• “Teh Twitter”…


    Yep. I’m on Twitter. I’ve blogged about it before. Hell, I even toss a bit of flash fiction out there every now and again.

    Recently, however, I was on a panel at a SF/Fantasy Con… Actually, I was on a crapload of panels, but that’s not the point. I’m talking about a specific panel – that being a “Social Media” panel. I was really the odd man out on this particular gig. All of the other authors seemed to know one another, whereas I had no friggin’ clue who any of them were, nor they me. So, they all sort of sat toward one end and left me to make sure the opposite end of the table didn’t float away. All good. Just to be sure, though, I checked – I DID use deodorant that day, so that shouldn’t have been a problem. Of course, it didn’t really matter much because 75% of the audience attending the panel happened to be close, personal friends with one of the other authors on the panel, so I probably could have stayed at the bar drinking beer with some folks. At any rate, I didn’t do that. I showed up, I tossed my opinion in there every now and then. Got a few blank stares from the other panelists. Engaged in one of those nifty marketing tactics by handing out some free books. Answered the question, “Why are you handing out free books?” Stared blankly back at them when they couldn’t grasp WHY I would hand out free books even after I told them why. You know, the regular drill…

    I know… So what… Big deal. (2 points to anyone who gets that obscure movie reference…)

    The thing is, Twitter was one of the topics. Well duh… of course it was, Sellars. Social Media. Twitter. Yadda yadda.

    Okay, okay. So THE thing is, one of the other authors on the panel concluded, announced, and/or otherwise stated that one tweet a day is more than enough. In fact, she went on to say that she had made it a point to UNfollow other authors – whose work she enjoyed – because they had the unabashed nerve… the pure audacity… the unbelievable lack of restraint… and tweeted 12 times in one day.

    12 times.

    One day.

    That being 24 hours.

    24/12 = 2.

    An average of one tweet every two hours.

    I don’t know about you but that seems like a pretty laconic tweeter to me.

    Even if we are talking about 12 tweets in the span of one hour, that would be what? One tweet every five minutes… Still pretty reserved if you ask me. However, that’s apparently still way too much. It interferes with the busy schedules of others – all that incessant chattering, ya’know… An absolute din of 140 character info bytes causing a “visual cacophony” in the glassballs…

    But hey, whatever trips your trigger. Follow, unfollow, I don’t really give a flying rat’s whatsits. I personally see Twitter as yelling into the void and hoping someone hears you. Hasn’t stopped me from yelling into the void, of course, but I don’t really count on anyone hearing, or taking notice if they do. Just one of those things.

    Still, for me, the anti-tweeter mentality sort of begs the question, if you’re so damn busy then why are you on Twitter so much? And moreover, why the hell are you counting other people’s tweets?

    OCD much?



  • Best Of Album…


    So I was hangin’ with the band the other day and we were all like, “Doood… We should do a best of album…”

    And I was like, “Doooodddd! That idea rocks!”

    And EK was like, “Dooooooddd. I’ll be on the cover…”

    And we were all like, “Dooooodette, that’s hot!”

    So, anyway, enough with that crap…

    I’m working on a project. Nothing earth shattering, really. Just a sort of compilation thing. A “Best Of Brainpan Leakage” e-book – FREE of course – that will contain a whole mess of the favorite posts, as determined by YOU, the readers of BL. It will also contain some new material not available anywhere but in the e-book. Yes, as in, “BL blog posts that have never been posted.”

    Cool, eh?

    At any rate, here’s the deal: I need you folks to tell me your favorite posts. WHICH missives out of the archives should be included?

    So far we have votes for:

    1. Stacking The Dex
    2. Gimme Mai Shooz!
    3. Awww, Dad!
    4. The Gramling Party
    5. Dippity Drink
    6. The Day the Sky Stood Still
    7. Walking to Skool
    8. Meatloaf
    9. And MANY MANY others…

    This is your chance to have some input. Tell me your faves, and they just might make it into the Brainpan Chronicles…

    More to come…
