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  • E K And The Monkey…


    Some of you may have noticed a bit of a change in the footer section of Brainpan Leakage. If you haven’t just yet, feel free to scroll down, have a look, then scroll back up… I’ll be happy to wait…

    Okay, done looking? Good deal…

    Well, here’s a bit of an explanation for the changes…

    Everyone knows that extra special stuff for your blog, AKA – Blog Bling, is important. That’s why there are all manner of plug-ins for displaying pictures and the like, or even stuff that is related to various causes, such as the pink ribbon for October, etc.

    Well, in the interest of causes, awards, blog endorsements, and just general silliness, my brain elected to leak out some stuff for other bloggers to grab in case they wanted some Brainpan Leakage specific Blog Bling…

    If desired, bloggers can simply download the image desired, then upload it to their own site. Then insert the provided html snippet, (being sure to change the www.yourdomain.com to the location of the graphic on their server, of course), into their page wherever they wish to display the bling. I ask only that the graphics remain unaltered and that the link to Brainpan Leakage remain intact.

    If you decide to display any of this bling, let me know and I’ll add you to the appropriate rolls!


    Show the world you are a caring blogger. Let everyone know that no monkeys were harmed by your blog, and that your content is Certified Simian Safe!

    Certified Simian Safe

    <a href="http://www.mrsellars.com/mrblog">
    <img src="http://www.yourdomain.com/simian_safe_trans.png"
    Β alt="Certified Simian Safe"></a>

    Certified Simian Safe

    <a href="http://www.mrsellars.com/mrblog">
    <img src="http://www.yourdomain.com/simian_safe_001.png"
    alt="Certified Simian Safe"></a>


    Endorsements for your blog are ever important. What better recommendation could you have than that of the Evil Redhead herself, E K! New visitors will be compelled to read your blog, because if they don’t, E K will hunt them down and hurt them! (Trust me, she’s evil like that…)

    Evil Kat Approved

    <a href="http://www.mrsellars.com/mrblog">
    <img src="http://www.yourdomain.com/ek_approved_trans.png"
    alt="Evil Kat Approved"></a>

    Evil Kat Approved

    <a href="http://www.mrsellars.com/mrblog">
    <img src="http://www.yourdomain.com/ek_approved_001.png"
    alt="Evil Kat Approved"></a>

    A permanent link to this information can be found in the sidebar menu, under “Blog Bling”…

    Yes.Β  I’m a silly bastage, but you already knew this… That fact, however,Β  shouldn’t keep you from tagging your blogs with the above displayed, most excellent Bling…


    More to come…


    • OK it must be me..I can’t seem to get it to work for me. *sniff* I have to say I have a horrible cold. It the worse cold of the century. Well half century as I will hit the BIG 50 later this year.

      I can’t get the anything to work. Sure I can save the pic and upload it, but I lose the linkage. The code isn’t working either. I am usually quite good at this. I have a degree in programming, you would think I could do this…it has to be the cold. I’ll try again later. But I would like to be added to the list once I get this going right for me. *sniff..cough..cough* I guess this would be a bad time to tell you I have a VIRUS…..LOL……not the PC kind of course. 😳

      • Are you replacing the www yourdomain com with the actual URL of the image where you uploaded it?

        Yeah, EK hit’s 49 this year (Well, actually she hits 50, but she keeps insisting that it is 49 and holding…) Me, I get to stay younger for a bit… I hit 47 today. πŸ˜€

        BTW – Shoot me a link so I can add you to the rolls… And, are you just going with Simian Safe, EK Approved, or both? :mrgreen:

    • Well buggers, that’s my problem. I’m just wanting to use it over on Myspace blog if that is OK with you. I’ll get my muddled brain to fix it.
      Oh I am legally turning 50, but I will insist I am 49 for as long as I can fool everyone around me….hair color can cover the gray. I didn’t say that word, it was your imagination. πŸ˜‰

    • Murv you’ve befuddled all of us techy geeks with your coding skills. I can’t seem to get the links working correctly either. My degrees and certificates in IT aren’t even helping me. I use Blogger for my blog so I added a picture gadget, uploaded the pic from my computer, added the coding in, and changed the “yourdomain.com” to my blog address. For the moment, I just have the images linked directly to your blog because I can get that to work. What am I doing wrong Oh great and mighty coder? :mrgreen:

      Also, is there anyway to make a blog bling that is closer to 200 width? The current ones won’t fit on my sidebar without it getting cut off and I hate having to make them hang out all alone at the bottom of the page. I would usually just modify things to fit on the sidebar, but you said not to.

