• I’m Flying North Again…


    …With thanks to Thomas Dolby for the snippet of song lyric which titles this entry. Actually, this all happened yesterday, but I warned y’all I’d probably be too tired to post my travel-blog until this morning, so there! :wink:

    But, let’s get down to business – Yes, I flew north in order to go south east. I know, doesn’t make sense to me either, but like I said before, there was no way to get to Wayne, NE from St. Louis. It was one of those “can’t get there from here” situations, and that included the reverse trip as well.

    At any rate, the following is a chronicle of my trip home, after Ron (the Wayne State College SF Club Faculty Advisor and one hell of a great guy) dropped me off at the airport.

    @mrsellars – Time to get my FLY SUX t-shirt. [browse…browse] [go to counter with t-shirt in hand]

    @SUX_Cashier – Gonna buy a t-shirt?

    @mrsellars – No, I just figured I’d carry it around the store for a while.

    @SUX_Cashier – o_o

    @mrsellars – It’s a joke. I’ll take two of these FLY SUX pilot’s wings pins too.

    @SUX_Cashier – Really want that stuff, huh?

    @mrsellars – Absolutely. It’s a moral imperative.

    @SUX_Security_Guard – At least you have morals.

    @mrsellars – Oh yeah. But of course, I didn’t say they were good morals.

    @SUX_Security_Guard – O_o

    @SUX_Cashier – O_o

    @Egg_Beater_Express – [Arriving at Gate 2] Pttthpppbtt…  whirrr…. pthbbbhhhtttttt… skreee… whirrr… Spit… Koff… Koff… Sputter… Klunk… Pop!

    @mrsellars – O_o

    @mrsellars – Oh yeah… This should be fun.

    @mrsellars – Wonders how they are going to fit all of the 4000 Asian individuals milling around the terminal onto that single plane.

    [Boarding time]

    @Gate_2 – [half dozen Asian passengers board plane] [remaining 3994 Asian folks wave from other side of TSA security checkpoint.]

    @mrsellars – Now that’s a big family… O_o

    @Egg_Beater_Flight_Attendant – Welcome aboard, don’tchaknow, Yah… We’re all goin to Manny-Sowda dere, all righty. Okey-dokey… Let’s all go ice fishin’ when we get dere… okey-dokey? Yah, don’tchaknow…

    @mrsellars – Shoot me now…

    @Egg_Beater_Flight_Attendant – Somethin’ to drink dere?

    @mrsellars – Coffee?

    @Egg_Beater_Flight_Attendant – Oh yah, I got some Kah-Fee dere. Yah want anything in it dere?

    @mrsellars – Not unless it’s really bad coffee.

    @Egg_Beater_Flight_Attendant – Ohhhh, I heard all about you dere, don’tcha know… You just fasten up your seatbelt dere mister…

    @Egg_Beater_Express – Ptthhbbbppptptt… Pthbbt… Whirr… Whocka… Thumpa… Pthbbbttttt…

    @mrsellars – O_o

    @mrsellars – How in the hell can it be so far from Gate A3 to B1?

    @MN-SP_Airport – Arrive Gate A3… Connection Gate B1… No, B3… Wait… Okay, B8… B8, yah, that’s it dere don’tchaknow… Stay at B8 dere… Yah… All good dere… Yah, go get noms… We’ll be right here when you get back don’tchaknow…

    @mrsellars – [Goes for noms]

    @mrsellars – Same employees at Quiznos. Still moving in slow motion. Caribou coffee again.

    @mrsellars – [returns from getting noms]

    @MN-SP_Airport – PSYCHE! Connection now at B14…

    @mrsellars – O_o

    @mrsellars – Consumed another not so stellar wrap – Honey Mustard chicken this time. Plenty of lettuce ribs from trash included… Mmmm-mmm-mmm, good fiber. More blue green algae. Total cost of $2 wrap and $1 drink, $12.35…

    @mrsellars – Price discrepancy due to purchasing coffee at Caribou Coffee as well. Not in the mood for pencil shavings today. Plus, if tasting E Kay’s stockings would prefer she be present (See: We’re Off To See The Blizzard…)

    @mrsellars – Still not telling…

    @Young_Hottie_Passenger – [Waving at man walking past gate] Hey! Old Guy!!

    @Old_Guy_Passenger – [Stops] Hey… How are you?

