" /> BRAINPAN LEAKAGE » You Know You Travel Too Much When…
  • You Know You Travel Too Much When…


    Okay, this is going to be short and sweet…

    So, I reached the end of a section (yeah, I’m writing like I’m supposed to, go figure ) I go downstairs for a quick pit stop, and to grab myself a Diet Coke(tm). Since I was downstairs I let one of the cats out and checked the mailbox. In it was the usual crap– you know, bills, junk mail, really enormous royalty checks… well, not that last one, but the first two were definitely there in force.

    Anyway, there is a card sized plain white envelope addressed to me in all this mess. I figure it is just junk mail (which, actually, it is) but I open it anyway. This is what greeted me:

    You might not be able to tell since this is a scan and not just a photo, but this is actually a POP-UP Birthday Card from none other than Southwest Airlines…(I fly them a lot.)

    Sooooo, I guess you know you’ve been on the road touring way too much when airlines start sending you birthday cards…

    Now, I’m going to go write some more.


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