• Gospels Of The Bean…


    So, I’ve had multiple requests for a “repeat” of the “Gospels of the Bean” updates/tweets from a while back. In fact, I’ve even had folks requesting them for Christmas. Since I’ve been so busy with Luetsencurbenpuken (yes, I still need to post some pictures from 2010) and such, I neglected to have a blog entry ready for this morning… Therefore… Yeah. I’m going to get my lazy on and do a big old copy and paste from the “Gospels of the Bean” text file.

    Since I am writing this while pumping bean jooce into myself, AND I will need to go roust the o-spring and redhead very soon, this is going to be pretty haphazard. As in, no particular order. I have a busy day ahead and, besides, you know how my mind works anyway…


    cof-fee [kaw-fee, kof-ee] -noun : decoction of crushed, roasted seeds ingested primarily as a vehicle for caffeine delivery. – I haz some.


    “And BEAN spoke all these words, saying: I am BEAN, your God…”

    “1: You shall have no other caffeinated beverages before Me.”

    “2: You shall not make for yourself a false coffee, such as anything that is in the likeness of decaf.”

    “3: You shall not spill the brew of the BEAN in vain.”

    “4: Remember the birthday of Saint Juan Valdez, to keep it holy.”

    “5: Honor thy roasts, espresso, dark, medium, regular, and all in between.”

    “6: You shall not murder after partaking of the brew. Before is okay, after, not so much.”

    “7: You shall not drink tea as opposed to coffee, for this act is to commit adultery against the BEAN.”

    “8: You shall not steal the coffee of another.”

    “9: You shall not falsely accuse thy neighbor of being a cola drinker.”

    “10: You shall not covet your neighbor’s Bunn, Krups, Saeco, etc.”


    On the third day, Starbuck said to them, “Drink this and you will live, for it is of the BEAN.” Gevalia 42:18

    BEAN said,”In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, COFFEE will overcome.” Juan 16:33

    And Juan did according to all that the BEAN commanded him. – Gevalia 7:5

    When Starbuck partook of the coffee, he bowed down to the ground before the BEAN. – Gevalia 24:52

    Starbuck said to the baristas, “Come here and listen to the words of the BEAN your God.” – Starbuck 3:9

    “It will produce caffeinated beverages for you, and you will drink the brew of the BEAN.” – Gevalia 3:18

    “And BEAN spoke all these words, saying: I am BEAN, your God… 1: You shall have no other caffeinated beverages before Me.”

    The angel of BEAN said to me in the diner, ‘Coffee?’ I answered, ‘Yes, please.’ – Gevalia 31:11

    “So BEAN created coffee in its own image, in the image of BEAN it created brew; Arabica and Canephora it created them.” – Gevalia 1:27

    “So Juan moved his tents and went to live near the mountains, where he built an altar to the BEAN.” – Gevalia 13:18

    BEAN said to Coffee, “Where is your brother Espresso?”, “I dunno,” he replied. “Do I look like a Starbucks?” Gevalia 4:9

    The Bean said, “It is not good for mankind to be groggy. I will make a caffeinated drink suitable for them.” – Gevalia 2:18

    Bean said, “Let there be brew,” and there was brew. Bean saw that brew was good, and separated brew from grounds. – Gevalia 1:3

    For coffee so loved the world it gave its one and only brew, that whoever drinks it shall be not foul but have good mood. – Krups 3:16

    Brew not, and you shall not have coffee. Drink not, and you shall not be awake. — 2 Juan,  6:37

    “Now, my Coffee, may your bean be ground and your caffeine extracted for the drinkers of your brew.” — 2 Starbucks,  6:40

    “He who has coffee is better than the coffeeless; and he that drinketh his coffee than he that doesn’t.” – 1 Peaberry, 16:32

    “Tea may endure for a night, but coffee cometh in the morning.” — Peaberry 30:5

    May the glory of the bean endure forever; may the bean rejoice in its caffeine – 1 Folgers, 2:19

    Awaken me, O COFFEE, for your caffeine is kind; With your great stimulant, lead me to the path of consciousness. —Starbuck 69:69


    Coffee makes all things new again. A public service announcement of the Church of the Latter Day Bean…


    Tea is an Aqueous sin and Cola is both an Aqueous and a Carbonic sin, making it far worse. 24 Hail Peaberries minimum


    Oh coffee, who art in cup, Java be thy name. Thy espresso shot, rich and hot, just keep the refills a comin’…

    Oh coffee, who art in cup, peaberry be thy name. Thy caffeine come, as I swill one, do they have refills in heaven?


    Coffee is great, coffee is good, I’d best go drink some before I’m rude…

    Coffee is great, coffee is good. Better give me more before I get rude…

    Coffee is great, coffee is good, let us thank it for our mood…

    Thou hast raised me from sleep, O coffee; awaken my mind and open my lips, that I may praise Thee, O Holy Trinity- Bean, creamer, and sugar.

    Glory be to the bean and to the grinder and to the water, as it was in the beginning, but is now, coffee without end.

    Coffee…grant me the strength to pour, the serenity to brew when the pot is empty, and the wisdom to not kill anyone yet.


