• The Winter Of Ought Eight…


    Relax. It’s all good.

    Having been in other parts of the country while on tour, settling in to my hotel room and grabbing a quick look at the news before crashing, I know that things can get blown out of proportion by the national news. Like, the time they were reporting killer storms all but leveling Saint Louis when I was on the east coast. When I called my wife to check on her and the munchkin’s safety, I was met with, “What? It sprinkled here for a bit. Minor shower, but that’s about it.” (This is not to say we’ve never had killer storms, as we certainly have…remember that power outage a couple of years back? And the flood of ’93? Well those were certainly real…)

    My point is, you can’t always believe what you hear on the news, so if you are in some part of the country, looking at some talking head on the tube who is telling you that Saint Louis has come to a standstill because of a massive blizzard burying the city…Well, change the channels.

    Yes, we did get a healthy snowstorm here. It started yesterday afternoon and ended around 4:30 – 5:00 AM today…At times it was heavy… Up to 1.5 inches per hour… But, when all was said and done we only got hit with a little over 8 inches of the white stuff. Minor inconvenience. Not a citywide emergency by any stretch of the imagination.

    Anywho, here are some pictures to prove that everything is okay here and that we aren’t really buried forever, never to thaw…

    There…Now EK can go to work and make money to support me in the style to which I am accustomed… (Grin)

    I started shoveling around 5:45AM…Only took about a half hour. The worst part was the end of the driveway where the street department had plowed and deposited a substantial snowbank…

    From the front porch…

    Gotta get the hedge trimmers hold of those shrubs this spring. They never got their final 2007 “haircut” last fall and they grow like nobody’s business.

    Do, Do, Do, Lookin’ Out My Back Door…

    Yeah…The neighbors are too damn close here in the burbs… But, EK doesn’t want to move to the country.

    A closer look at the ol’ Thermo Meter … Not bad at all. Downright balmy in my opinion. But then, I prefer the cold to the heat.

    More to come…
  • Frequently Asked Questions Issue #32.5…


    Well, I don’t honestly know the actual issue. I’ve lost track and I’m just too lazy to go back and look. At any rate, I’m not getting any “real” writing done today because the Munchkin is home with a possible case of Strep Throat. Makes concentrating a bit hard when you have a sick child on the couch and cartoons blaring from the television, if you know what I mean.

    So, anyway, since it has been awhile since I’ve posted a FAQ Blog, I thought I’d do something about it. So, without further fuss, here are some of the questions I get in person and in email on a regular basis, along with something resembling answers…

    1) Are you and Dorothy Morrison married?

    Yes. But we are NOT married to each other. Dorothy is married to a terrific guy by the name of Mark. I am married to a terrific gal named Evil Kat. Well, actually her name is just Kat, but she is kind of Evil, so she does actually answer to EK.

    Now, I suppose this question probably stems from the fact the Dorothy and I tour together very often. To put it simply, Dorothy is pretty much like my big sister. We also tend to click when it comes to doing workshops together, and have even been described by some reviewers as a Pagan “Burns and Allen”. So, there you go.

    2) Are you and your wife in an open relationship?

    Believe it or not, I really do get this question…

    Okay…Let’s see how I can answer this… We are open with each other. But, I know that isn’t what you are asking. I can pretty much sum this up in one word. Monogamy.

    So, no. My wife and I are not into poly, swapping, free love, yadda yadda. This is not to say we have anything against anyone who is. If that is your schtick, hey, good on ya’. It’s just not for us.

    I am sure I will find myself answering this question again. But, there you go…

    3) Do you plan to write anything besides the Rowan Gant books?

    Yes. I do plan to write other books. When, I have no idea. As long as the demand is there for the RGI series, it gets hard for me to NOT release one per year. Unfortunately, between touring and writing, about one book per year is about all I have time to write at this point.

    4) Is there ever going to be a Rowan Gant movie?

    I have no clue. It would be very cool, but I don’t have any contracts from any movie studios, so until that happens I’d have to say…yes/no/maybe… (Shrug)…Honestly, I just don’t know.

    5) Is the RGI character, Felicity O’Brien, bisexual?

    Honestly, this question confuses me. Let me answer it by asking this: At some point during the series has Felicity done something which lead you to believe she might be bi?

    If so, please tell me what it is so I can go re-read it myself.

    6) Will the RGI character, Ben Storm, ever get back together with his wife?

    I have absolutely no idea. He hasn’t said anything about that at this point. If he does, I will be the second to know (he’ll be the first), my pre-readers will be the third, my editor the fourth, and you, the reader, will be number five.

    7) When will Rowan and Felicity have children?

    When Felicity turns up pregnant and carries full term.

    8) What is RGI character Constance Mandalay’s shoe size?

    Same as Felicity’s.

    I was recently informed that this question was asked as a roundabout way of trying to figure out Constance’s stature in relation to Ben’s. Apparently there was some kind of speculation going on with regard to how the two of them physically interact in the bedroom. (And here all this time I thought I was writing suspense thrillers, not erotica… (shrug)…)

    9) Are you a member of any writing/critiquing groups?

    I am a member of an online group and many of us are spread out across the country. I have, however, met several of the folks in person.

    10) I heard that there is a Rowan Gant based short story being published. Is that true and can I get details?

    Yes. I wrote a short story for a horror anthology tentatively titled, Courting Morpheus. It is due out from Apex Publications mid 2008. And, yes, the story I wrote includes a portion of the gang from the RGI series. I will give more details when my editor tells me it’s okay.

    That’s it for now… More to come…
