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  • Looks Like Kansas, Smells Like Kentucky…


    Please note that this is not NPR. However, I would like to welcome you to Morning Edition

    Day 2 of 2009: A WillyCon Odyssey (The following takes place between the hours of 5:30AM and 12:00PM. Events occur in real time) <— I tried to get Sutherland for that bit of narration, but he was busy….

    5:30 AM – AWAKE!

    @mrsellars – There is no java in my room and the Student Center doesn’t open til 7… Oh, Coffee, why hast thou forsaken me?

    @mrsellars – Watching morning TV in Wayne NE… Original Adam West Batman movie on… O_o

    @mrsellars – Local news is well… Local. Rather be watching @VirginiaKerr and @PaulCooked…

    @mrsellars – Jeez… I’m pretty sure I have socks older than that news anchor…

    6:30 AM

    @mrsellars – @cellphone: boop, boop, beep, bahp, beep, beep, boop, bahp, bahp, beep, boop… Ring… Ring… Ri!

    @EK – Hmnomnip?

    @mrsellars – Are you up?

    @EK – Yam nonno nam nip mmm.

    @mrsellars – Okay, just making sure. Didn’t want you to oversleep since I’m not there to wake you up like usual.

    @EK – Uhmm nimna hibbit nomma.

    @mrsellars – Okay, I’ll let you go then. Love you.

    @EK – Wubtoo moo.

    @mrsellars – Shower. Check… As coach Verby used to say, “Clean minds, clean bodies.” Well… At least my body is clean.

    @mrsellars – Students call cafeteria here the “Gag”. Funny… Noms here are wayyyy better than when I was in College thir-koff-koff years ago.

    @mrsellars – Srsly. Noms here really good. A ton to choose from too. Sandwich bar, tostada bar, soups, prepared meals of the day, etc… And they switch up all the time according to what I’m told.

    @mrsellars – Had Swiss steak (Northern version = mushroom soup instead of tomatoes and onions, but not bad), steamed veggies, and a salad for dinner last night.

    @mrsellars – Salad bar even had beets and unsalted sunflower seeds. How cool is that?

    @mrsellars – Looking forward to good noms for breakfast.

    @mrsellars – Someone above my head is moving furniture…

    @mrsellars – Hmmm… That thud didn’t sound good.

    @mrsellars – Wonder if there was a body involved?

    @mrsellars – Why yes, now that you ask, everything REALLY IS book material.

    @mrsellars – Local weather dude calling for foot of snow, blowing drifts, whiteout conditions.

    @mrsellars – SF faculty advisor tells me they’ve been hearing stuff like that for the past couple of weeks and it never comes to fruition.

    @mrsellars – Maybe their weather guy needs to talk to Matt Chambers in STL… Pick up a few pointers.

    @mrsellars – Hmmmm. Is it Nebraska or is it the fact that it’s a college campus? Man in shorts when 24 degrees not fazing anyone.

    @mrsellars – Of course, students are wandering about in t-shirts and ripped jeans. I probably fit right in.

    @mrsellars – Familiar odor lingering on the air as I walk to student center. Cow manure. Smells like back home in Kentucky.

    @mrsellars – {attack of nostalgia}{wistful sigh}

    @mrsellars – Morning noms good. Eggs, pancakes, sausage, mini blueberry muffin, and COFFEE!

    @mrsellars – Wonders what these kids would have called the cafeteria where he went to college. :-/

    @mrsellars – Hmmm. Place looks almost empty. [Looks Around]

    @mrsellars – Oh, wait… A couple of the SF club students I met last night are sitting over there. I should probably sit with them so they don’t think I’m full of myself or something.

    @mrsellars – Walkies…

    @mrsellars – @students_at_table: Good morning!

    @student_1 – [STARE]

    @student_1 – Goom nana. Ermm.

    @student_2 – [STARE]

    @student_2 – Grunt.

    @mrsellars – @students_at_table: How’s it goin’?

    @student_1 – Nerm goona, arbba tay. Ar ermmm. Nib.

    @student_1 – [STARE]

    @student_2 – [STARE]

    @mrsellars – Umm… Yeah… Klattu Verada Nikto.

    @mrsellars – [move to end of table. Enjoy morning noms in silence]

    @mrsellars – Remembers his college days… Silently empathizes with the two students.

    @mrsellars – Visited with faculty advisor. Signed book. Signed poster. Got more free nom passes for cafeteria.

    @mrsellars – SCORE! Found coffee shop on campus. I haz large StarMakeABucks in hand. Life is good.

    @mrsellars – Dorm room is about 12 x 24. Two smoke detectors. Must be looking for some pretty sneaky smoke…


    @mrsellars – Curse you, Perry the Platypus!

    @ perryplatypus – @mrsellars GrRrrRRrRrrRRRrRRrrRr

    @mrsellars – Bwuhahahahaha! That just never gets old…


    @mrsellars – Temp at 5:30 AM – 24… Now, at 10:30 AM – 44. Supposed to hit 57 before it starts into a nosedive. Then the white shit falls on our heads.

    @mrsellars – Camera is loaded and ready.

    @mrsellars – Fox squirrels EVERYWHERE. Fat bastards too. Used to see them in MO, but all I ever see there these days are the smaller greys.

    @mrsellars – Named one of the reds Skippy this morning. He sat with me and ate acorns while I drank coffee. No shit. Damn near right next to me.

    @mrsellars – Tamer than the family of greys I feed at home, and they’re pretty damn tame, so that says something.

    @mrsellars – Prevailing theory – the squirrels buddy up to students and sell them the answers to exams. Squirrels are sneaky like that.

    @mrsellars – Taking camera with next time.

    @mrsellars – You know… Now that I think on it, animals can predict weather even better than Matt Chambers…

    @mrsellars – My “country boy sense” is saying these little farts are telling us the sky really is going to dump on us tomorrow.

    @mrsellars – #fuckme

    11:30 AM

    @mrsellars – Coffee empty. Library with coffee shop across campus… Go for more, or relax for a bit and get some when I go for noontime noms?

    @mrsellars – Decisions, decisions…

    And there you have the morning edition…

    More to come…
