• Eeek Of Destruction…


    They gave her looks. Brains. Nuclear capabilities. Everything but an “off” switch.

    Since Gregory Hines died back in 2003, they called me to fill in.

    “You know I can’t dance, right?” I asked.

    By way of reply, they advanced their own question, “Do you know how to use a gun?”

    “Well, yeah.”

    One of them handed me a stack of paper. It was folded and dog-eared to a specific page. It looked like it had seen better days.

    “I hate to tell you this,” I said. “But, this isn’t a gun.”

    “This is a script. You get the gun when the properties master gets here,” the script girl replied. I knew she was the script girl because it said so on her t-shirt. She then followed up with yet another question as she tapped her index finger on the page. “Can you memorize this line right here?”

    I looked down at the paper and read the text. I looked back up at them, then lowered my eyes and read the text again. Not only had the paper itself seen better days, so had the writing. Finally, I said, “You’re kidding, right?”

    “No” was the answer.

    “I can memorize it,” I told them. “In fact, now that I’ve read it once I’m pretty sure I’m never going to be able to forget it, unfortunately. “

    “Good,” she quipped.

    I shook my head. “You aren’t  going to expect me to actually say it or something ridiculous like that, are you?”

    “Ssshhhhh!” the one with the wild-eyes shushed. “Here she comes.”

    “Here who comes?” I asked.




    I turned to see E K coming down the stairs. She was all decked out in a retro leather jacket, short skirt, and stiletto heels. I have to admit, she was looking pretty hot in a retro-80’s-disco-pop sorta way. Over her shoulder was a huge, black  duffle bag that looked more than a little suspicious.  What’s more, she was wearing an unhappy grimace. I wasn’t entirely sure whether it was because the duffle was too heavy or if she was seriously pissed off about the eighties pop wardrobe. Of course, it’s always possible she was just pissed about everything in general. I mean, we’re talking about E K here.

    “Ummmm… Hi… Your worship,” I said.

    The Evil One didn’t say a word. Instead she simply reached into the duffle, then quickly withdrew her hand and pointed a rather nasty looking machine pistol at me.

    I cringed.

    She stood there.

    Finally I said, “What’s going on here?”

    “She’s activated,” the script girl said.

    “What do you mean she’s activated?” I asked.

    “Ssshhh!” the wild-eyed one shushed me again, then whispered urgently, “You’ll set her off.”

    “I’ve got some bad news for you,” I told him. “You don’t have to talk to set her off. Just leave the toilet seat up and see what happens. It’s pretty ugly.”

    “Do you have a death wish?” the script girl hissed.

    “No, but whoever gave my wife an Uzi obviously does,” I replied. “And, by the way. It’s EKay, not Eeek.”

    “Not anymore,” said a new voice.

    E K turned and fired.

    I ducked.

    So did everyone else.

    Once the explosive burp and clatter of brass subsided, and the ringing in my ears started to fade, I looked over at the holes in the wall. The guy belonging to the new voice dragged himself up from the floor and gave me a nod.

    “I knew she was going to do that,” he said.

    I looked over and noticed that E K was just standing there staring with her breach hanging wide open. I would have mentioned it to her but I was afraid she’d just reload.

    “Good on ya’,” I replied to the new guy. “So, who’s gonna fix my wall?”

    “I’ll get a gaffer to take care of that. They have some pretty amazing tape.”

    “So I hear.”

    “You must be Colonel McQuade.”

    “No, I’m Murv.”

    He nodded and winked. “Yeah, sure. Whatever you say.”


    “Yeah, whatever,” he grunted

    “So, what did you mean by not anymore?” I asked.

    “Simple. She used to be EKay. Now she’s Eeek VIII.”

    “Eeek Eight…”

    “No, Eeek VIII.”

    “That’s what I said.”

    “This is a B movie. You have to say it with a Roman accent in order to make it sound important.”

    “I see…” I grumbled. “So, what happened to Eeek One through… Excuse me, Eeek I through Eeek VII?”

    “They were all blonds. The director wanted a redhead.”

    “And they wanted to know if I had a death wish…” I mumbled while shaking my head, and then asked, “He’s not very bright, is he?”

    “Hey! I’m right here…” the director shouted.

    “Not very bright, are you?” I turned and asked.

    He didn’t answer. Instead he just climbed back into his fancy folding chair and grumbled a lot.

    “So…” I began. “What exactly does Eeek Eigh… I mean VIII do? I mean, besides destroy our house with an Uzi.”

    “She terminates Japanese Beetles.”

    “With a machine gun?”

    “That’s one method. She’s capable of destroying Japanese Beetles in a variety of ways. And, if she is overcome by them at any point, she is also equipped with a tactical nuclear device.”

    “Yeah,” I grunted. “I know. I live with her. I’ve seen her melt down.”

    “Here,” he said, then handed me a Sig Sauer. “This is your gun.”

