" /> BRAINPAN LEAKAGE » escape
  • Morrison, Wendy’s, Cinnabon, and New Jersey…



    And that doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface. At the moment I am parked at a table in the lounge area of a wonderful metaphysical store in Sanford, Maine, called the Universal Healing Center. Just like the last time I was in Maine, it is rather warm outside. Not quite as bad as the last go around, but warm nonetheless. Fortunately, this place actually has A/C.

    But, as usual, I digress…

    We have been on tour now since Thursday last, (5/17) and it has been a long road. The tour itself has been wonderful, filled with visits to great stores and with wonderful people. In many cases even old friends.

    Since I am currently at a store, I am technically “working”, however I had a few minutes of down time so I thought I would check in as promised. This is actually the first unfettered access to the internet we have had during the tour. That, in and of itself, is a story.

    Either way, the purpose of this blog is to let everyone know we are alive and well– basically that means I haven’t killed Morrison yet (GRIN) and she hasn’t killed me– seriously though, things are rocking along and we have been having a great tour. Of course, we HAVE had our obstacles…

    Blog topics you can expect in the near future (once I have returned home and have time to type them in) will be such things as the following:

    Pigs On The Wing

    Kicked Out Of Wendy’s – An Indianapolis Odyssey

    Low Batteries and Driving In Pittsburgh

    Mister Patel’s No Tell Motel and Escape From New Jersey

    Jane: The Bitch in the Box

    Morrison and the Booze Run

    Who Needs Sleep?


    And many more…

    Some of these topics will be combined for blogs, but hopefully that list of titles will give you an idea of what we have been up to for the past 10 days.

    BTW, Morrison is reading over my shoulder and she says hi.

    Till later!
