyond me.

    But my redhead was behind him as he sprang for the door,

    While she screamed, “No, don’t leave now, for I want so much more!”

    Santa ran through my yard as though he were scared,

    And I can’t say I blamed him, for I doubted I’d be spared.

    He hollered, as he raced, his words not too thrilling,

    In fact I must say they were in all senses chilling.

    With what he said, I had no choice but to agree,

    For she was all wound up and he was leaving her with me.

    Now here’s the last thing I heard, as he fled from this strife,

    “I’d stay for that scotch, but I’m afraid of your wife!”

    The Redhead Enslaves The Claus

    And now, a bit of explanation about this poem…

    I feel compelled to give you all the history behind my version of “Twas the Night Before Xmas”…And, no, it isn’t because EK has me in a choke hold, or that she is standing over me with a flogger…

    Anyhow, the posted version of “TwasXmas” is one that is slightly tweaked, with a couple of extra verses added. The “original” psycho-redheaded-material girl filk of this timeless poem was written by me back in December, 1995. Yes, pre Rowan Gant (but not by much, as I began writing the short stories upon which the RGI series are based in 1996.)

    Some of you may be aware that I had a long career as a Senior Level Electronics Technician, and in July of ’95 I was stolen away from the service center I managed by a company that had landed a lucrative contract with none other than Western Union. They needed someone capable of doing component level repair on old Concord Payment Terminals. Now, while I had never even seen one of these blue beasts before going to work for this company, I was part of a dying breed of technician–meaning, not only could I work on computers, but I actually knew how to use an Oscilloscope, Logic Probe, Solder/Desolder Station, as well as being able to read schematics. This meant that I could take one of these little beggars apart, track down the offending components (logic IC’s, resistors, capacitors, crystals, what have you) and replace them. They offered me A BUNCH of money to come work for them, as well as some especially tidy bonuses if I could meet a particular quota of repairs. At the risk of blowing my own horn, I actually did 2.5 times the quota each year–so the bonuses were very nice.

    So, there is the setup. I left a management position to become a bench tech for another company. While that seems a step down, the dollars made it quite a step up.

    However, something I discovered after joining this company is that during the annual Xmas Party, the newest member of the staff was required to Sing, Dance, or in some fashion briefly entertain the rest of the staff. Having been hired on in July, I hoped that I would be spared by a more recent hire but alas, that was not to be. When the holiday party rolled around, I was still the newest kid on the block, and 2 minutes of silly entertainment was expected of me.

    Since I cannot carry a tune in a bucket, even if I have help, (just ask the Barstool Prophets…I sat in with them during a party held in my honor at Violet Flame Gifts in Ohio and croaked through a song or two…in my defense I was rather inebriated, but I digress…) As I was saying, since my ear is apparently composed of a tin-aluminum alloy, I asked if it would be okay for me to recite a poem instead. (Yeah, I can’t dance either…think Elaine from Seinfeld)…They were all for that and so it was set. However, you know me. I couldn’t see my way clear to recite something serious, and “TwasXmas” was born.

    I actually have the two fading yellow sheets of legal pad paper upon which the original version was written here on my desk. I dug them out of my files so that I could transcribe the bit of rhyme here, and of course, decided to tweak it a bit in the process…(One of those silly writer things)

    But, this isn’t where the story ends…(Yeah, here comes the part about E K)…The poem was written all in fun. The absolute truth of the matter is that E K is one of the most practical individuals on the face of the earth. Were the scenario in the poem real, she would be more likely to offer the fat SOB a Scotch, then sit down and calmly talk to him about her list which would contain such items as warm socks, an electric blanket, or maybe some new towels for the linen closet. I kid you not.

    Yes, “Virginia”, the only thing material about my redhead is the fact that I spoil her with material things whenever I can afford it. Oh, she’s still Evil, don’t misunderstand. She’s just not a material kind of Evil…

    So, there you have it.

    Have a very Merrie Axemas

    More to come…
