" /> BRAINPAN LEAKAGE » novelette
  • Whaddidja Git?


    Merry Christmas, Happy Yule, Happy Hanukkah, yadda yadda…

    Or, if you prefer, Bah Humbug.

    There. Hopefully the bases are pretty much covered.

    Anywho, if you didn’t find what you were looking for under the tree, I have a feeling I know why. You see, E K has the guy in the red suit a bit tied up. Don’t believe me?

    Evil Kat Holds Santa Hostage

    See? Told ya…

    (And yes, that really is Evil Kat. I know I said she doesn’t show up on film, but it’s Christmas and all. That really is Santa too. Trust me. His friggin’ reindeer are pooping up my lawn even as I type… But, E K is having fun and that’s what counts…)

    So, anyway, if you happened to be one of the lucky folks who got a visit from Lackey Claus prior to E K getting her hands… or foot, I guess… on him, and he just happened to have left an e-reader under your tree, well then have I got a deal for you!

    Not only is Merrie Axemas: A Killer Holiday Tale, my holiday-themed novella available for download both free and cheap, depending on where you dowload, there are some other specials going on today as well.

    Merrie Axemas: A Killer Holiday Tale – FREE Via Smashwords

    https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/33538 – COUPON CODE – MY75G

    Merrie Axemas: A Killer Holiday Tale – 99¢ Via Amazon.com



    (Book #1 in the series – coupon code good today only!)

    Harm None: A Rowan Gant Investigation – COUPON CODE – UK83R



    (Coupon codes good through midnight December 31, 2010)

    Harm None: A Rowan Gant Investigation – COUPON CODE – HF92Z

    Never Burn A Witch: A Rowan Gant Investigation – COUPON CODE – SS92U

    Perfect Trust: A Rowan Gant Investigation COUPON CODE – RY45J

    The Law Of Three: A Rowan Gant Investigation COUPON CODE – AC36W

    Crone’s Moon: A Rowan Gant Investigation COUPON CODE – NF94W

    Love Is The Bond: A Rowan Gant Investigation COUPON CODE – DK34A

    All Acts Of Pleasure: A Rowan Gant Investigation COUPON CODE – PR99Q

    The End Of Desire: A Rowan Gant Investigation COUPON CODE – YL53T

    Blood Moon: A Rowan Gant Investigation COUPON CODE – JX39Q

    Miranda: A Rowan Gant Investigation COUPON CODE – YJ65F

    So, better take advantage of the deals while you can, and tell everyone you know who has an e-reader. I have NO IDEA when E K is going to let the fat guy loose…

    More to come…


  • Merrie Axemas…


    Those of you who follow me on Facebook and Twitter…

    Notice how I start my blogs that way a lot? Yeah, well, just one of those things…

    Anyway, those of you who follow me in the aforementioned  social networking venues are aware that I have been furiously hurling words at the page for the last couple of weeks. I know many have assumed that I was working on another Rowan Gant Investigations novel.

    Well, actually, I wasn’t…

    (Never fear, the next RGI installment will be out next year in July…)

    However, what I was working on was being a closely kept secret for a couple of reasons.

    1. My publisher didn’t want to jump the gun.
    2. Sh*t happens
    3. You just never know

    Okay… So that’s three. Be that as it may, the project was under wraps because we really weren’t sure if it would be finished in time.

    You see, I came up with an idea some time back for a story. A holiday story of sorts. I pitched it. There was a good reception. But I didn’t go home with the bride, so to speak.

    Then, recently, I got the green light, with the idea that it would be out next year. Me, I didn’t want to wait. So, I ran off at the mouth and made a promise I wasn’t entirely sure my sorry ass could keep. That being that I would hammer out this Novelette in time for it to be released FOR FREE as an E-book, on Christmas, of THIS year.

    Yeah, I know… Stupid, eh? But, the publisher agreed to give it a try and I started flinging. Of course, you know me. A Novelette (7500 to 17,499 words) turned into a Novella (17,500 to 40,000 words). I’ve been turning in pages as fast as I could spit them out, and it seems I did not disappoint my editor.

    On top of that, the “Dead Santa” project I kept mentioning? Well… EK, The Chunk Man, and I – with the gracious loan of a Santa Suit from Missus Loota-Chack, did a photo shoot as well, and provided the art department with the pictures I had in my head for the project. They’ve already been hard at work as evidenced here…

    So… On December 22nd, Merrie Axemas: A Killer Holiday Tale will be released in E-book format, FREE. For those of you who have yet to get yourself one of those nifty gadgets (such as yours truly) it will also be available in a PDF format and readable online.

    I had fun writing it. I hope you have fun reading it… Stay tuned for the information on where and when you can get your copy…

    More to come…