    Confession time – I have a little plastic statue of Juan Valdez and his donkey on the dash of my truck…

    I like my coffee straight up, no frills. But when I feel a little kinky, I put on one of my wife’s negligees and have an espresso…


    I like my coffee bay-bee! Hot, fresh, and… well, not so sticky. But strong, yes. Stronger the better. (Rock Candy)

    Coffee, coffee, bo boffee, banana bana, fo foffee, fee, fi, mo, moffee! KAW-FEE! (The Name Game)

    Have another cup of coffee, but don’t be sloppy, be careful don’t spill it, when you refill it, have another cup of coffee…  (Manic Monday)


    Coffee is… The only thing that keeps me from climbing the clock tower with a rifle in the morning.

    Coffee is… My Mistress, and damn she’s hot and steamy…

    Coffee is… An essential part of the food pyramid.

    Coffee is… Do I really need to embellish here?

    Coffee is… Not just a good idea, it’s the law.

    Coffee is… My own personal Prozac.


    I need a faster coffee bean juicer…

    Coffee… There can be only one.

    Coffee… Not just a good idea. It’s a way of life.

    If it weren’t for coffee, well then, I guess I’d just have to be an even bigger asshole today…

    I love the smell of coffee in the morning… Smells like… burnt coffea canephora berries actually…

    It is by coffee alone I set my mind in motion. It is by juice of the bean that thoughts acquire speed, desk stained, cup empty…

    Ahhh… Freshly squeezed coffea canephora juice… It just makes the world look so much more… well… tolerable.

    Chemicals my ass! Without COFFEE, life itself would be impossible…


    How many beans do you have to squeeze for one cup of coffee?

    More to come…


  • Use Flash Drives…


    With thanks (and apologies) to Baz Lurhmann for the original. Wear Sunscreen re-imagined by yours truly for writers everywhere…

    This originally appeared in a comment thread on my Facebook wall, 12/12/2010… About 30 minutes ago, as a matter of fact. All because I was bored and felt like entertaining myself.


    Writers and wordslingers of the class of 2010…

    Use Flash Drives.

    If I could offer you only one tip for the future, Flash Drives would be it. The non-volatile redundancy benefits of Flash Drives have been proved by cataclysmic hard drive crashes, whereas the rest of my writing advice is really just a bunch of meandering, tongue-in-cheek humor…

    I will dispense that advice, now:

    Enjoy the power and beauty of the adverb. Oh, never mind, you will not understand the power and beauty of the adverb until you grasp adjectives.

    But trust me, in 120,000 words you’ll look back at adjectives you didn’t use and recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much descriptiveness lay before you and how great the verb really could have looked… Adding LY is easier than you imagine.

    Don’t worry about the optional comma; or em-dash, but know that an ellipsis is as effective for indicating a pause as a semicolon. The real punctuation in your work is apt to be removed and then restored by an editor; the kind that blindsides you with revisions at 4pm on some Saturday when you planned a family outing.

    Write one thing every day that makes absolutely no sense.


    Don’t be reckless with apostrophes, and don’t put up with people who are reckless with colons.


    Don’t waste your time on head popping POVs. Sometimes you’re in one characters head, sometimes you’re in another… the story is what’s important, and in the end you’ll only confuse your readers.

    Remember the good reviews you receive, forget the bad; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how. Keep your old notes, throw away your old rejection slips.


    Don’t feel guilty if you surf porn for a few hours when you have writer’s block… Some of the most interesting writers I know were kinky at 22. Some of the most interesting 40+ year old writers I know are still kinky.

    Do plenty of research. Be kind to your editors, you’ll need them when you’re late on a deadline.

    Maybe you’ll get a multi-book deal, maybe you won’t. Maybe your book will get optioned for a movie, maybe it won’t. Maybe you’ll be a mid-lister, maybe you’ll hit the NYT best seller list… whatever you do, don’t congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either – it’s all a matter of luck, for you and everybody else as well.

    Enjoy your first novel, and admire it every way you can… Be proud of it, and ignore what other people think of it, it’s the only first novel you’ll ever write.

    Read. Even if you have no time to do it but on your lunch break in the bathroom.

    Learn the rules of grammar, even if you don’t follow them. Do NOT read “How To Write” books, they will only make you feel inadequate.

    Get to know bookstore owners. You never know when you’ll need to book a signing venue. Be nice to other writers; they are your best shot for a cover blurb and the people most likely to chat you up to acquisitions editors.

    Understand that readers come and go, but there are those who will stay loyal no matter what the critics say. Work hard to fix your plot holes and make suspension of disbelief as seamless as possible, because the deeper you get into a story, the more you need your readers to follow along.

    Write a chase scene once, but don’t let it overwhelm the story.

    Write a sex scene once, but don’t let it become the entire focus of the plot.

    Double space.

    Accept certain inalienable truths: commas generally go before conjunctions, periods end sentences, and interjections don’t always denote excitement, but when they do you should follow them with an exclamation point, not a period or a comma, unless followed by another interjection.

    Use interjections.

    Don’t quit your day job. Maybe you’ll get an advance, maybe you’ll retain your electronic rights, but you never know when or if a book will earn out and pay royalties.

    Don’t mess too much with your arc, or by the time it develops people will be bored. Be careful with your characters, but, be patient with their back stories. Character development is a form of mental masturbation, and nurturing it is a way of creating a personality, giving it legs, breathing life into it, and making readers believe the fictional construct is real.

    But trust me on the Flash Drives…

    More to come…