    “Great,” I said, taking the firearm from him. “What am I supposed to do with it? I thought Eeek over here was the Japanese Beetle Exterminator.”

    “She is.” He replied, then directed himself to retro E K. “Eeek VIII. Kill.”

    With that, my wife reloaded the Uzi and stalked through the house. A moment later the back door exploded off its hinges and that was followed by the burp of the machine pistol, occasionally punctuated by silence. I assumed  that just meant she was reloading, because the gunfire would commence again within a few seconds.

    I jogged through the house to the smoking hole where my back door used to be, and looked out at the carnage. Japanese Beetles were screaming for mercy as E K… I mean Eeek VIII… was peppering the back yard with 9mm rounds while stomping the carcasses of the wounded insects and gleefully grinding them into the ground.  The crunching noise was absolutely horrific, and she showed no sign of stopping. In fact, she really seemed to be enjoying herself.

    “Now do you know what to do?” the properties guy asked.

    “Run and hide?” I replied.

    “Pssstttt!” a noise came from behind.

    I turned to see the script girl motioning wildly.

    “What?” I asked.

    “Your line…” she hissed urgently. “Say your line…”

    “You mean you seriously want me to say that?”

    “Yes!” the director demanded.

    I moaned.

    “We can have wardrobe put you into a Japanese Beetle costume,” the director threatened.

    “Yeah, okay, fine…” I grumbled, then cleared my throat and said, “Well this is quite some toy you have yourselves here gentlemen. I suppose you want me to put it back in its box.”

    “CUT!” the director yelled.

    The crunching and gunfire continued, along with a bit of giggling coming from the retro-clad redhead.

    “CUT!” the director yelled again.

    Eeek VIII kept stomping beetles and blowing holes into the sides of our neighbor’s houses with the Uzi.

    “You idiots really did forget to give her an off switch, didn’t you?”

    “Ummm… Animatronics wasn’t my department,” the properties master said. “Just props.”

    “Yeah, great… Pass the buck,” I replied, then asked, “Okay, so what now?”

    “Well… Ummm… She’s your wife. We were hoping you could tell us…”

    “Yeah, actually, I think I can… Don’t call me if you decide to remake The Fly. She hates those too…”

    More to come…


    (NOTE: It is entirely possible that the movie reference above is a bit too obscure. My apologies for that. However, I watched it many years ago and figured I should subject the rest of you to it as well. The movie is “Eve of Destruction” – Also known in other countries as Eve Eight, Android Assassin, as well as Terminator Woman. It was a B Minus / C Plus Terminatoresque ripoff S/F flick starring Gregory Hines and Dutch actress Renée Soutendijk in a dual role as Doctor Eve Simmons and Eve VIII. You can read more about the actual movie here: Eve Of Destruction. I recommend pizza, booze, and nothing much else to do before actually watching this. But if you like mindless B schlock movies, it’s worth a gander. In the interest of full disclosure, while E K does in fact have leather and stilettos, she does not own an Uzi nor a tactical nuclear device. Production stills and frame grabs  of the actual movie were used to create Eeek Eig… I mean, Eeek VIII.)

  • Just The FAQ’s, Episode 1…



    Between here, there, and everywhere I get a ton of email. Some of it Spam, some of it Treet. (Both of which I thoroughly enjoy, fried, on whole wheat, with a slice of american cheese.)

    Some of it is important, some of it isn’t. Some of it warrants a reply, some of it doesn’t. But, what I am on about here is the stuff that needs a reply, but there is so much of it that I don’t have time to do so. Therefore, rather than cut and paste and all that, I am going to answer some of these Frequently Asked Questions here in my blog. Some of the questions truly are asked frequently. Others, not so much, but I found them worthy of a response for one reason or another. So, without further rambling from me (or, not so informative rambling anyway) here we go:

    1) I’m interested in being a writer. Can you give me some tips for writing a good story?

    Well, let’s address part one of that– Are you insane? You need to be if you want to actually be a writer for a living. Just thought I’d get that out of the way. As to tips, if you ask several authors the same question you will get several different answers. The points where we would all agree, however, would probably be the following: Write about something you are familiar with. If you aren’t familiar with it, then GET familiar with it (ie research). Be passionate about what you are writing. Passion is what makes a good story, not just words joined together in coherent phrases. Accept constructive criticism, and ignore those who have nothing constructive to say. Learn the difference between the two. Write for yourself and no one else. You can’t please everyone. It took me a few bad reviews and a good friend’s advice in order to learn that lesson. Even though you say you are listening to me now, you really aren’t. You will need to learn this lesson on your own just like we all have. The best I can do is tell you what I just did so that you can be prepared for what you have to face. And finally, this is supposed to be fun. If it ain’t fun, the story is going to suck, so stop and write something that’s fun.

