" /> BRAINPAN LEAKAGE » Oh Dark Thirty
  • I’ve Been Grounded…


    No, EK isn’t doing the “June Cleaver Dominatrix” thing…Although, I think I’ll have to discuss that with her later, could be fun…ahem… But, let’s keep this family oriented for the time being…

    So, some of you are/were expecting to see me in the Detroit area at ConVocation this weekend. That is still a possibility, but it is kind of up in the air…Why? Because it is up in the air, not me.

    I was scheduled to fly out today… In fact, I am theoretically supposed to be boarding a plane right this minute… However, Momma Nature is the one strapping on the leather and stilettos this go around, and because she is in such a bitchy mood, my flight got canceled. (see below)

    fig 1. The fateful canceled e-ticket

    fig 2. What the National Weather Service has to say about things

    fig 3. A map to go with the diatribe

    fig 4. Radar imagery of the evil poo falling on my head

    Soooo… As it stands right now, I have been re-booked on a flight leaving at Oh-Dark-Thirty tomorrow (02/22) morning. Of course, as you can see from the map and the weather service notice this storm probably isn’t going to end until sometime tomorrow afternoon. Therefore, my flight could get canceled again.

    Right now it is just a waiting game…But, I’m here to tell you, this storm is VERY un-pretty, and just getting worse…

    More to come…
