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  • I’m Flying North Again…


    …With thanks to Thomas Dolby for the snippet of song lyric which titles this entry. Actually, this all happened yesterday, but I warned y’all I’d probably be too tired to post my travel-blog until this morning, so there! :wink:

    But, let’s get down to business – Yes, I flew north in order to go south east. I know, doesn’t make sense to me either, but like I said before, there was no way to get to Wayne, NE from St. Louis. It was one of those “can’t get there from here” situations, and that included the reverse trip as well.

    At any rate, the following is a chronicle of my trip home, after Ron (the Wayne State College SF Club Faculty Advisor and one hell of a great guy) dropped me off at the airport.

    @mrsellars – Time to get my FLY SUX t-shirt. [browse…browse] [go to counter with t-shirt in hand]

    @SUX_Cashier – Gonna buy a t-shirt?

    @mrsellars – No, I just figured I’d carry it around the store for a while.

    @SUX_Cashier – o_o

    @mrsellars – It’s a joke. I’ll take two of these FLY SUX pilot’s wings pins too.

    @SUX_Cashier – Really want that stuff, huh?

    @mrsellars – Absolutely. It’s a moral imperative.

    @SUX_Security_Guard – At least you have morals.

    @mrsellars – Oh yeah. But of course, I didn’t say they were good morals.

    @SUX_Security_Guard – O_o

    @SUX_Cashier – O_o

    @Egg_Beater_Express – [Arriving at Gate 2] Pttthpppbtt…  whirrr…. pthbbbhhhtttttt… skreee… whirrr… Spit… Koff… Koff… Sputter… Klunk… Pop!

    @mrsellars – O_o

    @mrsellars – Oh yeah… This should be fun.

    @mrsellars – Wonders how they are going to fit all of the 4000 Asian individuals milling around the terminal onto that single plane.

    [Boarding time]

    @Gate_2 – [half dozen Asian passengers board plane] [remaining 3994 Asian folks wave from other side of TSA security checkpoint.]

    @mrsellars – Now that’s a big family… O_o

    @Egg_Beater_Flight_Attendant – Welcome aboard, don’tchaknow, Yah… We’re all goin to Manny-Sowda dere, all righty. Okey-dokey… Let’s all go ice fishin’ when we get dere… okey-dokey? Yah, don’tchaknow…

    @mrsellars – Shoot me now…

    @Egg_Beater_Flight_Attendant – Somethin’ to drink dere?

    @mrsellars – Coffee?

    @Egg_Beater_Flight_Attendant – Oh yah, I got some Kah-Fee dere. Yah want anything in it dere?

    @mrsellars – Not unless it’s really bad coffee.

    @Egg_Beater_Flight_Attendant – Ohhhh, I heard all about you dere, don’tcha know… You just fasten up your seatbelt dere mister…

    @Egg_Beater_Express – Ptthhbbbppptptt… Pthbbt… Whirr… Whocka… Thumpa… Pthbbbttttt…

    @mrsellars – O_o

    @mrsellars – How in the hell can it be so far from Gate A3 to B1?

    @MN-SP_Airport – Arrive Gate A3… Connection Gate B1… No, B3… Wait… Okay, B8… B8, yah, that’s it dere don’tchaknow… Stay at B8 dere… Yah… All good dere… Yah, go get noms… We’ll be right here when you get back don’tchaknow…

    @mrsellars – [Goes for noms]

    @mrsellars – Same employees at Quiznos. Still moving in slow motion. Caribou coffee again.

    @mrsellars – [returns from getting noms]

    @MN-SP_Airport – PSYCHE! Connection now at B14…

    @mrsellars – O_o

    @mrsellars – Consumed another not so stellar wrap – Honey Mustard chicken this time. Plenty of lettuce ribs from trash included… Mmmm-mmm-mmm, good fiber. More blue green algae. Total cost of $2 wrap and $1 drink, $12.35…

    @mrsellars – Price discrepancy due to purchasing coffee at Caribou Coffee as well. Not in the mood for pencil shavings today. Plus, if tasting E Kay’s stockings would prefer she be present (See: We’re Off To See The Blizzard…)

    @mrsellars – Still not telling…

    @Young_Hottie_Passenger – [Waving at man walking past gate] Hey! Old Guy!!

    @Old_Guy_Passenger – [Stops] Hey… How are you?

    @Old_Guy’s_Wife – Are you flirting with women AGAIN!!!

    @mrsellars – Hmmm… Impending catfight?

    @Young_Hottie_Passenger – But… But… I just sat next to him on the plane…

    @Old_Guy’s_Wife – Oh yeah, Beeyotch!!

    @mrsellars – @other_passenger – Gimme $50 on the old chick.

    @Flight_Attendant – Sir, can I ask you to move so that this family can sit together.

    @mrsellars – Sure.

