• Chimp With A Gun…


    Just a quick note here… I mean, after all, the next installment of Mahwage deploys tomorrow, and I’m sure you don’t need me cluttering up the flow of the series with too much rambling…

    Anywho, I received an email or two about the chimp with the gun “avatar” on my replies to your comments – you will also notice that a few other folks have interesting little pictures too, whereas the bulk of you have a generic smiley face emoticon type of thing.

    The emails have pretty much been kind of Steve Martinish, (if you remember his old standup routines of the 70’s… Yeah… I do…)

    Hey… …Murv… …Is there some way that I… …can have an avatar… …too?”

    Well, yeah, actually, you can… You see WordPress supports something called “Gravatar” which is a site that allows you to set up a free account and “link” an avatar to your email address. It’s quick, easy, and completely painless, (unless you have trouble deciding on your avatar that is)… It will even let you upload several different avatars and assign them ratings (i.e. motion picture style – G, PG, R, X), and blogs which support it will filter which avatar is used based on it’s inherent “content rating” as set up by the author/blogger.

    Kinda cool, eh?

    So, for those of you wanting to have something other than the generic smiley face thing that I set up as the default, there you go. Easy like pie. Or cake. Or whatever…

    Gravatar can be found here: http://en.gravatar.com/

    … Anyway, if you don’t do the Gravatar thing, it’s no biggie to me. Your comments will just continue to be tagged with the emoticon guy… Unless I get squirrely and change it… and, well, you know how I tend to get squirrely every now and then…

    Bwuh ha ha ha ha ha ha! 

    More to come…
