• Goodbye To All That…


    So, the other day I posted a Facebook status update that seemed to spark a small firestorm. Well, maybe not a firestorm. Maybe just a box of strike anywhere matches. A lot of flame, really fast, but then sorta gone unless it gets fuel.

    Anywho, here’s the stat update:

    The overall gist of the flaming box-o-matches came in the form of several “What?”, “Huh?”, and “Say it ain’t so!” sorts of comments. There were also a few direct email type communications taking me to task for being a big doody-head, all because I apparently OWE everyone. However, I pretty much ignored those. The real reason I am writing this blog is to address the “What?” and “Huh?” comments that came from people who either didn’t understand what I was saying, or in some cases, who completely misinterpreted what I was saying.

    So here’s the deal: I’m not deleting my Facebook account. That would just be all kinds of stupid, now wouldn’t it? I’m also NOT going to stop writing. Not yet anyway. I suspect I will eventually, but by then I expect to be dead.

    All I was trying to say is that I am NOT going to be putting a huge amount of effort into being the online entertainment for everyone on my “friends” list.


    Well, there are various reasons, but let’s start with this: I didn’t join Facebook to play Farmville, Mafia Wars, Befuddled Blatz, or any of that other crap. I joined it as a marketing tool. (GASP!) Yes. I am on Facebook to advertise myself and my books. Not to play games. Not to add as many people to my “friends list” as possible. Not to “be virtually social.”

    Now, I will grant you that I DO use Facebook to stay in touch with out-of-town friends, and even some in-town friends. I’ve even used it to reconnect with some family, but let’s face it – 2300+ friends? I don’t think so. Hell, I don’t even know 2300 people. Therefore, we obviously have a situation there, and that situation is that the vast majority of the people on my friends list are actually fans. Nothing wrong with that. Not complaining. Simply illustrating the fact that I am on Facebook to MARKET and ADVERTISE.

    And that is what I have been doing. That is exactly what the “Punny Floor Show” has been. Me entertaining people in order to raise “brand awareness.” However, as we know with any commercial on television, or billboard on the highway, eventually an ad campaign wanes in effectiveness. If it didn’t then Black and White Speedy Alka-Seltzer commercials would still be gracing our screens.

    So there you have it. Me putting on the pun hat and getting myself a nasty case of swamp ass daily, all in order to raise brand awareness worked for a while. Now it doesn’t anymore. Sure, there are folks who are entertained by the interaction, but it isn’t selling books. In fact, what eventually happened is that I began getting more and more friend requests from people who just wanted to watch the show, but didn’t want to pay the cover charge (i.e. visit a bookstore and buy a book or two. Moreover, a good number of them even claimed that they didn’t like to read and gave me grief over updates that mentioned my books. All they wanted was for me to be funny and entertaining. For free. I’m still trying to figure out how that translates into Ramen Noodles for Murv. My guess is that these folks are related to the people who download music, books, and movies from Torrent sites because they are entitled to them.)

    So, maybe this makes me a big asshole. Maybe it doesn’t. The point is, I’m not leaving Facebook. I’m just not going to waste my time behind the keyboard playing the online clown when it is no longer an effective marketing tool.

    Yeah, I know, me being pragmatic. Weird. Didn’t even know I had it in me, did you?

    More to come…


  • Aliens Ate My Wife…


    Apologies to Thomas Dolby for borrowing the phrase, “Aliens Ate My Buick…” and then mucking about with it. (Fantastic CD, BTW…)

    I know The Supreme Redhead is a conundrum. I accept this. After 25 plus years together, I’ve pretty much grown used to it. However, I’m pretty sure that this time she’s been abducted by aliens and replaced by an equally hot, equally evil, but not quite the same fembot.

    You see, for 25 plus years, Her Supreme Evilness, THE E K, has been a fan of Ham and Swiss. That was her thing. Now, of course, when she decided she wanted to be a little more food healthy she switched to Turkey and Swiss. No big deal. She was still doing the whole Blank and Swiss thing, be it Turkey, or the occasional Ham. Since I prepare her lunch each day – usually a smoked turkey (or occasionally ham) and Swiss with Portobello mushroom and various other veggies in a whole wheat wrap – I tend to ask her if she’d like something different. Every now and then it’s Tuna Salad, Egg Salad, or my signature Curried Chicken/Turkey Salad. Sometimes it’s just straight veggies, or even some leftover Vegetable Korma in a wrap.

    HOWEVER, when it comes to the lunch meat and cheese combo, it’s always Turkey or Ham and Swiss.  Do not deviate under threat of pain, or even a stiletto heel through the temple.

    Okay… I get that. I like consistency too.

    So imagine my surprise, shock, and outright horror when, while grocery shopping this past weekend, without prompting from me, or anyone else, she picked out Pastrami and Muenster for her daily lunch wraps.  Especially since I had suggested Pastrami several times in the past, only to be told, “I… Don’t… Like… Pastrami… Lackey! Now, just for that get down on the floor and give me twenty!”

    Twenty “whats” I’m never quite sure, which then results in a healthy beating, but that’s just life with THE Redhead.

    Yeah… She’s having Pastrami and Muenster today… Well, I guess I should say Evil Alien Fembot E K is having Pastrami and Muenster today. I don’t know what actual, real live Evil E K is having.

    I do, however, suspect that the aliens are regretting their decision and will be returning her shortly. Wonder what they’ll give me to take her back?

    Aww, who am I kidding? She’s probably already declared herself their Queen and has them all chained up in the dungeon.

    More to come…
