• E K And The “Evil League Of Evil”…


    So, I ran across something today. I’m not sure if I was supposed to see it or not, but since it was just laying there in plain view… Well… It caught my attention and I pretty much couldn’t help but read it.

    You see, during the morning running about today I had myself an extra chore, as assigned by the Evil Redhead herself, that being the task of going to the bank and making a deposit. I know, I know, why in the world would E K allow me to:

    1. Go anywhere near a bank.
    2. Have money.
    3. Be anywhere near money.
    4. Especially be anywhere near money that belongs to her.
    5. Know of the existence of money.
    6. Ad infinitum…

    Yeah, yeah, give me a break… We all know I’m less than frugal and not all that good at money management, I’ve already admitted as much. And,  because of that, E K handles all of the finances and doesn’t let me near the money. Nothing new there… However, after 22+ years of marriage she does have me fairly well trained, (or more accurately, beaten into submission).

    Therefore, she will occasionally entrust me with the task of making a bank deposit. Of course, whenever she does this I am escorted by armed guards, and then there are also the other security measures, such as dye packs, double signature requirements, fingerprint and retinal scan ID requirements, a shock collar locked around my neck, etc… So, the chances of me actually being able to do anything other than hand the deposit over to a bonded courier at the bank are practically nil… Well, not practically I don’t guess… When you get right down to it they are about as nil as they can get…

    But, yeah, I’m now following a semi-related chicken, so let’s get back on track…

    Upon my return home, as is my prescribed duty I placed the documentation, which proves I have completed the task, upon the Evil One’s desk. It was at this point I came across the “something.” It was just tossed out there in plain sight… You know… In a file folder, which was sealed in a manila envelope,  which was stamped “eyes only” and “Do Not Open – This Means You, Murv”, which was stuffed under some other files in her briefcase, which was double locked and tucked back into a secret, hidden cubbyhole beneath her desk…

    See what I mean? Right there in plain sight…

    So, anyway, a picture of said “something” is inserted below, and since it might be a bit hard to read from an image, I have also copied the text  and placed it beneath the picture for your convenience…

    Evil Kat's letter to Bad Horse

    February 20, 2009
    RE: Evil League of Evil


    Bad Horse
    Evil League of Evil
    ELE Secret Headquarters
    It’s a secret you moron

    Dear Bad Horse:

    This letter is to inform you that I am officially declining your invitation to join the Evil League of Evil. While the offer of full membership is certainly attractive, especially considering the convertible toaster oven/death-ray signing incentive you threw in, it still did not escape my attention that said offer also included a rider, which in effect would ban me from seeking the position of CEO for the League.

    To that end, I have now initiated a hostile takeover of the Evil League of Evil. On that note, as you are well aware, my anger management classes did not go so well. Therefore, even if you were to agree to a buyout, this takeover would still be hostile, because to put it simply, everything I do is hostile. Extremely hostile and just plain mean. Besides, I’m evil, enough said.

    As of today, I have obtained the necessary shares to gain controlling interest in the League. My latest purchase, which put me over the top, was thanks to Doctor Horrible who was in dire need of quick cash to pay off his student loans. (Apparently a PhD in horribleness is rather expensive.)

    In conclusion, I am calling for you, BH, to vacate the post of CEO PDQ. I am giving you 24 hours to clean out your stall. As is called for in the by-laws, I will also require you to submit a formal letter of resignation.  I would appreciate knowing the ETA on that ASAP.

    Now, if you will excuse me, I have a shoe sale to attend.

    Disrespectfully Yours,

    Evil Kat's "Kat SKratch" Signatature...

    Evil Kat

    Queen Bitch of the Whole F***ing Universe

    E K:lackey #1

    … You know, something tells me we should all be very worried. Especially Bad Horse…

    More to come…


    (… If you are unfamiliar with the Evil League of Evil, Bad Horse, and/or Doctor Horrible, I highly recommend you check out the following links: drhorrible.com and  evilleagueofevil.com. You owe it to yourself to stay informed… Especially since E K is taking over…)

  • E K And The Monkey…


    Some of you may have noticed a bit of a change in the footer section of Brainpan Leakage. If you haven’t just yet, feel free to scroll down, have a look, then scroll back up… I’ll be happy to wait…

    Okay, done looking? Good deal…

    Well, here’s a bit of an explanation for the changes…

    Everyone knows that extra special stuff for your blog, AKA – Blog Bling, is important. That’s why there are all manner of plug-ins for displaying pictures and the like, or even stuff that is related to various causes, such as the pink ribbon for October, etc.

    Well, in the interest of causes, awards, blog endorsements, and just general silliness, my brain elected to leak out some stuff for other bloggers to grab in case they wanted some Brainpan Leakage specific Blog Bling…

    If desired, bloggers can simply download the image desired, then upload it to their own site. Then insert the provided html snippet, (being sure to change the www.yourdomain.com to the location of the graphic on their server, of course), into their page wherever they wish to display the bling. I ask only that the graphics remain unaltered and that the link to Brainpan Leakage remain intact.

    If you decide to display any of this bling, let me know and I’ll add you to the appropriate rolls!


    Show the world you are a caring blogger. Let everyone know that no monkeys were harmed by your blog, and that your content is Certified Simian Safe!

    Certified Simian Safe

    <a href="http://www.mrsellars.com/mrblog">
    <img src="http://www.yourdomain.com/simian_safe_trans.png"
     alt="Certified Simian Safe"></a>

    Certified Simian Safe

    <a href="http://www.mrsellars.com/mrblog">
    <img src="http://www.yourdomain.com/simian_safe_001.png"
    alt="Certified Simian Safe"></a>


    Endorsements for your blog are ever important. What better recommendation could you have than that of the Evil Redhead herself, E K! New visitors will be compelled to read your blog, because if they don’t, E K will hunt them down and hurt them! (Trust me, she’s evil like that…)

    Evil Kat Approved

    <a href="http://www.mrsellars.com/mrblog">
    <img src="http://www.yourdomain.com/ek_approved_trans.png"
    alt="Evil Kat Approved"></a>

    Evil Kat Approved

    <a href="http://www.mrsellars.com/mrblog">
    <img src="http://www.yourdomain.com/ek_approved_001.png"
    alt="Evil Kat Approved"></a>

    A permanent link to this information can be found in the sidebar menu, under “Blog Bling”…

    Yes.  I’m a silly bastage, but you already knew this… That fact, however,  shouldn’t keep you from tagging your blogs with the above displayed, most excellent Bling…


    More to come…
