" /> BRAINPAN LEAKAGE » Taco Bell Express
  • It’s Dead, Murv…


    WillyCon XI is now in the history books. Dead dog party and all. We rounded it all out by having supper in the lower cafeteria, which features an on campus Taco Bell Express. So, Burrito Supreme and a Crunchy Taco for me.

    Sat around table and enjoyed a wonderful conversation with some absolutely great kids. Yeah, I know, they probably don’t like being called kids, but I’m likely to be older than some of their parents, so I’ve earned the right to call them that. Like it or not, they’ll always be kids to me. But, let me tell you, this group is dynamic, intelligent, spirited, and absolutely wonderful. They put together a con, ran it, and pulled it off without any major incidents or troubles. I’m happy to have these particular kids taking over the reigns of our world. They’ll do fine. Probably better than we have if they can hold on to their idealism.

    The following is the last report from WillyCon. Tomorrow’s report – which may not be filed until Tuesday – will concern my trip home, unless it is completely uneventful. In which case, it won’t be filed at all.

    Please note, there’s not as much funny to this last, short update. Probably because we were, and are, all exhausted. In fact, I am hoping to finish this by 9 PM so I can hit the sack early…

    6:07 PM

    @cashier – Dead dog party? O_o

    @cashier – What’s that?

    @Faculty_Advisor – Just a party to celebrate the con being over.

    @cashier – You don’t have a real dead dog do you?

    @Faculty_Advisor – No.

    @cashier – If you do, don’t show it to me.

    @mrsellars – It’s okay, we have a dead cat for the people who can’t handle the dead dog.

    @cashier – O_o

    @mrsellars – I haz a taco. NOM!

    @mrsellars – I haz a burrito. NOM!

    @mrsellars – Urp. O_o

    @Con_Staffer – …And so he was supposed to be a gopher for a Guest of Honor but he overslept.

    @mrsellars – Yeah. He told me that story something like five times.

    @Con_Staffer – Yeah, that happens with him. We think he already has alzheimers.

    @Con_Staffer_2 – [out of the clear blue]  You know, maybe we should buy @not_here_guy some pink underwear.

    @Everyone – O_o

    @mrsellars – I love you guys, man…

    @everyone – We love you too, man…

    @mrsellars – Me go now. Do sleepy thing. Nom tomorrow. Then go bye-bye on airfly thingie… Miss you already.

    And, there you are… Once the pics are developed I’ll be throwing together a small retrospective.

    Night all…

    More to come…