    @Old_Guy’s_Wife – Are you flirting with women AGAIN!!!

    @mrsellars – Hmmm… Impending catfight?

    @Young_Hottie_Passenger – But… But… I just sat next to him on the plane…

    @Old_Guy’s_Wife – Oh yeah, Beeyotch!!

    @mrsellars – @other_passenger – Gimme $50 on the old chick.

    @Flight_Attendant – Sir, can I ask you to move so that this family can sit together.

    @mrsellars – Sure.

    @mrsellars – [move move move]

    @Old_Asian_Guy_Across_Aisle – [Looks] [points] [elbows wife] [points] [both proceed to jabber to one another while pointing and staring]

    @mrsellars – Hmmmm… Apparently Asian Minnesotans have never seen a guy in shorts either.

    @STL_Lambert_Airport – Your luggage will be at M6… No wait… M3…. No… M4… PSYCHE! M6…

    @mrsellars – O_o

    Arrive Passenger Pickup Area

    @EK – Dammit, you made the flight… I thought I told you to go for a walk in that blizzard?

    @mrsellars – I did.

    @EK – And you found your way back?

    @mrsellars – Yeah.

    @EK – Dammit.

    @mrsellars – @EK – You’re looking exceptionally pretty today.

    @EK – Of course I am.

    @Offspring – Psshbbbbppttt! Daaahhhhddddyyyy… It’s just because you haven’t seen her for a few days.

    @EK – O_o

    @mrsellars – O_o

    Finally Home

    @EK – I read your blogs.

    @mrsellars – Okay.

    @EK – I know about the other cow.

    @mrsellars – Yeah.

    @EK – Did you get me any steaks?

    @mrsellars – Nope. Locals beat me to it again.

    @EK – Stay right here. I’m going to go get something to beat you with.

    @mrsellars – Yes ma’am.

    And so ends the odyssey… Well, not completely. I have some film to drop off, and I already have a few of the digital pix courtesy of Ron. I’ll be throwing together a retrospective via my newsletter in the next few days.

    Thanks again to everyone at WillyCon and Wayne State College for letting me be a part of their convention. I had a blast. Oh, and now I can say I’ve weathered a minor blizzard too. :grin:

    More to come…


  • LED’s, Dorkiness, And The Donner Party…


    I’m officially back in my room for the evening. Opening ceremonies are over and the groups have split off to engage in FRPG’s, MMORPG’s, and the like. Others are exuberantly bouncing around the campus sticking battery powered LED’s to metal rafters by attaching them to magnets and launching them at the ceiling. Have to admit, the student center is pretty colorful right now.

    Unfortunately, I just don’t party into the night as well as I used to. All part of that aging thing I suppose. At any rate, here is my evening report from the WillyCon XI Odyssey.

    @mrsellars – Noon noms, more good chow. Szechwan chicken stir-fry with lots of veggies and a small spinach salad with some sunflower seeds and beets.

    @mrsellars – Wish I could afford to eat this healthy at home.

    @mrsellars – Where the hell is my flash drive?

    @mrsellars – Dammit… That flash drive has manuscript stuff on it that doesn’t need to be released just yet…

    @mrsellars – Shit. Must have lost it when I was walking this morning.

    @mrsellars – Walkies… Lookies…Walkies… Lookies… Walkies…

    @mrsellars – [Back at room] Well hell… hopefully someone turned it in.

    @mrsellars – Hey… What’s this in my coat pocket?

    @mrsellars – #fuckme

    @mrsellars – Universe is definitely making sure I get that exercise… What next? Am I going to end up shoveling snow?

    @mrsellars – Forget I said that… Srsly. Just pretend it never happened.

    @mrsellars – Did the big cheese leave a badge for me?

    @Con_Registration –  Yeah, Murv. Number 2.

    @mrsellars –  No thanks, I did number 2 this morning. I probably need to do a number 1 though.

    @Con_Registration – O_o

    @mrsellars – [Watching a segment of Omega Man with Charlton Heston] [shakes head] I just can’t watch this without expecting him to say, “Get your hands off me you damn dirty ape!”

    @Con_Registraton – LOL

    @Movie_Watchers – O_o

    @mrsellars –  I wonder why that maintenance guy is cleaning that rock with a wire brush?

    @mrsellars – Went to campus coffee shop. Business so slow today they didn’t make any more coffee.

