• Space, The Final Frontier…


    On this day (February 20) in 1962,  John Glenn became the fifth human being to go into space, and the first American to orbit the earth. The journey, lasting 4 hours, 55 minutes, and 23 seconds was accomplished aboard a Mercury space capsule that had been shot upward into the heavens atop an Atlas 6 rocket. The capsule was dubbed Friendship 7.

    I have a model of it. Two, in fact.


    Because I almost ended up being named John Glenn Sellars.


    Because right about the time Glenn was making history, I was coming into the world.

    Yes. Today is my 49th birthday, so I am taking the day off from blogging (Unless I get a wild hair. You just never know…)

    At any rate, if you REALLY want to get me something, here’s what you can do: Call 10 of your friends and convince them to buy at least one copy each of my books. Paperback, e-book, I don’t care. And if you don’t own my books already,  shame on you. You need to go buy them for yourself as well. Tell your friends that they also need to call 10 of their friends and do the same thing – including telling them to call 10 of their friends, and so on…

    Maybe that sounds selfish and mercenary of me, but hey, it’s my birthday. Give me a break.

    More to come…
