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  • Blog Material…


    I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, but in case you are new here… Oh, what the hell… It bears repeating even for the regulars:

    E K despises Wal-Mart.  And, when I say despises that is very simply the strongest family friendly word I can pull out of my pocket at this juncture. If she could, E K would have Wal-Mart strapped to the wall down in her dungeon so she could torture it on a daily basis. She hates the organization just that much.

    Living under that same roof with her I have come to understand this, and to even plan routes to restaurants and cinemas so that they avoid coming within 10 miles of a Wal-Mart. It’s sort of a self-preservation thing. However, since E K is not only evil, she has the built in “Mom Thing” going on, the O-spring can at least get away with mentioning the name of the vile organization without paying the price I – or another adult – would.

    And so, since Wal-Mart attracts a “certain” demographic, which then allows them to cut deals with manufacturers or even musical artists that cater to said demographic, the life sucking mecca of retail depravity happened to be the exclusive reseller of a particular CD. A particular CD that it turns out the O-spring wanted “really, really bad.” This, of course, led to the child badgering The Evil One relentlessly about shopping there – whether in person or online, she didn’t care.

    Eventually the badgering wore on E K, and one night as the O-spring dropped not so subtle hints around our office, the redhead went ahead and surfed over to the online cesspool of Satan’s Shopping Center. (That would be Wal-Mart just in case you aren’t following.)

    The O-spring watched on as the supremely evil one scanned the site. After a few silent moments the kid looked at her mother and with every bit of seriousness she could muster announced in a matter-of-fact tone, “You didn’t know Wal-Mart had this much information didya?”

    A minute or two later, as E K and I were cleaning our drinks off our monitors, the daughter turned to me and said, “This is going to be blog material, isn’t it?”

    Why yes… Yes it is.

    More to come…


    • Gotta love kids. They say the best stuff.

    • why not get that HM cd on amazon? i live in that hellhole and i dont shop there.

    • hay this might make a great story line!

    • Yeah yeah, leave me alone. I work there, okay? Even worse, i’m customer service so everybody bags on me. ROFL

      Honestly, I wouldn’t shop there either if they hadn’t wiped everything else out of the freaking area. Like furniture stores and hardware stores and the like. All gone thanks to them. Now I work for them.

      Great on the blog material. Hey, what size shirt are you? You might end up getting the “I’m blogging this” teeshirt. (Yes, it does exist!)

    • http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts-apparel/unisex/generic/5eb7/

      It’s a great site for teeshirts and other geeky little things. The link goes to the teeshirt. 🙂

    • EK would get along great with my husband. and yeah I’m catching up the massage business is slow right now. Need one? Massage Envy Olivette. Across from the Post Office on Olive. LOL

      But I am the Best

      Doni (aka Alexx)

    • If she has never been to Massage Envy Before the introductory rate is $39.00. If She asks for Doni I promise I won’t harass her and will give her the best massage I can. That is if you choose to use Massage Envy.

      Doni (aka Alexx)

      • As far as I know she’s never been to M.E.

        I’ve given her gift certs to some other places, and she had a therapist who came to the house a couple of times several years ago after she injured her back. And, you can feel free to harass her. She’d probably tell you all kinds of horrible and terrible stories about me. 😀

    • LOL Like I said it is $39 and that is for 60 minute 50 of which is hands on (more than your 18 minutes but I digress) If you think she would like longer $57 would give her 90 minutes 80 of which is hands on.

      I would be happy to work with EK and give her the best my 11 years of can give.

      P.S. Hearing how she plans to take over the world would be interesting as well as hearing HER side of the blog stories. LOL


      Doni (aka Alexx)

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