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  • My Job Here Is Done…


    Honestly, this is probably one of those “had to be there” sorts of stories… Be that as it may, I’m going to go ahead and tell it. Why? Because I was there. I can’t help it if the rest of you didn’t check your schedules and missed it… So, anyway…

    I’m getting up there in years. I’m not what you’d call old, although most of the O-spring’s friends think I am. I’m actually right there at middle age. Just a couple of months shy of that half-century mark, where life really begins. However, as we age, even if we are simply reaching our prime, other bullshit goes on inside us. Things like our immune systems getting tired a little more easily. So, to boost things, we do silly stuff like get flu shots. I know some folks out there who REALLY think it’s silly and refuse to get flu shots at all. More power to them. They just need to stay away from me with their germs, because the simple truth is, nobody is really as immune to common illnesses as they think they are. I guess the long and short of what I am prattling about is this: I get a flu shot every year, and 2011 is no different – especially since I am about to go out of town to a gathering of bunches of people where I will be signing books, shaking hands, and being exposed to all manner of bacterioviralmorphingpowerranger pathogens.

    As it happens, the insurance that covers our family is of the sort that covers such immunizations 100%, so I recently headed out to the post office, dropped off some stuff, then continued up the block to the local Walgreen’s and got myself into the queue for a flu shot. As I waited, an older lady possessed of a white cane arrived with a friend, and they got themselves into the queue as well. While we sat waiting – it was a hell of a busy day at the Walgreen’s – I couldn’t help but overhear the older woman talking about how nervous she was, and how she was going to scream when they gave her the shot.

    Eventually the pharmacist came out, packing a gihugic hypodermic that looked like a hunk of telephone pole with a sword sticking out of the end… Okay… not really. But I’m pretty sure that’s what the blind lady was imagining. As it happens, I was first up, and it had taken quite a while before the pharmacist had been able to come out to the “inoculation area,” so she was a bit harried about finding a place to give me the injection. You see, oddly enough the blind lady and her friend were sitting behind the blind where they normally do this sort of thing. I told the poor gal to just, “Grab, Stab, and Plunge,” adding. “It’s just a shot, not surgery.”

    This elicited a ton of laughs from people who were in line for various things, up to and including more flu shots. However, it’s not the part you had to be there to appreciate.

    Upon hearing my comment, the blind lady called out from behind the blind, “I don’t know how you can do it. I’m going to scream like a little girl.”

    I replied with a serious question, “Would it help you to feel better if I screamed, too?”

    “Maybe,” she said with a nervous chuckle.

    Moments later the pharmacist had, in point of fact, Grabbed, Stabbed, and Plunged. Me, not really seeing shots as that big a deal, I didn’t even realize she had done so until she was sticking a band-aid to my arm. I asked, “Oh, so you’re done?”

    “Sure am,” she replied.

    Not wanting to disappoint the lady on the other side of the blind I said, “Hang on a sec…”

    Then I screamed.


    In the middle of Walgreen’s.

    Employees came running, shoppers peeked around the endcaps of nearby aisles, and everyone in the immediate vicinity who had been “in on the joke” burst out laughing – especially the blind lady behind the blind.

    On my way out I wished her and her friend a good day. She chuckled and said, “You, too… And thanks for the entertainment…”

    Another satisfied customer.

    More to come…


  • You Get HBO On That?


    Eighteen year old girls can be a lot of fun.

    Okay… Let me stop you right there you dirty minded monkeys. That is NOT what I am talking about. I am talking about being an uncle to a niece who just turned eighteen and the hilarity that can ensue at a family gathering… Especially when said uncle makes his living with words, and moreover, he’s me. (Hey, nobody else was patting me on the back, so I have to do it myself…)

    At any rate, we just had a family gathering to celebrate the “fourth quarter birthdays.” We used to do a separate party for each, but as the family grew – and aged – it became hard to schedule multiple gatherings each month and still have time for things such as, oh, I dunno… Work. Sleep. Grocery shopping… you know. Extracurricular activities of a sort. I know that makes us a bit selfish, but it’s just one of those things…

    But, back to the story. Among the fourth quarter birthdays is that of one of my nieces, and as we have already established, she recently hit the “Big One Eight.” Of age to vote, sign legal documents, etc.

    How did she celebrate this milestone? I mean, besides the family gathering, of course.

    She went out and had a hole poked into the side of her nose.

    Now, for the record, I don’t give a flying rat’s arse about that. I see more folks with metal in their faces than you can shake a stick at – and I mean a really big stick. Seriously.

    Now, to be honest, I don’t find it attractive at all. In fact, I find it more than just a bit silly and a whole lot stupid. But by the same token, it ain’t my face, so whatever trips your trigger. I’m not about to think any less of you for it, because truth is we all have our moments of stupid.

    Let me repeat – if you want to impale yourself with ornamental finials and tie tacks, go right ahead. Whether or not I think it is stupid has no bearing whatsoever on whether or not I like you, will hang out with you, or will perform CPR if you are in distress. What I’m saying here is keep your hate mail to yourself. I am not discriminating against you, nor am I being intolerant of you, nor am I repressing you because I think it is stupid to poke holes in your face. I am simply expressing my feelings on the subject, just as you are doing the same by walking around with a diaper pin through your lip and a key fob sticking out of your eyebrow.

