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  • Greetings From Saint Louis…


    Well, been up since 2:30AM as I mentioned before…Still snowing here, but it has tapered off to light stuff. They are saying another small wave will be hitting soon and that it will probably drop 1 to 2 more inches on us.

    As it turned out, we dodged the bullet to some extent. The ice yesterday was pretty bad, and there are a few hundred thousand folks without power due to downed lines, but the snow itself didn’t hit STL nearly as hard as they had predicted. West and North of usĀ are different stories, but here in the Metro area, not so much.

    Got out there at about 5:45 and started shoveling. Between that and cleaning off EK’s vehicle so she could go out and dominate the world, I feel like I have already put in a full day. But, of course, I still have plenty to do before I can kick back and relax.

    Just for grins I thought y’all might like to see the winter wonderland, so here are some pics…

    This would be the back yard as viewed from the deck…Notice the thermometer in the foreground…

    This would be the dogwood tree in our front yard…Prior to yesterday’s icing, the branches didn’t hang quite so low…

    And, finally, this would be Puck, shivering on our back deck…I told him he should come inside last night, but you know how Puck is…

    That’s about it for now…Got stuff I need to get done around here.


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