" /> BRAINPAN LEAKAGE » Multicultural Building
  • And They Call The Wind Eebil…


    The daily WillyCon XI report, Day 4, Morning Report –

    The following takes place… Meh (gimme a break, I’m exhausted…)

    Day 4 – Morning Update

    4:01 AM – aWaKe…

    @mrsellars – [check time on cell phone] Bullshit. Not again.

    @mrsellars – [roll over]

    @mrsellars – skrrrnnnnxxx-snort… skrrrnnnnxxx-snort… skrrrnnnnxxx-snort

    5:53 AM – AWAKE!

    @mrsellars – Meh.

    6:08 AM

    @mrellars – Meh.

    6:32 AM

    @mrsellars – Meh.

    7:12 AM

    @mrsellars – Walkies… Stumble… Lean… Struggle… Walkies

    @Analog_Camera – Click – Flash – Whirrrrrr…

    @mrsellars – Walkies… Stumble… Lean… Struggle… Walkies

    @Analog_Camera – Click – Flash – Whirrrrrr…

    @mrsellars – Walkies… Stumble… Lean… Struggle… Walkies

    @Analog_Camera – Click – Flash – Whirrrrrr…

    @mrsellars – Walkies… Stumble… Lean… Struggle… Walkies

    @Analog_Camera – Click – Flash – Whirrrrrr…

    @mrsellars – Walkies… Stumble… Lean… Struggle… Walkies

    @Analog_Camera – Click – Flash – Whirrrrrr…

    @mrsellars – Walkies… Stumble… Lean… Struggle… Walkies

    7:37 AM

    @mrsellars – There’s a friggin’ snowcone stuck to the side of my face…

    @mrsellars – I’m pretty sure my ear fell off back there next to the library.

    @mrsellars – Shoulda bought a hat.

    @mrsellars – Trudge… Trudge… Struggle… Trudge

    @Student_Center_Door – Skreeeeee… clunk… errssskrmee… thump.

    @mrsellars – [Shake… Stomp… Stomp… Shake] Melt… Drip… Melt… Drip… Melt… Drip…

    @custodian – Gaaahhhhhh!!!

    @mrsellars – Oh hai… Mahbd fabess… ib be fwobzin.

    @custodian – O_o

    @Con_Registration – It’s not bad out there.

    @custodian – Are you nuts? Look at him. Half his face fell off. It’s bad out there.

    @mrsellars – I’m nim nobt am amimahl…

    @custodian – O_o

    @Con_Registration – O_o

    @mrsellars – Melt… Drip… Thaw… Drip… Melt…

    @mrsellars – Venturing into eebil after-blizzard once again. Breakfast at Multicultural Building across parking lot. If I don’t make it, tell E K and the munchkin’ I love them.

    @mrsellars – Trudge… Trudge… Struggle… Trudge

    @mrsellars – Mahbd noebz… ib be gawned.

    @mrsellars – Breakfast with Ron, Maria, and Chris. Good noms, good conversation. And… COFFEE!!!!

    @mrsellars – good conversation with nomming attendees… and, more COFFEE!!!

    (Note: Special thanks to “The Townsends” for absolutely killer breakfast noms, great conversation, and the handful of coffee singles to take back to my room. Y’all are my heroes.)

    9:03 AM

    @mrsellars – Panel = yak, yak, yak, lol, yak yak…

    @mrsellars – [mingle] [chat] [brag on daughter] [chat] [brag on wife] [mingle] [silently fantasize about wife] [mingle] [chat] [mingle]

    12:02 PM

    @mrsellars – nom, nom, nom…

    @mrsellars – Walkies… [BLINDED BY THE LIGHT] My Eyes!!! WTF is that thing?! The sun? Where the hell did that come from? [glare] Make it stop!!!

    @mrsellars – Walkies… Wal… Gaaaahhhhhh!!!

    @WIND – Hhhooooowwwwwwlllllllll! Whoooosssshhhhhh! Swissshhshshshshsshhhhh! SkreeeeeeeeeeHowlllllllll….

    @mrsellars – HOLY CRAP! [grabbing for light pole] The wind… It is Eebil… More eebil than E K… I didn’t think that was possible…

    @mrsellars – Whoooaaaha! [missing lightpole] [assume downhill skier position] Slide… Wal… Stumble… Slide… Slide… Slide… Walkies… STREET! WAHAHAHA! Whew… Oh shit!… Slide… Stumble… Holy crap, there go those badgers again! STREET! GAhAhAhHHH! Slide… Slide… A cow! [Note: Don’t tell E K about the cow…] Slide… Slide… Stumble… Thump.

    @mrsellars – Skin has been peeled from face by wind. Missing one ear and three fingers to frostbite. Shoes wet.  Can no longer feel my feet. Retinas burned out due to glare from eebil snow, can make out some vague shapes but only if they move.

    @mrsellars – {sigh}

    Dead dog party tonight. Fly home tomorrow.  Right now, want nap. REALLY, REALLY want nap. Think I might set alarm clock and have one.

    More to come…
