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  • Cake Tops = Hush Puppies…


    Yeah, cake tops. No, NOT cake toppers, like the bride and groom thing, or silly shamrocks, or cheap plastic stuff for decorations.

    I mean the TOPS of CAKES.

    Kinda like muffin tops or whatever that was on Seinfeld.

    Confused yet? I know I am.

    Actually, I spent this past weekend at a secret bunker/undisclosed location for some R&R. Actually, that should be D&D, but not the role playing game kind. D&D as in Drinking and Debauchery…

    Anyhow, one of the friends with whom I stayed makes wedding cakes as a supplement to her regular income. She won’t make them for just anybody, usually friends or referrals from friends, but let me tell you she could stand toe to toe with the best of them in the biz if she wanted.

    Either way, I had never seen this done. I mean, yeah, I’d seen cakes made and have even made a few myself, but I’d never watched anyone make and decorate an actual wedding cake, which was quite an interesting process, what with the fountain and all that jazz.

    And so, this is where cake tops and the “equation” in the title of this blog came from.

    After baking all these different sized layers, in order to make everything nice and level for the pedestals and such, she lopped off the tops of the cakes, tossed ’em on a plate, and put them well across the room from where she was working. Why? So all of us idiots who were standing around in her kitchen watching (i.e. getting in her way) would have something to nibble on and therefore would leave her alone.

    Just like the origin of the Hush Puppy…


    PS. Yeah, I know. Not much of a blog, but I’m really concentrating on writing a book right now so there isn’t too much frivolity in my head for me to toss this way. I promise I’ll try to make the next one more interesting.