    However… If you happen to be my niece and you show up at a family gathering with a hunk of metal sticking out of the side of your face, you should expect repercussions. I cite the following –

    Merpizm 11/21/10: “If you say something stupid, I’m going to make fun of you. I expect no less when the roles are reversed.”

    ~ M. R. Sellars

    The above quote also applies to DOING as well as saying…

    And so, my dear niece arrived at the party. I had already heard that she experienced much disappointment in the fact that her Grandparents – and even her parents – had eschewed comment on her proboscis bauble. Since she, like all of my other nieces and nephews, is a pretty cool kid, I felt bad for her, in a sarcastic uncle sort of way, of course.

    Merp – Hey… Niece… C’mere for a sec.

    Niece – What?

    Merp – [cocking head to the side for a better view] You set off metal detectors with that thing?

    Niece – Yeah… Right… Very funny, uncle Murv.

    Merp – So… How’d it happen?

    Niece – What do you mean?

    Merp – Horrible explosion at the jewelry counter and you didn’t duck soon enough? Or did you just fall on it or something?

    Niece – It didn’t “happen.”

    Merp – You mean you did it on purpose?

    Niece – Yeah. It’s how I celebrated my birthday.

    Merp – Really? I ate lasagna and cake to celebrate my eighteenth. I didn’t poke holes in my face.

    Niece – I didn’t poke holes in my face.

    Merp – Ummm… I hate to tell you this but you have a hole in the side of your nose. That’s part of your face.

    Niece – I mean I didn’t do it myself. I had a professional do it.

    Merp – A professional… You mean you paid someone to poke a hole in your face?

    Niece – Yes.

    Merp – Seriously? How much it cost you?

    Niece – [pulling back hair to show something akin to Trigger’s horseshoe sticking out of the top of her ear] Well, for the cartilage piercing and the nose  piercing it was fifty bucks.

    Merp – Wait… You willingly had TWO holes poked in your head in order to celebrate your birthday?

    Niece – Yeah.

    Merp – And you paid someone fifty bucks to do it?

    Niece – Yeah.

    Merp – I wish you’d called me first. I’ve got a hole punch at home and I would’ve done it for free.

    Niece – [Laughs]

    Merp – Really. In fact, I’ve got a three hole punch. I would’ve done three all at once, no charge. I even would’ve sterilized it first.

    Niece – Yeah… right. These holes are smaller.

    Merp – [Shrugs] No problem. I’ve got a stapler too. Next time you want to put a hole in your face let me know. I’ll bring it along.

    Niece – Funny. Right now I’m thinking about getting a tattoo.

    Merp – Really. Now you want someone to draw on you with a motorized needle?

    Niece – Maybe.

    Niece’s Mom – Where are you wanting to get this tattoo?

    Niece – On my foot.

    Merp – What’re you gonna get?

    Niece – I don’t know yet.

    Merp – Well, if you’re gonna get it on your foot, have ’em put Rue Britannia on the bottom of your foot and call it good.

    Niece – Why?

    Merp – So you can be just like Bullwinkle.

    Niece – Bull who?

    Merp – Bullwinkle. You know, Rocky. Bullwinkle. Moose and squirrel. Watch me pull a rabbit outta my hat…

    Niece – What?

    Merp – You don’t know who Rocky and Bullwinkle are?

    Niece – I’m only eighteen.

    Merp – If you’re old enough to go out and have a hole poked in your face, you’re old enough to know who Rocky and Bullwinkle are.

    Niece – [Redirecting] It would hurt to get a tattoo on the bottom of your foot.

    Merp – Sugar, I’m here to tell you it’s gonna hurt no matter where you get it…

    Niece – [Sigh] You know, it’s just an earring.

    Merp – What is?

    Niece – [pointing at gas cap on the side of her nose] This.

    Merp – Oh… Honey… You must’ve missed a biology class. That’s your nose, not your ear.

    Niece – You know what I mean…

    Merp – I think maybe your stupid hasn’t worn off yet.

    Niece – What stupid?

    Merp – The one that overtook your brain when you willingly paid someone  to stab holes in your face.

    Niece – They didn’t stab holes in my face. They used a needle.

    Merp – Okay. So did you have to shove a cork up your nose for them to push it into?

    Niece – They didn’t use a cork.

    Merp – Well how in the world did you fit an apple up there?

    Niece – [Attempting to remain indignantly eighteen but her  “OMG Uncle Murv” sigh is overcome by her own laughter]

    Merp – Did they give you an instruction guide booklet with that thing?

    Niece – No.

    Merp – No? Well what happens if you get a booger caught up in there? How do you know what to do?

    Niece – I sneeze.

    Merp – Then I guess if someone is sitting on your right they should duck so you don’t shoot their eye out if that thing flies outta the side of your nose, huh?

    Niece – The post is at a right angle.

    Merp – Pointing up or down?

    Niece – Up.

    Merp – Well there you go. That just makes it easier for boogers to get caught on it.

    Niece – I have a friend who has one. I’ll just ask her.

    Merp – A booger?

    Niece – A nose ring.

    Merp – I really think you should go back and ask for the instruction guide booklet. I mean, you paid fifty bucks and all…

    I could go on, but I’m already over one-thousand on the word count, and I’ve heard that shorter blogs are “in” these days. Suffice it to say, the razzing went on for better than an hour while her younger sister sat and listened. After all that I’m pretty sure we won’t have to worry about her setting off any metal detectors when she hits eighteen. Not at any family gatherings where Uncle Murv is present, anyway…

    More to come…