    @mrsellars – Young lady behind counter made me huge espresso latte thingie for same price. She is now my new best girlfriend.

    @New_Best_Girlfriend – [Notices my badge] Are you a speaker for WillyCon?

    @mrsellars – Yes. I’m actually the author guest of honor.

    @New_Best_Girlfriend – Really?!

    @mrsellars – Yeah.

    @New_Best_Girlfriend – What do you write?

    @mrsellars – Books.

    @New_Best_Girlfriend – O_o [Pause] LOL! No kidding?

    @mrsellars – Why would I kid you about that? (grin) But seriously, I write Paranormal Suspense Thrillers.

    @New_Best_Girlfriend – Really?!

    @mrsellars – O_o

    @mrsellars – Watched part of Logan’s Run. Jenny Agutter was kinda hot.

    @mrsellars – E K needs one of those outfits…

    @mrsellars – [wistful stare]

    @mrsellars – Ahem. Ummm. Need to stop thinking about E K in one of those outfits.

    @mrsellars – Watched part of Family Guy Star Wars spoof…

    @mrsellars – All kinds of wrong happening on that screen.

    @mrsellars – Really liked lightsabre = bug zapper gag. LOL at that one.

    @mrsellars – When visual Doctor Who reference happened, excused myself for dinner.

    @mrsellars – Not very hungry at dinner, but it was my last chance to eat for the day. Just had a couple of fish sticks , a small scoop of rice, and some coleslaw. Still very good.

    @mrsellars – Fruit punch and Sierra Mist. Not bad. Bet a couple of shots of Vodka would make it even better.

    @mrsellars – Dry campus.

    @mrsellare – Do I really need to use the hashtag at this point? Y’all already know what I’m going to say…

    @mrsellars – [mingle] tell stories [mingle] brag about kid [mingle] brag about wife [mingle] re-tell stories and chat [mingle]

    @Darth_Doodie_Shirt_Girl – So, what kind of books do you write?

    @mrsellars – Scary shit.

    @Darth_Doodie_Shirt_Girl – Cool. I like scary shit.

    @Attendee_on_Balcony – Mister Murv!

    @mrsellars – [looking upward] Hi!

    @Attendee_on_Balcony – Mister Murv, you need to change your Facebook photo.

    @mrsellars – [still looking upward] Why?

    @Darth_Doodie_Shirt_Girl – No he doesn’t.

    @Attendee_on_Balcony – Yes he does… Wait, I’ll come down.

    @mrsellars – Okay.

    @jeopardy_theme – Do da Do da Do da Dooo, Do da Do da, Doop da do do do do…

    @Attendee_from_Balcony – Hi. Nice to meet you.

    @mrsellars – Hi. Nice to meet you too.

    @Attendee_from_Balcony – So, you need to change your Facebook photo. It makes you look like a dork, and not in a good way.

    @mrsellars – O_o

    (Note: @Attendee_from_Balcony had some valid points if looked at from her point of view, even though @Darth_Doodie_Shirt_Girl didn’t agree with said points.)

    @mrsellars – Heard that weather service is now predicting a possibility of 16 inches of snow starting tomorrow night.

    @mrsellars – Have elected to form a survival plan.

    @mrsellars – Might be able to find the necessary items in this dorm room to make snow shoes. Maybe even a sled.

    @mrsellars – Currently investigating what will be involved with disassembling the bunk beds on the other side of the room in order to begin construction of aforementioned items.

    @mrsellars – Heard several dogs barking earlier. Will investigate in the morning in case I need to assemble a sled team in a hurry.

    @mrsellars – Side benefit of sled construction: leftovers from bunk bed frame can be used as firewood.

    @mrsellars – As of now @skippy_the_squirrel and his friends are considered livestock.

    @mrsellars – Will steal salt shakers from cafeteria tomorrow in order to preserve  them.

    @mrsellars – Using pages from convention program book to make pattern for squirrel hide snowsuit.

    @mrsellars – Just to be safe, presently designing multi-tiered defense system for room. I know what happened with the Donner party, and I ain’t gonna git et.

    More to come…


    (Note: If you are reading my blog for the first time please understand that what I post here is not only observational humor, but satirical as well. For the record, the folks at WillyCon are absolutely wonderful, have been a joy to hang out with, and I am having a great time. Really.  And they didn’t even force me say that or anything… 🙂 )