" /> BRAINPAN LEAKAGE » Dave Schuey
  • Wanna See Somethin’ Really Scary?


    M. R. Sellars gone bald

    Okay, okay, calm down!

    Before anyone gets in an uproar, I did not, I repeat NOT shave my head. Yes, it was discussed at one point as an option when I decided to lose the ponytail after 20 years. However, after careful consideration E K nixed the idea.

    Since it wasn’t going to happen for real, a buddy of mine whom I’ve known since high school, Dave Schuey (aka The Infamous Schueyman), decided to take Photoshop hold of one of my publicity stills. Above is the end result. Murv sans hair. On top, anyway…

    Kinda freaky, eh?

    More to come…
