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  • Russell Sellars…


    Just a quick and simple nod to my father, M. R. Sellars SENIOR, who left this world most unexpectedly one October night in 2005, sparking nationwide rumors of my own untimely but not yet realized death. If he’d been here to see that I’m sure he would have found it highly amusing.

    Russell Sellars wasn’t one for pomp and circumstance, so making a big deal about things just wouldn’t do in his eyes, however, today would have been his 70th birthday.

    So, without fanfare, here’s to you, Dad. Thanks for making me who I am today, and as I’ve said before – If in my lifetime I am able to eventually achieve being even half the man you were, I will have accomplished my goal.

    And, just as you would have celebrated this day in a sedate fashion, I will be doing so as well. I already have the scotch sitting out, a cigar waiting in the humidor, and a spot on the porch swing so that I can take your often repeated advice – relax and take some time to smell the roses, because you never know when you’ll be out of time.

    Your son…

    • R.I.P. Nice thoughts and he is proud of his son

    • Yesterday marked the anniversary of my own Mom’s passing. I did my own simple ways of honoring her memory. I tip my hat your way and send a knowing smile. The words of advice are well said… We have to cherish the moments while we have them.

    • I’ll be sipping the good stuff in his honor this evening myself. You’ve told me many stories of him, and the smiles those have brought would be enough to deserve a toast to him, but there’s another reason, too. He raised a wonderful son, and that, especially, earns my commendation. Sláinte!

    • Happy birthday, Papa Sellars. Cheers!

      And Murv, in re: your life goal – although I haven’t known you long, I’m pretty sure you’re well on your way to that goal – and likely you’ve passed the mark. It takes a special man to have affected as many lives as you have, in such a positive way. Cheers to you, as well.

    • Well said. My dad’s birthday was yesterday. I miss him just as much. Your father raised a good son in you.

    • When we’re at Archon next weekend toasting our own 30 year friendship, we’ll have to hoist one in your dad’s honor as well. Be consoled by the fact he and your mom did a DAMN GOOD JOB.

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