" /> BRAINPAN LEAKAGE » Three Million Plus
  • I’m Flattered, But…


    So I have this widget…

    Yeah, I know, I have all kinds of widgets. But this one is special. It tells me how much I am desired. Okay… Well, not exactly. Sorta kinda though. Yes, I am talking about the Eventful Demands Widget on my website. That dealy whopper on the right sidebar of mrsellars.com that allows you to click and say “Hey, Murv, come to my city please!”

    It really is kind of a neat deal, although folks really don’t use it that much. I think that last time I checked I had something on the order of 89 “Demands” for my presence in various cities around the country.

    But then, I happened to take a look today (Well, on the today I actually wrote this entry which is not exactly yesterday… In fact, it’s more like a couple of weeks ago…)

    So anyway, I had a look because I was feeling a bit unloved and wanted to see if you folks out there still really wanted me or not.

    Well… If I can believe what I’m seeing, it seems that you do.

    3 Million Plus

    Three Million Plus… For once I’ve got more adoring fans than Evil Kat, which seems almost impossible…

    And I mean… Well… Damn… With “demand” stats like that one would think my books should be flying off the shelves kind of like happens for “Castle”.  And, on top of that I should probably have a couple or three movie deals in the works, ya’know?

    Maybe I should go sit by the phone and wait for Spielberg to call. Although, if someone is going to produce and direct a movie based on my books, I’d really prefer Michael Mann… Hey, with better than 3 Million adoring and demanding fans, I think I can afford to be choosy. 😉

    More to come…
