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  • Zen Of K(c)ats…


    It’s Sunday and I’m not in a particularly funny mood today.

    Not so much because it’s Sunday. At least, I don’t think that’s the reason. Actually, I think it’s more because I haven’t had enough coffee, and I just have too much going on to feel funny. Then again, maybe I’m not actually funny at all and I just think I am. There are those who believe that is that case. Suffice it to say, I don’t like them all that much.

    At any rate, when I went to bed last night “The Competition” (that being the two rescued feline types who live here) were having a bit of a tussle over a catnip filled mouse. Drugs. They do strange things, even to cats. So, as I drifted off all I kept hearing inside my head was—


    —just goes to show you that I’m not all that right in the head either, and I wasn’t even playing with the damned mouse.

    Anywho, where was I? Oh yeah… So, when I crawled out of bed this morning I found the little bastages sprawled out in the living room, sleeping off their catnip high after contemplating the curtains for half the night. It was actually serene for a change.

    And so, I leave you with this… The Zen of K(c)at—

    EK (the red haired evil one), Asphalt (the BIG gray one), and Nachos El Tigre (the small gray one)

    E K sorta looks like SHE could use some catnip…

    More to come…
