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  • Squirlz…


    This is probably going to sound a bit weird, but I think maybe Jerry Garcia came back as a squirrel and he’s living in my back yard with a whole raft of furry dead-heads.

    081129-squirrel-hmed-5p.hmedium Yeah, I’m sure you are probably wondering what I’ve been smoking that would make me think such a thing, but interestingly enough, that’s kind of the point behind this whole blog entry. Not the smoking per se, but the ingestion of psychedelic substances, and no, I’m not talking about a rainbow bomb pop from the ice cream dude.

    Now, as a rule, I think squirrels are pretty cool. After all, I am a devout follower of Foamy, and I regularly exchange Tweets on Twitter with Butters The Squirrel. For those of you who are unfamiliar with these two tree dwelling rodents, Foamy is the activist with a foul mouth, and Butters is quite a bit more of a pacifist. Basically, I suppose I am covering all of the bases in the event of an unexpected “Squirrel Uprising.”

    funny-pictures-say-anything-squirrel Now, lest you think I am merely playing both sides against the middle, I am also a great supporter of the squirrel kingdom across the board. I have a pinwheel feeder which I keep stocked with feed corn (incidentally, my father-in-law calls it a squirrel gymnasium), and when winter rolls around and the temperature drops off, a big part of my morning routine is preparing breakfast for the tree rats. I do this by breaking a couple of slabs of Ramen noodles into squirrel friendly sized pieces, then coating them with chunky peanut butter and rolling them in sunflower seeds & feed corn. Not exactly gourmet, but I haven’t had any complaints yet. In fact, Clem and Cletus, a couple of my regulars, can often be found peering into our dining room from the picture window while they wait for the restaurant to open.

    But, let’s get back to Jerry and the Dead Heads living in my back yard. You see, I’m actually old enough to remember Jerry. I’m also old – and experimentally curious – enough to have experienced the Dead Head culture. Now, I never actually followed The Grateful Dead across the US in a beat up microbus. Truth is, I never even attended a Dead concert in person (I could only afford just so many concert tickets). However, this is not to say that in my younger, wilder, less inhibited, and somewhat stupider years I didn’t maybe partake of a few controlled substances.

    Yeah, I inhaled.

    And guess what, I don’t intend to run for public office, but if for some reason I do lose my mind and put my name on a ballot, here you go. No digging required. Get over it, odds are you inhaled too.

    But, moving right along… There was another substance that made the rounds with the Dead Heads, that being The Magic Mushroom. Yep… Psylocibin containing psychedelic fungus. Happy toadstools from the cow pasture. Your ticket to the magic kingdom.

    Did I ever partake of them? Well, I probably shouldn’t say… But in case you are wondering, for the record those things taste like crap. (whoops… oh well… didn’t say I was proud of it, but hey, I’m being honest here…)

    And so, anyway, Funny Fungus is exactly why I think Jerry and the Furry Dead have pitched a tent city in my back yard. You see, the other day I pulled into the driveway, parked and all that jazz. However, unlike any other day I heard this loud thump as I climbed out of my truck. Darting my eyes in the direction of the noise I saw a wild eyed tree rat perched on the railing of my trailer. He began chittering at me, as squirrels tend to do, then darted off down the length of the flatbed following an erratic serpentine pattern. Against my better judgment, I followed the little furbag.

    Before I even reached the back gate I saw a half dozen more squirrels running around the yard like their tails were on fire and their nuts were catchin’… Aww, come on… I mean like peanuts, walnuts, hickory nuts… sheesh, you dirty minded folks… Anywho, I watched as they darted about, jumped up onto the deck railing, beat their tiny little paws against their chests while doing these squeaky little, high-pitched Tarzan yells, somersaulted onto my BBQ pit, ran up a tree, jumped 72 feet to the roof, double back flipped into the wading pool, and then started all over again.