    @mrsellars – [move move move]

    @Old_Asian_Guy_Across_Aisle – [Looks] [points] [elbows wife] [points] [both proceed to jabber to one another while pointing and staring]

    @mrsellars – Hmmmm… Apparently Asian Minnesotans have never seen a guy in shorts either.

    @STL_Lambert_Airport – Your luggage will be at M6… No wait… M3…. No… M4… PSYCHE! M6…

    @mrsellars – O_o

    Arrive Passenger Pickup Area

    @EK – Dammit, you made the flight… I thought I told you to go for a walk in that blizzard?

    @mrsellars – I did.

    @EK – And you found your way back?

    @mrsellars – Yeah.

    @EK – Dammit.

    @mrsellars – @EK – You’re looking exceptionally pretty today.

    @EK – Of course I am.

    @Offspring – Psshbbbbppttt! Daaahhhhddddyyyy… It’s just because you haven’t seen her for a few days.

    @EK – O_o

    @mrsellars – O_o

    Finally Home

    @EK – I read your blogs.

    @mrsellars – Okay.

    @EK – I know about the other cow.

    @mrsellars – Yeah.

    @EK – Did you get me any steaks?

    @mrsellars – Nope. Locals beat me to it again.

    @EK – Stay right here. I’m going to go get something to beat you with.

    @mrsellars – Yes ma’am.

    And so ends the odyssey… Well, not completely. I have some film to drop off, and I already have a few of the digital pix courtesy of Ron. I’ll be throwing together a retrospective via my newsletter in the next few days.

    Thanks again to everyone at WillyCon and Wayne State College for letting me be a part of their convention. I had a blast. Oh, and now I can say I’ve weathered a minor blizzard too. :grin:

    More to come…


  • Freak Storm, Backyard Carnage…


    Well, maybe not “carnage” so much, but our Red Bud tree took some damage from the freak March snowstorm that struck overnight here in Saint Louis. Only a few inches of the white stuff fell, but it was in a very, very short period of time. Plus, it was the heavy, wet snow that tends to weigh things down.

    It was around 4:45 – 5:00 AM when I heard the sickening sound of cracking lumber. In my half sleep I actually felt a bit of panic because there used to be a large oak right outside our back door, and it had been dying for years. I finally had it taken out summer before last, but in the past it had dropped limbs and exacted a toll on both our house and that of our neighbor.  However, up until I had it removed I had harbored a fear that it would some day send one of the larger branches through our roof, and if that happened, our bedroom would be right in the damage path.  Still in a semi-dream state, this was my muddied brain’s first thought. I hooked an arm around E K as I rolled to the right, but before I could push her off the bed and out of harm’s way, I heard the heavy thud of the branch hitting the ground outside instead of coming through the roof on top of us. My brain woke just a bit more and in that instant I remembered that the oak was gone.

    Good thing too…

    E K was still asleep, but if I had pushed her off onto the floor, I’m betting she wouldn’t have been for long.

    I crawled out of the bed and looked out the back window of our bedroom. Snow covered the landscape in an uneven, spotty blanket. And there, in the middle of the yard, was a major branch of our Red Bud tree. At that point, I pretty much sighed and then muttered, “This ain’t good.”

    Since it had been in the 70’s and 80’s for the past couple of weeks, trees were budding and sprouts were sprouting. If you are familiar with the Red Bud, you know that in the spring it is covered with tiny reddish-magenta flowering buds for a week or two. Unfortunately, those miniscule flowers formed enough of a lattice to capture and hold the snow, making the weight on the branch too much to bear.

    This particular Red Bud was one I had given E K as a birthday gift around 15 years ago. Actually, I gave her a stake with an orange flag on it and told her to go stick it in the yard wherever she wanted a tree. And, no, before you ask, I didn’t make her water it or anything :lol:… Two days after she stabbed it into the ground like a Van Helsing disciple offing a vampire – (and she looked pretty damn hot doing it too, as I recall) – the nursery arrived while we were at work and planted the tree she had been telling me she wanted.

    At any rate, as promised in my “tweets” early this morning, below are a couple of pictures of the tree…

    Damaged Red Bud Tree as seen from our bedroom window...

    This would be the view from our bedroom window on the second floor. It was taken by E K early this morning while it was still extremely overcast, so I had to adjust it a bit in Photoshop. (click photo to enlarge.)

    Damaged Red Bud in the daylight

    From the back of the yard, later in the day. As you can see, the snow disappeared within a matter of a scant few hours, and the sun was brightly shining. What isn’t obvious is that the ground is saturated (it rained all day before the snow arrived) and there is even standing water in the depressions throughout the lawn. (click photo to enlarge)

    There you have it. Our backyard carnage. Looks like I am going to be pulling out the chainsaw in the next day or two before I have to jet off to Nebraska.

    More to come…
