• Re-Decorating By Carmen…


    Those of you who have been reading Brainpan Leakage on a regular basis have probably noticed a change or two over the past couple of days. Nothing major… Just stuff like the virtual sofa is now against the South wall, the recliner has some new rips in the Naugahyde, and the coffee table is upside down on top of the bookcase…

    Okay. So the changes are a bit on the major side…

    “What prompted this?” you ask.

    Well, it’s like this. An out of control WordPress Update with out-of-state vanity plates reading “VER 2.9”, jumped the curb and ran right through the front wall of my blog.


    It was a mess…

    Fortunately, nobody was hurt… Well, my feelings were a little damaged, but then I’m a Pisces and we know how that can happen. Being the loving wife she is, E K hated seeing me in such a state, so she slapped me around a bit to put things into perspective. Once she was finished abusing me I went off to nurse my wounds and ruminate on the fact that things could definitely be worse. Suddenly… well, once I stopped bleeding… the world looked quite a bit brighter.

    And so, here it is in a nutshell. The out-of-control vehicle called WordPress “Carmen” came crashing through the wall, just as I said. Upon doing so, it leaked fluid from the radiator all over my carpet and dumped oil on my knick-knacks

    To translate – my theme, or as some would call it “Skin,” is equivalent to the carpet. My plugins are equivalent to my knick-knacks… By way of further translation, there were, to say the least, some major compatibility issues between my theme, some of my plugins, and the latest version of WordPress.

    Now, I’m not about to complain. WordPress is free. So are the third party plugins and themes. If I was paying for it, I’d probably have a gripe. But, hey,  since I’m not shelling out any cash I’m not about to point any fingers. An upgrade is an upgrade, and sometimes you have to make a few modifications in order for the new part to fit. Sooooo, I simply retrieved my mop and bucket from the closet and cleaned up the mess. Then I visited the hardware store for the necessary items to effect repairs. Finally, I consulted with my interior design consultant – read,  E K – and did myself a bit of redecorating.

    No worries… I think it came out looking fantastic… Of course, E K is responsible for the aesthetics.

    And, besides, it had been a year or so. It was time for a fresh coat of paint around here. I just hope VER 3.0 waits a while before crashing through the wall of my den.  I’m just now starting to get comfortable with the new digs…

    However, if another collision is the plan, I would like to suggest to the development team at WordPress central that the project name for 3.0 be designated, “Evil Kat”…

    More to come…
