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  • The Snowman Cometh…


    And so continues the WillyCon Odyssey, Day 3

    The following takes place between 4 AM and 4 PM. Events occur in real time. (Sutherland still not available. His people are supposed to call my people.)

    4:12 AM – AWAKE!!

    @mrsellars – [looks at time on cell phone] [puts cell phone away] [looks at time on cell phone again…]

    @mrsellars – #fuckme

    @mrsellars – Ears popping, arthritis in knees killing me.

    @mrsellars – [Scratch… Burp… Trudge] [facilities usage]

    @mrsellars – [Trudge]

    @Television – [Click] …and that’s exactly why you need Super Colon Reamer. After just seven days when you look into the toilet you…

    @Television – [Click] …ya’ see. So get your goons outta my way, ya see…

    @Television – [Click] …never shave again. Just apply wax and…

    @Television – [Click] …watching it develop over Colorado and into the plains states. This area here [visual includes Wayne, NE right in the middle of it] is under a Blizzard Warning with a 90% chance of a foot or more…

    @mrsellars – Watch now a warning… #fuckme

    @mrsellars – Now I know why my ears are popping and my knees hurt.

    @mrsellars – I know I already said it, but it warrants a repeat: #fuckme

    7:00 AM

    @mrsellars – Walkies…

    @Analog_Camera – Click – Flash – Whirrrrrr…

    @mrsellars – Walkies…

    @Analog_Camera – Click – Flash – Whirrrrrr…

    @mrsellars – Walkies…

    @Analog_Camera – Click – Flash – Whirrrrrr…

    @mrsellars – Walkies…

    @Analog_Camera – Click – Flash – Whirrrrrr…

    @mrsellars – Apparently Skippy the Squirrel is even more cunning than I first imagined. It would seem he has Internet access and reads my blog.

    @mrsellars – Squirrel jerky and snow suit no longer viable options. Fall back to plan B. Make snowsuit out of blankets. Take empty suitcase to student center and steal food from Convention Hospitality Suite.

    @mrsellars – Walkies….

    @mrsellars – Good morning.

    @Con_Registration_1 – Wow, someone who’s actually up at 7 in the morning.

    @mrsellars – I’ve actually been up since a little after 4.

    @Con_Registration_2 – Nomma himna, ibble.

    @Con_Registration_1 – We haven’t gone to bed yet.

    @mrsellars – I can see that.

    @mrsellars – Where can I get coffee since nothing is open on campus?

    @Con_Registration_1 – Umm… Uhhh…

    @Con_Registration_2 – We didn’t make coffee.

    @Con_Registraton_1 – I can show you where the coffee pot is.

    @mrsellars – Please do.

    @Con_Registration_1 @mrsellars – Walkies…

    @mrsellars – If you turn your back long enough, I’ll just take the coffee pot back to my room (lol).

    @Con_Registration_1 – You can’t do that. We have other people who drink coffee at 5 AM.

    @mrsellars – Yeah, well I was up at 4.

    @Nearby_Faculty_Member – LOL!

    @Con_Registration_1 – O_o

    @mrsellars – [waiting in line for pancake breakfast]

    @Con_Attendee – Oh, hi. [shake hands] It’s nice to meet you. You friended me on Facebook.

    @mrsellars – Yeah, not surprised. I’m like that sometimes.

    @Con_Attendee – I didn’t get a chance to read any of your works. I’ve been pretty busy.

    @mrsellars – [smile] That’s okay. I didn’t get a chance to read any of yours either.

    @Con_Attendee – O_o

    @mrsellars – Nomming on pancakes, sausage, and hash browns.

    @Con_Registration_1 – [nom nom nom] I played Zombies last night.

    @mrsellars – Sounds cool.

    @Con_Registration_1 – My character was like Rambo. D cubed sigma x squared to the power of knife and then other guy teleported the cube root of 24 divided by the remaining integer three paper saving throw on my turn and there were 7 of them when you solve for x by isolating the variable in the quadratic then I killed 21 of them and…

    @mrsellars – O_o

    11:00 AM

    @mrsellars  – Panel = yak, yak, yak, lol, yak, yak

    @mrsellars – Booksigning = yak, sign, yak, sign

    @mrsellars – Lunch = nom, nom, nom

    @mrsellars – Panel = yak, yak, lol, yak, lol, yak, rofl, yak, yak, yakkity, yak, yakky, yakkity, yak, yak…

    @mrsellars – Walkies…

    4:00 PM

    @mrsellars – Current wind speed 587 miles per hour. Eebil rain now falling sideways. Temperature – Extra Cold. Must check weather on toob.

    @Television – Click… Lifts and separates, see…

    @Television – Click… not eating paella…

    @Television – Click… Insurance policy…

    @mrsellars – Why doesn’t this damn thing just stay on the channel where I turned it off?

    @Television – Click… Click… Click… Click… Click…

    @mrsellars – No change… Western Nebraska has been annihilated… Now it’s coming for us.

    @mrsellars – Time to implement  emergency survival plan. Good thing I brought MRE peanut butter and crackers in my luggage.

    More to come…


    • Hi looks like you need to jump on I-80 East (if its still open and head to Kearney. Its not that cold and the wind is only blowing at 280 MPH and currently sunny with light scattered showers.

    • We TOLD you the squirrels are smarter than most people realize ^_^

    • Your forgot the ShamWow infomercial, oh and the other ENHANCEMENT ones too. ROFL Well I warned ya about those early spring storms. Did ya pack ANY LONG pants at all? Poor thing, you don’t even have a 4 cupper in your room? That has to SUCK big time. Try to stay warm. Too bad EK isn’t there to help keep ya warm. 😉

    • Deb, did you see that the ShamWow guy got arrested for beating up a hooker? I knew there was something creepy about him…

      Murple, if there were a way to send coffee via the ethereal plane, I’d be sharing this amazingly good honey vanilla latte I’m drinking right now. Mmmmmmm…..

      Crank the heat and hunker down. And keep us posted, cuz we worry.

    • P.S. It’s 58 and clear here at home. That worries me.

      P.P.S. Blues lost to Dallas, and both Anaheim and Nashville are winning. Ugh.

    • Tasialue I had no idea!!! OMG..I agree that guy does look a bit “OFF”.
      Nothing back from Murv yet. Hope he isn’t a Popsicle. I also hope he still has electricity.
      It was 65 and clear today, we get the same tomorrow. That spells a drying out for the rest of the country in time. Almost everything passes though here first. Darn the Northwest…..LOL

    • Tasia – LOL @ shamwow guy being creepy, glad I’m not the only one that thinks so. Thanks, I needed a giggle. 😉

      Murv, just remember to layer well, and bath towels make excellent snow-booties if necessary. And they can add extra fiber to the diet if it comes own to it….

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