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  • Get Shorty…


    It’s true. I’m short. Even shorter when my wife wears heels, but that’s a different story…

    I’m in the running for a “Shorty Award” – Sort of a big deal, most interesting folks on twitter type of thing. Not just some silly graphic for your blog, either. This is an actual, engraved, lucite statue sort of thing with the fail whale on it and everything. Presented in New York of all places. I actually hate New York. Well, maybe hate is too strong a word. I don’t like DRIVING in New York. I have stories. They aren’t good. But that’s beside the point.

    Thing is, I’m in the running (for the moment) in the Author category. I know I can’t win, because Neil Gaiman is in the running too and he has 1.5 million followers. Well… 1.49999 million followers, because I’m sure as hell not voting for him. Plus, Richard Castle, an author who doesn’t really exist is on there too. However, I really think I should be ahead of the “Horny Housewife” and J. K. “More Money Than God” Rowling.

    I mean, come on… I’m interesting, right?

    So, if you have an active twitter account, I’d appreciated it if you’d vote for me. I haven’t had an opportunity to wear a tux in a while and I look damn good in one. Just ask my wife…

    Follow the link below, and don’t forget to add a “reason” after the “because…” or your vote won’t count.

    Thank you. I mean that. Seriously. Why would I lie?

    Nominate @mrsellars in the Shorty Awards!

    More to come…

    (Really. You haven’t heard the end of this…)
