• Murv The Perv…


    Got your attention, didn’t I?

    Well, don’t start covering your eyes just yet. There’s a good story behind that selection for the title. But then, there always is, isn’t there?

    So, I think we have pretty well established that I had myself a haircut. If anyone is just now coming into this and doesn’t know about it, go back a few entries and look at the pictures.  Better yet, just click here – Murv Makeover. I had the 20 year ponytail lopped off and a new “do” sculpted atop the braincase. Rumor has it I look younger. Don’t know if that’s true, but what the hell, I’ll take it…

    Now, if you’ve been a regular reader of Brainpan Leakage, and I’m talking even way back to the original Myspace Blog Platform days, then you are also familiar with my views on art. If not, read about it here – Murv’s Views On Art.

    Okay, all caught up? Good.

    So, by now I am sure you are wondering what my curmudgeonly views on art and a haircut have to do with one another. Why do I say that? Because it seems y’all wonder an awful lot whenever I tell a story. Wonder why that is?

    Okay, okay… I’ll get on with it. I have a friend – quit snickering… I actually have several friends believe it or not… So, anyway, I have a good friend who is an artist. No, not the guy who does bookcovers. A different person. A girl person. Someone I went to high school with, in fact.

    Every now and then I get an email from Celeste telling me that she has a piece or two in an art show, or that she has a showing at a coffee house, or something like that. Now, Celeste actually does art I can appreciate, unlike that which I ramble about in the above linked blog entry. Unfortunately, as life and timing would have it, every time I hear from her about a show, it is falling on a day when I will be in West-Whatchamacallit doing a signing, therefore I never seem to be able to attend. Because of this, I haven’t actually seen Celeste in a couple of years.

    Fast forward to this past Friday night. I had received a note from my friend that she had a piece in an art show at the gallery over at Meramec College. I checked my schedule and voila, I was going to be in town. So, E K, the offspring and I decided we would go to the gallery and surprise Celeste.

    We arrived and wandered around, looking at various pieces of sculpture, paintings, and all manner of stuff. I kept searching through the crowd for my friend. Eventually, I spotted her across the gallery. Telling E K, I skirted around the folks and made my way over to where Celeste was standing. Unfortunately, as fate would have it, she turned and was walking away right about the time I arrived on her side of the room.

    So, what did I do? Well, since there were hushed conversations going on all around me and the atmosphere seemed a bit libarary-ish, I reached out and poked her right in the back of the neck with my index finger before she could get away. Of course, she immediately turned to see what, or who, had touched her.

    This is where the haircut comes in. Remember, Celeste hadn’t seen me for a couple of years, and she doesn’t really follow my blog.

    My friend started out with a curious look on her face, as one would expect. This quickly morphed into a furrowed brow, which was even more rapidly replaced by a scowl and glare.

    Yeah, she was standing there staring at me with an if looks could kill expression that said in no uncertain terms, “Who the hell are you and why the fuck did you touch me you pervert?!”

    It took better than 5 seconds – maybe even ten – before the scowl disappeared and recognition spread over her face as she yelped, “Murv!” and gave me a hug. Good thing too, because I starting to think she was going to hit me.

    I guess the moral of the story here is, don’t get your hair cut then go around arbitrarily touching people, no matter how long you’ve been friends.

    Still… It was priceless. I really wish I’d had a camera.

    More to come…


  • I’m Flying North Again…


    …With thanks to Thomas Dolby for the snippet of song lyric which titles this entry. Actually, this all happened yesterday, but I warned y’all I’d probably be too tired to post my travel-blog until this morning, so there! :wink:

    But, let’s get down to business – Yes, I flew north in order to go south east. I know, doesn’t make sense to me either, but like I said before, there was no way to get to Wayne, NE from St. Louis. It was one of those “can’t get there from here” situations, and that included the reverse trip as well.

    At any rate, the following is a chronicle of my trip home, after Ron (the Wayne State College SF Club Faculty Advisor and one hell of a great guy) dropped me off at the airport.

    @mrsellars – Time to get my FLY SUX t-shirt. [browse…browse] [go to counter with t-shirt in hand]

    @SUX_Cashier – Gonna buy a t-shirt?

    @mrsellars – No, I just figured I’d carry it around the store for a while.

    @SUX_Cashier – o_o

    @mrsellars – It’s a joke. I’ll take two of these FLY SUX pilot’s wings pins too.

    @SUX_Cashier – Really want that stuff, huh?

    @mrsellars – Absolutely. It’s a moral imperative.

    @SUX_Security_Guard – At least you have morals.

    @mrsellars – Oh yeah. But of course, I didn’t say they were good morals.

    @SUX_Security_Guard – O_o

    @SUX_Cashier – O_o

    @Egg_Beater_Express – [Arriving at Gate 2] Pttthpppbtt…  whirrr…. pthbbbhhhtttttt… skreee… whirrr… Spit… Koff… Koff… Sputter… Klunk… Pop!

