• New Discovery Replaces “God Particle” Theory…


    I know this is going to come off as hubris in the worst way, but I was recently quoted in a news story and I thought I should let everyone know in case some of you missed it but might still have a passing interest in what I had to say.

    The Associative Press

    SAINT LOUIS, MO – The recent discovery of a new quantum mass in a small suburb of Saint Louis has yielded sufficient evidence to prompt leading physicists to abandon the “God Particle Theory”. The Higgs boson, nicknamed the “God Particle” by researchers was once considered the “Holy Grail” of the scientific community and was hoped to be experimentally proven when the much touted Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva eventually comes online. However, the Higgs boson has now joined the ranks of such debunked scientific hypothesis as “Flat Earth” and “The Moon being composed of green cheese.” The demise of the “God Particle” was brought about by the newly discovered Briggs stratton, which was detected via a hybrid science that blends quantum mechanics and chaos theory.

    Doctor Earl-Bob “Bubba Doc” Fröedingschlösser, lead researcher on the project credited his assistant, Rhonda-Sue Crawford with the initial discovery. “We was on our way over to the stop ‘n shop to pick up some more beers when she saw ’em,” he said. “Rot there on the curb, purty as a pickshure.”

    “He’s rot,” Ms. Crawford agreed. “Them metal tubes, they was jes sittin’ there.”

    Doctor Fröedingschlösser further explained how the tubes led to the discovery of the Briggs stratton. “Well of course we stopped,” he said. “They was enough scrap there to git us change for at least a six pack. Maybe even a six and a coupl’a Big Buford’s from the burger stand if we was lucky. Anyways, we went to puttin’ them tubes inta the back uh my truck, an I guess we was bein’ a bit noisy. That’s pretty much when it happened.”

    “Earl jes tossed ’em in there, ya see,” Ms. Crawford added to the explanation. “Made a whole lotta noise. Next thing you know, there it was.”

    Doctor Fröedingschlösser agreed with his colleague. “Yep, there it was all right. Scared the beejeezus outta me. We wuz lucky though. Rhonda-Sue was textin’ her momma ta’ see if she wanted us ta’ pick up some diapers and Marlboro’s for ‘er, so she was able ta’ git a pickshure on the camry part of ‘er phone.”

    Goddess Particle
    The Briggs stratton Photo Credit: Rhonda-Sue Crawford

    “It’s jes a little blurry,” Ms. Crawford added. “But it all happened so fast I was lucky I got the pickshure took at all before it started hittin’ Earl over the head with a shoe.”

    According to Doctor Fröedingschlösser the newly discovered, and highly charged particle was dubbed the Briggs stratton due to the deafening, lawnmower engine-like sound emanating from it as it accelerated toward them. He commented, “This here’s one of them particles that don’t even need no collider. It’ll collide ya’ all by itself, an’ lemme tell ya’, when it does you hurt like hell for a week at least.”

    When asked if there were any plans to assign a nickname to the Briggs stratton such as happened with the Higgs boson, Doctor Fröedingschlösser replied, “Well, I ain’t so sure jes yet, but we been thinkin’ on callin’ it the Psycho Bitch.”

    Mury Sallers, a resident in the home on the property where the Briggs stratton was discovered declined to comment on this astounding scientific breakthrough. However, when asked what he thought it should be dubbed he did state, “It actually likes to be deferentially referred to as Queen Bitch of the Whole F*cking Universe, but sometimes when it’s in a good mood it lets us just call it Evil Kat. We still have to bow and scrape though.”

    Doctor Fröedingschlösser was not available for further comment due to an extended sabbatical courtesy of the Arkansas Department of Corrections. In his absence, his assistant, Rhonda-Sue Crawford, is continuing the research at an undisclosed location.

    Of course, they misspelled my name, but that’s pretty much par for the course.

    More to come…


  • Looks Like Kansas, Smells Like Kentucky…


    Please note that this is not NPR. However, I would like to welcome you to Morning Edition

    Day 2 of 2009: A WillyCon Odyssey (The following takes place between the hours of 5:30AM and 12:00PM. Events occur in real time) <— I tried to get Sutherland for that bit of narration, but he was busy….

    5:30 AM – AWAKE!

    @mrsellars – There is no java in my room and the Student Center doesn’t open til 7… Oh, Coffee, why hast thou forsaken me?

    @mrsellars – Watching morning TV in Wayne NE… Original Adam West Batman movie on… O_o

    @mrsellars – Local news is well… Local. Rather be watching @VirginiaKerr and @PaulCooked…

    @mrsellars – Jeez… I’m pretty sure I have socks older than that news anchor…

    6:30 AM

    @mrsellars – @cellphone: boop, boop, beep, bahp, beep, beep, boop, bahp, bahp, beep, boop… Ring… Ring… Ri!

    @EK – Hmnomnip?

    @mrsellars – Are you up?

    @EK – Yam nonno nam nip mmm.

    @mrsellars – Okay, just making sure. Didn’t want you to oversleep since I’m not there to wake you up like usual.

