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  • Oh, The Weather Outside Is…


    Yeah, okay, so it’s not exactly frightful just yet, but it is well on its way to being just that. However, here in Saint Louis it has been chilly, a bit damp, and all around blustery. And, when the temperatures fall, the wind blows, and cold water falls out of the sky, it is time for certain comfort foods to make it all bearable. As I’ve outlined in previous blogs, the kitchen in our home is my purview and the responsibility of putting said comfort foods on the table falls squarely upon me.

    Evil Kat SpeaksOf course, you all know that task comes with an added twist – I also have to make sure that the comfort food meets with Her Grand Exalted Highness Evil Kat’s expectations, lest I be chained up in the basement and ruthlessly tortured with garden tools and the like.

    Fortunately for me, there are a few comfort foods that actually make the evil redhead almost crack a smile. Not quite, but almost.

    I’ve discovered her favorites through trial and error – sometimes more error than trial, because E K doesn’t give you an opportunity to defend yourself. She just punishes you until you get it right, so I still have a few scars. But, these days I usually get beat for something besides my cooking.

    So, in case you have an Evil Redhead, Wicked Blonde, or Badass Brunette you need to please, or if you are just looking for some quick – or sometimes not so quick – recipes for comfort foods to drive the cold winter away, I might be able to help. Yeah… Just for fun I thought maybe I’d share a few of E Kay’s faves with you over the course of the next couple of months.

    And, just because I can – and because it’s been chilly – I’m going to start with one of the tops on her list, that being, of course, Chili.

    Now, before I get into the recipe proper I need to clarify a couple of things:

    1. Chili purists will tell you this isn’t really chili because it has beans in it. E K will not consume chili that does not have beans in it. I am not about to argue with her about that, as I value my life too much. Besides, the basement is cold, damp, and no one can hear you scream, except E K…
    2. My good buddy Dorothy Morrison will tell you this isn’t really chili because it has BLACK beans and corn in it. To this day I have no clue what black beans and corn did to get on her bad side, but let me tell you – don’t ever, and I mean ever, mention black beans and corn  in the same sentence around her. Same thing goes for sun dried tomatoes. The resulting rant is well… just plain scary. 😉
    3. Finally, I am going out on a limb and making the assumption that if you try this at home you already know your way around the kitchen so I’m not going to teach you how to cook here, just give you a recipe.

    So, on with said recipe…

    Chili E Kay’s Way

    A Midwestern Style Chili To Soothe An Evil Redhead

    (Prep time: 10 min – Cooking time: 20 min – Serves 4 to 6)


    1 lb Ground Turkey (Can use Ground Beef if desired)

    3/4 Cup Frozen Yellow Corn Kernels

    1 Can (14.5 oz) Diced Tomatoes

    2 Cans (14.5 oz each) Black Beans, Drained

    1 Large Yellow Onion, Chopped (Coarse or Fine, your preference)

    2 Tbsps Finely Chopped Jalapeño Pepper

    4 Tbsps Finely Chopped Pickled Sweet Banana Peppers

    3 Tbsp Vinegar (From Sweet Pickled Peppers)


    1 1/2 Tbsp Chili Powder

    1 Tbsp Paprika

    2 tsp Cumin

    1 Tbsp Raw Sugar (AKA Turbinado Sugar)

    1 1/2 tsp Ground Cinnamon

    1 Tbsp Ground Banana Pepper Flakes

    1 Tbsp Ground Mild Chili Pepper Flakes


    Personally, I prepare this dish in a large, stainless steel skillet, but then I do quite a bit of my cooking in a skillet – be it stainless steel, cast iron, Calphalon, or Chantal, as I have all of the above.

    Start by combining all of the seasonings in a small bowl and mixing them well – set aside. Then, chop the peppers and onions and generally do your prep work, of course.

    Begin the E Kay’s Chili by browning the ground turkey. If you elect to use ground beef instead, after browning drain the grease before continuing. Once the meat is browned, reduce heat then add all of the chopped peppers and onions. Sweat peppers and onions with browned meat until slightly translucent, raise heat and add vinegar. This will allow you to deglaze the pan. Add the spice mixture set aside earlier and mix throughout. Add frozen corn kernels and canned tomatoes (with liquid) and stir together. Reduce heat and simmer 5 to 10 minutes. Add drained black beans and mix well. Simmer until beans are heated through.

    Serve hot with shredded cheese (Colby-Jack is E Kay’s preference) and a dollop of sour cream.

    ChiliSome points of note – I transfer the finished chili into a casserole dish when it is done in order to make it easier to serve.

    You will also notice that there really isn’t much fire behind this chili – that’s pretty much because E K is as hot as it gets so she doesn’t need any more heat. However, if you are like me you might want to spice it up a bit. I embellish mine “in the bowl” with added Jalapeño Peppers and some of my homemade hot salsa. If I’m really in the mood for hot (other than E K, of course) I’ll toss a little ground Habanero in there too. You can certainly increase the “heat” skillet side for the whole batch should you so desire.

    Finally, the ground mild chili pepper flakes and ground sweet banana pepper flakes could be a minor issue for some of you, as in having them on hand. I garden, and have friends who garden, so I tend to dry and grind such items myself. However, you can easily find the above dried peppers in the ethnic foods section of your local grocery store, and a quick spin in a coffee grinder – everyone has a coffee grinder specifically for their spices, correct? – will render them to the state required. Just be warned, they are usually sold in large packages, and while not very expensive, you will end up with quite a few dried peppers on hand.

    And there you have it… Chili E Kay’s Way. I even came up with a catchy slogan in case I ever want to market it…

    “It’s good to eat, and you won’t get beat…”

    More to come…