    2) Will Eldon Porter’s story ever be revisited?

    For those who may not have read the RGI series, or aren’t far enough into it yet, Eldon Porter is an antagonist within the story arc who has made two appearances…well really twp appearances and a couple of mentions…throughout. He’s not a particulary nice guy. And, to answer the question, yes. Eldon will return. When, I am not saying…I don’t want to spoil the surprise.

    3) Can I have your checks?

    This was in response to an earlier blog, and isn’t actually frequently asked. In fact, this is the only time it has been asked. I just thought it was funny. BTW, the answer is NO.

    4) Have you ever considered a Rowan Gant Investigations Movie?

    Hey, I’d love to see something like that. In fact, a script was actually written. However, I don’t have much control over that…I mean, YES, I have the rights to my works, therefore if someone wants to make a movie based on the books they have to come through me first. However, I don’t have sixty-million laying around in order to finance a movie….so, unless somebody in Hollerwood decides they want to make an RGI movie, I guess we’ll all just have to be happy with the books.

    5) If an RGI movie were made, who would you cast in the various parts?

    Well, just like the previous answer, I would have no real say in that. The movie folks don’t give a flying rats a** who I want to play the parts. All I did was write the books and create the characters. I couldn’t possibly know who could properly personify them…That said, IF I had some sort of say in it, I think it would be something like this–

    Rowan Gant – John Corbett (yes, he’s a bit tall, but they can do all manner of cool stuff with camera angles…hell, they made Gary Sinise a double amputee in Forrest Gump, I think they can probably make Corbett look a bit shorter than whoever played Ben.)

    Felicity O’Brien – Lea Thompson (although, if said movie were to be a few years in the future, Scarlett Pomers would be perfect, and my absolute first choice,  if she could do the on again-off again accent and toss about a bit of Gaelic. Right now, however, she’s only like 19 or something, so she’s a bit too young…Especially if Corbett was playing Rowan.)

    Ben Storm – Jimmy Smits (I know, he’s not actually Native American, but I think he could pull it off. However, there may well be a NA actor or two out there I haven’t thought of.)

    Constance Mandalay – Jewel Staite (throw some makeup at her that would get rid of the girlishness, put her in a power suit and give her a Sig Sauer, and I’m betting the loveable ships mechanic from Firefly would make a great hard nosed FBI agent. Just my personal view.)

    The rest of the characters I haven’t really given that much thought where a movie is concerned. However, on other involvements–

    Director – Michael Mann, Joss Whedon, Chris Carter (one of the three)

    Music – Mark Snow, Greg Edmonson, Tommy Shaw, and James Young (all of the above)

    Of course, like I said, the above is all just daydreaming…

    6) This wasn’t so much a question as an estimation by someone pointing out that authors don’t actually make a ton of money. Although, the question, however rude, “how much do you make?” has been asked before. So, here is how getting paid as an author works…

    Typical royalties are something like 10-12 percent of wholesale, per copy, minus returns (people also don’t realize that the book industry is just about the only one where the merchandise is returnable by the distributor forever.)

    So, let’s say you buy one of my mass market paperbacks. They retail at 8.95… Wholesale price to a distributor, on average (depending on quantity discounts, etc. for given distributors) is going to be something like 3.75. Direct to a bookstore probably something like 5.40… Most sales go to the wholesaler/distributors, but for the sake of argument we will average these two which gives us something like 4.58. Soooo, I get right around 46 cents per copy sold (in reality it is less, because like I said, the bulk of the sales go to distributors at a higher discount)…

    Now, let’s say 10,000 copies sell during a year (I wish!!). I make a whopping 4600 bucks. NOT 46 Thousand…Four Thousand Six Hundred. However, let’s consider that of those 10,000 copies, 4000 get returned to the publisher. (this is not unusual, as bookstores rotate stock. In many chains, if it hasn’t sold in thirty days, it gets returned to the distributor. If it happens to get damaged in shipping, oh well, too bad so sad, the distributor returns it to the publisher for a full refund..) So, remember, my check is minus returns…So, it now becomes $4600 minus $1840, which leaves me with $2760. But, MR…you say…you have seven books out there. Yeah…So, 7 times $2760 works out to $19,320.

    Now, understand, I’m not complaining here. I’m just answering a question. While the calculations above are simplified for the sake of not having to explain all of the intricacies of a royalty report, the end result is pretty much the same. Not wealthy, just making a living.

    What about your advance, you say? Well, advances are nice, but unless you are a really big name, they aren’t usually more than 2-5K…AND, the name ADVANCE is literal…It is an ADVANCE against your royalties, so it isn’t free money. You literally won’t see any royalties on that title until such time as it has sold enough copies to have made back the advance monies.

    Okay, so there’s your lesson in collecting an author’s paycheck…

    And, that’s all of the questions for now. I’ll collect a few more and answer them in a future blog…
