" /> BRAINPAN LEAKAGE » Main Balloon
  • What Am I Thinking?!



    I probably should have expected this, but I wasn’t thinking. Which makes the title of this post, and the post in and of itself all the more bizarre…

    So, anyway, when I “hacked” the new theme – meaning, I downloaded a theme, made my own graphics, and edited the PHP and CSS files… Way back when, before the connotations applied to the word “hacker” became what they are today, rewriting code for your own puproses was what it meant. It wasn’t something sexy, criminal, or even movie fodder. We were just computer geeks making something work – or, work in a different fashion. And, yes, back then I was a hacker.

    Yeah, yeah…digressing…

    So, back to the issue at hand. When I hacked this WordPress theme to make it look the way I wanted I created a new banner graphic. The picture of me was taken from a photo shoot with Dorothy Morrison. You might recognize the wild look in my eyes – it’s from the Bobblehead Lady Video promo and Wingnuts button. What I “wasn’t thinking” was that some folks might have more than a passing interest in what is going on in the thought balloon depicted floating next to my head. Based on some incoming email, they do.

    So, here you go. I somewhat larger version of the graphic, complete with a list of what is contained.

    So here goes, in no particular order, even though it is enumerated:

    Leading (small balloons)

    1. Red X (An absolutely amazing liquor warehouse type store in KC)
    2. Egg Nog (’nuff said)
    3. A stiletto heeled pump (hey, I’m a guy, okay?)

    Main Balloon

    1. EK (She’s ALWAYS on my mind…)
    2. Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
    3. SPAM
    4. Kristin Madden playing with her nose
    5. An algebraic formula / mathematical expression
    6. “Don’t call me Kirstin…” (the mantra of Kristin Madden)
    7. First page of Chapter 18 from Harm None
    8. Design for a fictional M&M launcher (© 2006, M. R. Sellars)
    9. Big, red exclamation point

    And, yeah…that’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

    More to come…