    @mrsellars – O_o

    @mrsellars – Oh yeah… This should be fun.

    @mrsellars – Wonders how they are going to fit all of the 4000 Asian individuals milling around the terminal onto that single plane.

    [Boarding time]

    @Gate_2 – [half dozen Asian passengers board plane] [remaining 3994 Asian folks wave from other side of TSA security checkpoint.]

    @mrsellars – Now that’s a big family… O_o

    @Egg_Beater_Flight_Attendant – Welcome aboard, don’tchaknow, Yah… We’re all goin to Manny-Sowda dere, all righty. Okey-dokey… Let’s all go ice fishin’ when we get dere… okey-dokey? Yah, don’tchaknow…

    @mrsellars – Shoot me now…

    @Egg_Beater_Flight_Attendant – Somethin’ to drink dere?

    @mrsellars – Coffee?

    @Egg_Beater_Flight_Attendant – Oh yah, I got some Kah-Fee dere. Yah want anything in it dere?

    @mrsellars – Not unless it’s really bad coffee.

    @Egg_Beater_Flight_Attendant – Ohhhh, I heard all about you dere, don’tcha know… You just fasten up your seatbelt dere mister…

    @Egg_Beater_Express – Ptthhbbbppptptt… Pthbbt… Whirr… Whocka… Thumpa… Pthbbbttttt…

    @mrsellars – O_o

    @mrsellars – How in the hell can it be so far from Gate A3 to B1?

    @MN-SP_Airport – Arrive Gate A3… Connection Gate B1… No, B3… Wait… Okay, B8… B8, yah, that’s it dere don’tchaknow… Stay at B8 dere… Yah… All good dere… Yah, go get noms… We’ll be right here when you get back don’tchaknow…

    @mrsellars – [Goes for noms]

    @mrsellars – Same employees at Quiznos. Still moving in slow motion. Caribou coffee again.

    @mrsellars – [returns from getting noms]

    @MN-SP_Airport – PSYCHE! Connection now at B14…

    @mrsellars – O_o

    @mrsellars – Consumed another not so stellar wrap – Honey Mustard chicken this time. Plenty of lettuce ribs from trash included… Mmmm-mmm-mmm, good fiber. More blue green algae. Total cost of $2 wrap and $1 drink, $12.35…

    @mrsellars – Price discrepancy due to purchasing coffee at Caribou Coffee as well. Not in the mood for pencil shavings today. Plus, if tasting E Kay’s stockings would prefer she be present (See: We’re Off To See The Blizzard…)

    @mrsellars – Still not telling…

    @Young_Hottie_Passenger – [Waving at man walking past gate] Hey! Old Guy!!

    @Old_Guy_Passenger – [Stops] Hey… How are you?

    @Old_Guy’s_Wife – Are you flirting with women AGAIN!!!

    @mrsellars – Hmmm… Impending catfight?

    @Young_Hottie_Passenger – But… But… I just sat next to him on the plane…

    @Old_Guy’s_Wife – Oh yeah, Beeyotch!!

    @mrsellars – @other_passenger – Gimme $50 on the old chick.

    @Flight_Attendant – Sir, can I ask you to move so that this family can sit together.

    @mrsellars – Sure.

    @mrsellars – [move move move]

    @Old_Asian_Guy_Across_Aisle – [Looks] [points] [elbows wife] [points] [both proceed to jabber to one another while pointing and staring]

    @mrsellars – Hmmmm… Apparently Asian Minnesotans have never seen a guy in shorts either.

    @STL_Lambert_Airport – Your luggage will be at M6… No wait… M3…. No… M4… PSYCHE! M6…

    @mrsellars – O_o

    Arrive Passenger Pickup Area

    @EK – Dammit, you made the flight… I thought I told you to go for a walk in that blizzard?

    @mrsellars – I did.

    @EK – And you found your way back?

    @mrsellars – Yeah.

    @EK – Dammit.

    @mrsellars – @EK – You’re looking exceptionally pretty today.

    @EK – Of course I am.

    @Offspring – Psshbbbbppttt! Daaahhhhddddyyyy… It’s just because you haven’t seen her for a few days.

    @EK – O_o

    @mrsellars – O_o

    Finally Home

    @EK – I read your blogs.

    @mrsellars – Okay.

    @EK – I know about the other cow.

    @mrsellars – Yeah.

    @EK – Did you get me any steaks?

    @mrsellars – Nope. Locals beat me to it again.

    @EK – Stay right here. I’m going to go get something to beat you with.

    @mrsellars – Yes ma’am.

    And so ends the odyssey… Well, not completely. I have some film to drop off, and I already have a few of the digital pix courtesy of Ron. I’ll be throwing together a retrospective via my newsletter in the next few days.

    Thanks again to everyone at WillyCon and Wayne State College for letting me be a part of their convention. I had a blast. Oh, and now I can say I’ve weathered a minor blizzard too. :grin:

    More to come…