      Oh yeah, my blog is linked to my name.

      • Hmmmmm….

        the “yourdomain.com” will need to point at the exact location of the graphic… So, if you uploaded it to your media manager, get the properties of the image and stick that location in place of that bit of code… And, feel free to resize them if you need to… My main thing was that I didn’t want some wingnut sticking different verbiage in EK’s word balloon, lest she punish ME for it. 😯 πŸ˜‰

    • This is MYSPACE link to my personal page. I have one link up to your blog. I will get one of EK up right away. I was doing everything right, the one thing that seemed to be my problem was the asterisks, I had to change it. It still has them, but not italicized. At least that’s how it looked when I copied and pasted it over. Thanks for helping my addled brain. Now to go get some coffee. It’s still early here in Oregon. Not even 10 yet. πŸ˜‰


    • Hmmm… I know that I must be missing something here. Maybe if the two year old wasn’t using me as a jungle gym while I do this it would be clearer.

      I uploaded the picture, found the horribly long address where Blogger stuck the picture and popped it in the code and it says that your blog doesn’t exist to link to…

      I uploaded the pictures to my Photobucket account and tried it that way. It stuck one of those “image has been removed…” placeholder images in there and the link still didn’t work.

      For the moment, I just have them linked directly to http://mrsellars.com/mrblog/ but I’m working on it. No website is going to beat me! lol

      • Hmmmm… Check the quotes around the link to make sure they aren’t mucked up… WordPress uses fancy quotes instead of straight, and unfortunately the style sheet is overriding the font-family tags I put in the post directly… I really didn’t want to embed a js scrollbox or anything, but I might have to…

    • It must have been the quotes. I just tried it again using the HTML/Javascript Gadget and the images I uploaded to Photobucket and it worked like a charm. Thanks Murv!

    • Yep… The silly quotes were screwed up when I did a copy/paste… So, you’ll need to fix each of the leading quotes… Or, just copy and repaste. I managed to get the text into preformatted courier, so the code is using straight quotes now…

      Sorry ’bout that…

    • Your fans everywhere will forgive this transgression this time… next time we may have to contact EK though. πŸ˜†

    • Hence why she’s the perfect person to make sure transgressions like these don’t happen again. :mrgreen:

    • Yep I meant to say quote marks, but since I’m sick I’m allowed a mistake or 2. But I did get it all running just fine. I have one of your monkey’s and one of EK’s banners up. πŸ˜†

    • Shoot I am 21 with 19 years experience. πŸ˜†
      As soon as I clear up some computer buggers I will add some bling, but first thing’s first.

    • Um….I’m not sure it’s a good idea if I adopt some blog bling. Shouldn’t that apply to blogs that are well written, publicly interesting or at the least: story oriented? My blogs are mindless ramblings that very few people would be interested in, Murv. LOL
      If there’s a button I can add on my page to direct people here to YOUR blogs- now that I would add. Let me know.
      have a good weekend ….
      (psssst how long do I have to wait on another book eh? hint hint)

      ever the pest,
      Witchily yours,

    • Oh, hon… You are such a doll… I mean, you actually think MY blogs aren’t just mindless ramblings? πŸ˜†

      I suppose I could make a “Brainpan Leakage” banner/button… Let me work on that. Right now I have to run the munchkin out to the Community College… (Sheesh… 9 year old taking college courses… Why didn’t they have that option when I was her age? Maybe I wouldn’t have been so bored in school…)


    • Oh, and on the book thing… Miranda: A Rowan Gant Investigation is due out in October. πŸ˜‰

    • YAY A banner I can put on my page to lead people to YOUR blogs would just…well, rock. After all the people who visit my page are Friends. LOL I’d entertain my friends with good stuff…whenever possible. LOL
      And thanks for the book tease. I’m on the edge of my chair always waiting for the next one.

      Yummmm! Yay! Yippeee

      • Saboo – Have a look at the Blog Bling page… I made ’em just for you πŸ˜‰

        However… I just had a look at your links page…

        If you want a “bigger banner” instead of just a button, I have one of those… Just let me know and I’ll email it to you.



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