• Puck, Puck, Bo Buck, Banana, Bana, Fo…


    Okay, I’ll stop there, because we all know what comes next…

    So anyway, a comment on my last blog begged not only a response, but its own blog entry as well. Paula wanted to know if we got Puck into a warm, dry place. Obviously, she remembers the pics from the ice storm of late 2006 where the little beggar got turned into a snow capped Puckcicle.

    For those of you unfamiliar with Puck, he is a mischievous nature spirit who takes many forms. One of the most common manifestations you will see represented within the Pagan community is that of a small Roman Satyr. To put it in more conventional terms, he’s half goat.

    The Puck in question here, however, is a wonderful piece of garden statuary representing the little beggar…It is something we picked up several years ago and has graced our home ever since, albeit in various locations throughout (both inside and outside) over those years. Below is a picture from a website where one can be purchased, just to give you an idea of what he looks like without the ice and snow…

    Quite obviously, you can get one at The Magick Moon…(very cool store, BTW… I have one of their “babe on a broomstick” T-shirts)…

    But, anyway, here is the picture Paula remembers, and it will show you what Puck looked like back in 2006, when he was making his home on our back deck and the ice storm rolled in…

    And finally, here is how he looked this morning…Well, kinda. I had to point him out in the picture. Just follow the arrow to the circle…

    You see, Puck now resides in the rock garden at the back of our yard… Why? Well, it’s a long story, but let’s just say he likes it back there with the spirits of the many mischievous felines we’ve rescued over the years who have since grown old and gone on to the great yarn basket in the sky.

    Oh, and before I forget. In the previous blog I mentioned something about the neighbors being too damn close. Well, that’s true (even though we actually have great neighbors) but I wanted to clarify something – that grey building off to the upper right of the picture is our shed, not one of our neighbors. We actually have a pretty sizeable back yard.

    Okay, so there you go, Paula. Puck chose to remain out in the elements yet again. It’s probably for the best. When he lived inside the house he used to steal my socks… But never a pair… just singles. I wonder what that’s all about.

    More to come…


  • Greetings From Saint Louis…


    Well, been up since 2:30AM as I mentioned before…Still snowing here, but it has tapered off to light stuff. They are saying another small wave will be hitting soon and that it will probably drop 1 to 2 more inches on us.

    As it turned out, we dodged the bullet to some extent. The ice yesterday was pretty bad, and there are a few hundred thousand folks without power due to downed lines, but the snow itself didn’t hit STL nearly as hard as they had predicted. West and North of us are different stories, but here in the Metro area, not so much.

    Got out there at about 5:45 and started shoveling. Between that and cleaning off EK’s vehicle so she could go out and dominate the world, I feel like I have already put in a full day. But, of course, I still have plenty to do before I can kick back and relax.

    Just for grins I thought y’all might like to see the winter wonderland, so here are some pics…

    This would be the back yard as viewed from the deck…Notice the thermometer in the foreground…

    This would be the dogwood tree in our front yard…Prior to yesterday’s icing, the branches didn’t hang quite so low…

    And, finally, this would be Puck, shivering on our back deck…I told him he should come inside last night, but you know how Puck is…

    That’s about it for now…Got stuff I need to get done around here.
