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  • Rowan Gant Investigations E-Books…


    So… Have any of you read any of the Rowan Gant Investigations e-books? You know, the electronic versions of the book. In particular, I believe these e-books are in convenient PDF format.

    If so, good on you! I hope you enjoyed them. Now, let’s settle up-

    For each Rowan Gant e-book title you have read, you need to send $3.95 (the average price of an e-book) to my publisher, WillowTree Press. The address is as follows: WillowTree Press, PO Box 142414, St. Louis, MO 63114-0414. Make your check payable to WillowTree Press. Please include a note listing the titles for which you are paying.


    Because, there are NO Rowan Gant e-books… Yes, there ARE some PDF files floating around out there. I just found out about it today. Apparently, they have been floating around for a while now. In fact, long enough that they have been downloaded thousands of times. Illegally.

    Yeah. ILLEGALLY.

    And guess what? My publisher hasn’t seen a dime. Know what that means? I haven’t either. Yeah… they didn’t get paid, so I didn’t get paid.

    Now… If you are one of the e-book readers, the address is listed above. Send your money in so that my publisher can pay me. If your excuse for downloading them is that you wanted to sample my books before buying, well, that’s what libraries are for. If you don’t have a library card, well, you know, there’s also a chapter sampler on my website available for download. That would have given you a sample…

    You’ll have to excuse me, but I’m pissed right now. People seem to think authors are flush with cash and that we don’t need the royalties. Well, here’s how it is… It’s our friggin’ paycheck, people. How would you like it if I stopped by your place of employment on Friday, picked up YOUR paycheck and put it in MY pocket even though you did the work?

    Yeah, wouldn’t be so nice now would it?

    For those of you who have NOT pirated my books, and actually purchase them legally, I’m terribly sorry you had to listen to this… Please know that I truly appreciate you.

    But, for now, I’m one pissed off Murv…

    • i have a nook by barnes and noble. i cannot but your kindle versions from amazon and i promise i won’t download the pirated stuff… PLEASE consider a nook compatible version of your books through willowtree…thanks!!

      • Alisha-

        I don’t actually have control over that, HOWEVER, I do know that there are plans to convert the books into other e-reader formats in the not too distant future. I just haven’t been told the exactly “when” details… I’ll definitely post something as soon as I’m informed. 🙂

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