    Let me tell you, it was a sight to behold.

    magic mushrooms I stood there wondering what had gotten into them when something caught my eye. A couple of the tree rats who weren’t engaged in happy jungle gym time were sitting back on their haunches atop a stump. In their paws they held huge chunks of brownish-orange fungi. Before long, one of the crazed rodents who had been doing the backstroke in the offspring’s pool ran up to the stump, tore a hunk of the fungus from the side, then sat back and began gnawing on it. My guess is that his Psylocibin levels were getting a bit low and he needed a booster.

    This continued daily until the fungus was all gone. No big surprise there. I almost offered them a boom box and a stack of Dead CD’s, but they seemed to be getting along fine without tunes.

    And, you know, I can’t say as that I blame them for the rampant, repeated frolicking and going back to the trough for more, so to speak. As I recall, the magic kingdom was a nice place to visit. Not a place where I’d want to live, but hey, it had it’s moments.

    Still, with that said, if I ever catch the little bastards cooking up meth in the tool shed, I’m having squirrel and dumplings for dinner that night.

    More to come…


    • I didn’t have to inhale–as an usher I got plenty of second hand substance smoke. 🙂 Squirrels on drugs–a good way to start the day after hearing of Ted Kennedy’s death and the loons at the Town Hall last night.

    • I would let you be on my side in the case of a squirrel uprising. Don’t worry, friend.

    • Just let them know about the brown mushrooms that are going around- maybe make a little sign- have a tent they can safely come out of the bad trip in. (Yes- a bad Woodstock reference!!)

    • Murv,

      Great post. I am telling you now, I am afraid of squirrels and am not ashamed to admit it. Filthy creatures! Great job my friend.

    • I’ve taken notes on the Ramen noodles and peanut butter. We often have squirrels nesting in our oak over the winter. Since the deer get the seeds from bird feeder, the squirrels can have starches..LOL

      Mushrooms. That brings back memories of choking down dried up fungii that for all I knew could have been someone’s shredded gym shoe insole. The moon sure was purty that night, though… o_~

      • Yeah, the Ramen noodles are super cheap and if you get the generic peanut butter it’s not all that expensive either. I used to pick up a truckload of feed corn back home whenever I’d go for a visit, but since we sold the farm I don’t have access to it anymore unless I raid a cornfield and I’m getting a bit old for that sort of nonsense LOL! So, I have to buy it and the sunflower seeds, but I try to find good deals here and there.

        And, I hear you on the shroomage. Let’s just say the summer of ’93 was very colorful for me. 😉

    • You would be horrified by my dad’s shed, Murv. Oh the squirl-ity! For squirrels it must be something like Leatherface’s lair from Texas Chainsaw Massacre (not that squirrels spend much time at the movies). For his 80th B-day I went out and bought ten little squirrel sculptures at Big Lots and set them up like a cohort in front of the garage door. When he came home there they were. Staring.

      • ROFL! I bet George loved that!

        The little tree rats store walnuts from my black walnut tree in my shed. Eebil K and I have lived here for 22 years now and that tree is loaded every season, but I’ve yet to obtain a single walnut because of the tree rats. :/

    • I also had a hat embroidered at the mall with a Missouri Squirrel Hunters Association logo, and printed up a membership certificate. Yeah, he got a kick out of it. The little statues are still hanging around in the flowers and such. If you want walnuts they’re all over down here. I’m sure I can get you some.

    • My grandma has a habit of feeding squirrels. She will leave out bits of bread or nuts of some sort or seeds.

      The little guy would sit on the porch railing and wait when grandma was by the back door doing dishes or what have you. he’d jump on top of that railing and sit there.

      “No more,” she said recently. “The other day, I was feeding him, he was sitting on the porch railing like normal, then suddenly he jumped and hung onto the screen! Ever since then I’ve been expecting him to come inside.”

      Let him come inside, I want a pet squirrel. And thanks for reminding me of Foamy. I had to go get caught up in episodes.

    • ok maybe you should just start a old fashion sit in and film them for all to see. remember I think they called it free love .lol

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