    @EK – Uhmm nimna hibbit nomma.

    @mrsellars – Okay, I’ll let you go then. Love you.

    @EK – Wubtoo moo.

    @mrsellars – Shower. Check… As coach Verby used to say, “Clean minds, clean bodies.” Well… At least my body is clean.

    @mrsellars – Students call cafeteria here the “Gag”. Funny… Noms here are wayyyy better than when I was in College thir-koff-koff years ago.

    @mrsellars – Srsly. Noms here really good. A ton to choose from too. Sandwich bar, tostada bar, soups, prepared meals of the day, etc… And they switch up all the time according to what I’m told.

    @mrsellars – Had Swiss steak (Northern version = mushroom soup instead of tomatoes and onions, but not bad), steamed veggies, and a salad for dinner last night.

    @mrsellars – Salad bar even had beets and unsalted sunflower seeds. How cool is that?

    @mrsellars – Looking forward to good noms for breakfast.

    @mrsellars – Someone above my head is moving furniture…

    @mrsellars – Hmmm… That thud didn’t sound good.

    @mrsellars – Wonder if there was a body involved?

    @mrsellars – Why yes, now that you ask, everything REALLY IS book material.

    @mrsellars – Local weather dude calling for foot of snow, blowing drifts, whiteout conditions.

    @mrsellars – SF faculty advisor tells me they’ve been hearing stuff like that for the past couple of weeks and it never comes to fruition.

    @mrsellars – Maybe their weather guy needs to talk to Matt Chambers in STL… Pick up a few pointers.

    @mrsellars – Hmmmm. Is it Nebraska or is it the fact that it’s a college campus? Man in shorts when 24 degrees not fazing anyone.

    @mrsellars – Of course, students are wandering about in t-shirts and ripped jeans. I probably fit right in.

    @mrsellars – Familiar odor lingering on the air as I walk to student center. Cow manure. Smells like back home in Kentucky.

    @mrsellars – {attack of nostalgia}{wistful sigh}

    @mrsellars – Morning noms good. Eggs, pancakes, sausage, mini blueberry muffin, and COFFEE!

    @mrsellars – Wonders what these kids would have called the cafeteria where he went to college. :-/

    @mrsellars – Hmmm. Place looks almost empty. [Looks Around]

    @mrsellars – Oh, wait… A couple of the SF club students I met last night are sitting over there. I should probably sit with them so they don’t think I’m full of myself or something.

    @mrsellars – Walkies…

    @mrsellars – @students_at_table: Good morning!

    @student_1 – [STARE]

    @student_1 – Goom nana. Ermm.

    @student_2 – [STARE]

    @student_2 – Grunt.

    @mrsellars – @students_at_table: How’s it goin’?

    @student_1 – Nerm goona, arbba tay. Ar ermmm. Nib.

    @student_1 – [STARE]

    @student_2 – [STARE]

    @mrsellars – Umm… Yeah… Klattu Verada Nikto.

    @mrsellars – [move to end of table. Enjoy morning noms in silence]

    @mrsellars – Remembers his college days… Silently empathizes with the two students.

    @mrsellars – Visited with faculty advisor. Signed book. Signed poster. Got more free nom passes for cafeteria.

    @mrsellars – SCORE! Found coffee shop on campus. I haz large StarMakeABucks in hand. Life is good.

    @mrsellars – Dorm room is about 12 x 24. Two smoke detectors. Must be looking for some pretty sneaky smoke…


    @mrsellars – Curse you, Perry the Platypus!

    @ perryplatypus – @mrsellars GrRrrRRrRrrRRRrRRrrRr

    @mrsellars – Bwuhahahahaha! That just never gets old…


    @mrsellars – Temp at 5:30 AM – 24… Now, at 10:30 AM – 44. Supposed to hit 57 before it starts into a nosedive. Then the white shit falls on our heads.

    @mrsellars – Camera is loaded and ready.

    @mrsellars – Fox squirrels EVERYWHERE. Fat bastards too. Used to see them in MO, but all I ever see there these days are the smaller greys.

    @mrsellars – Named one of the reds Skippy this morning. He sat with me and ate acorns while I drank coffee. No shit. Damn near right next to me.

    @mrsellars – Tamer than the family of greys I feed at home, and they’re pretty damn tame, so that says something.

    @mrsellars – Prevailing theory – the squirrels buddy up to students and sell them the answers to exams. Squirrels are sneaky like that.

    @mrsellars – Taking camera with next time.

    @mrsellars – You know… Now that I think on it, animals can predict weather even better than Matt Chambers…

    @mrsellars – My “country boy sense” is saying these little farts are telling us the sky really is going to dump on us tomorrow.

    @mrsellars – #fuckme

    11:30 AM

    @mrsellars – Coffee empty. Library with coffee shop across campus… Go for more, or relax for a bit and get some when I go for noontime noms?

    @mrsellars – Decisions, decisions…

    And there you have the morning edition…

    More to come…
