" /> BRAINPAN LEAKAGE » life insurance
  • Whoa! Was That A Cow?


    Day 3, Evening Edition…

    The following takes place between… Awww, fuggit.

    4:45 PM

    @mrsellars – Fuggit. I’m wearing my sweats for the rest of the evening. Miserable, cold rain… Not going to make pretty.

    @mrsellars – Walkies… Rain… Walkies… Rain…

    @mrsellars – Drip… Drip… Drip…

    @Con_Registration – Raining out there?

    @mrsellars – Nope. I took a shower but couldn’t find my towel.

    @mrsellars – Dry… Dry… Dry…

    @mrsellars – Meet Maria William, artist guest of honor and her husband, Chris. Have dinner with faculty advisor, some alumni, and other GoH’s… Good conversation, good noms.

    @mrsellars – [Mingle Chat Mingle]

    7:30 PM boop, boop, beep, bahp, beep, beep, boop, bahp, bahp, beep, boop… Ring… Ring… Ri!

    @EK – Hello.

    @mrsellars –  It’s here.

    @EK – What’s here?

    @mrsellars – Snow. Flakes the size of compact cars flying sideways. I just saw one take out a cow.

    @EK – Did you get any steaks?

    @mrsellars – Locals beat me to it.

    @EK – You let them get there first? Remind me to beat you when you get home.

    @mrsellars – Yes ma’am.

    @EK – Next cow that goes down you get me some steaks. Got me?

    @mrsellars – Damn, I think a family of badgers just flew past the window.

    @EK – I’m not fond of badger.

    @mrsellars – Yeah, rumor has it they’re afraid of you anyway.

    @EK – They should be.

    @mrsellars – So, according to the weather service Western Nebraska has been completely annihilated. Storm says it is planning to kill all of us too.

    @EK – Hold on just a second. [skree-skrshhh-chunk… riffle…riffle…riffle…] Hmmmm… Okay, I’m back.

    @mrsellars – What’s up?

    @EK – Just checking to make sure your life insurance is paid up.

    @mrsellars – Is it?

    @EK – Yes, sure is. So you can stop whining. Why don’t you go for a long walk.

    @mrsellars – It’s whiteout conditions. You can’t see across the parking lot.

    @EK – Sounds like a good time for you to go exploring, don’t you think?

    @mrsellars – O_o

    @Faculty_Advisor – …And that one, and that one, and maybe that one.

    @mrsellars – I dunno, there isn’t much meat on that one. Maybe a soup bone.

    @Faculty_Advisor – That might work.

    @mrsellars – We’ll need salt. Being students they might be a bit gamey. Gonna want to salt ’em down for a day or two before we cook ’em.

    @Faculty_Advisor – I’ll check the cafeteria.

    @mrsellars – While you’re there, see if they have any garlic and fava beans. No reason for us to be barbaric about it.

    8:00 PM  – Masquerade Contest – GoH’s judge.

    @mrsellars – Whoa mama, E K needs a costume like that… Cool… Good workmanship… That’s one’s neat… Hey, I bet that one took a lot of work… Wow… That one is impressive… Man, that one is cool… Hey, she sings good… Hey, she’s pretty funny… Wow, he put a lot of work into that…

    @mrsellars – [Deliberate] [Discuss] [Deliberate] [Discuss]

    @mrsellars – Need to stop visualizing E K in that costume…

    @mrsellars – Night all… I’m too old for this shit, I’m going to my room to settle in.

    @Con_Folks – Goodnight, Murv!

    @mrsellars – Walkies… Walkies… Walkies…

    @mrsellars – Walkies… Walkies… Lean… Stagger… Lean…

    @mrsellars – Walkies… Walkies…

    @mrsellars – Stumble…

    @mrsellars – [unlock door] [go in] [lock door] [turn on computer] [raise blinds]

    @mrsellars –  {exhausted sigh}

    More to come… (Or, not…)


    Note: Satire, observational, humor, ’nuff said. See previous disclaimer. Tired.