Commercials… You just never know what kind of havoc they will cause. For instance, you have that whole Filet-O-Fish thing going on. There’s even a ring tone for your cell, just like in the commercial itself.
As a matter of fact, E K was at a bank just the other day, stomping a printer into submission – what with her being Queen of the Printer Technicians and all – when a cell phone nearby began ringing. It was, of course, the Filet-O-Fish ring tone.
That’s when the havoc ensued.
As I understand it, E K went over and stabbed the guy in the head with a screwdriver, then stomped his cell phone until it was quiet. Oddly enough, she wasn’t charged with assault or even destruction of property. Apparently she received a standing ovation from everyone else in the bank. You may have read about it in the papers.
Now, me, I actually like the Filet-O-Fish jingle. But, don’t tell E K. She carries a screwdriver in her purse and I’m not big on being stabbed.
Of course, as usual, I am chasing a chicken of different plumage – by that I mean, I’m actually here to talk about a different commercial. Not the Filet-O-Fish song.
So… Anyway… Yeah… Guess I’d better get on with it then…
You see, the other day the O-spring and I were heading out to run some errands. While I generally listen to the local NPR station whenever I’m in the Merp Mobile, on this particular occasion I was in the mood for some tunes, so we were dialed in to the local classic rock station. Fortunately, the O-spring has very diverse musical tastes. She does get into some J-Pop and other stuff that really drives me insane, but she can also be equally entertained by ZZ Top, Black Sabbath, or Billy Joel (ad infinitum). Way cool, eh?
Yeah, I know, I’m getting off track again…
Back to the story… Since we were listening to a commercial station, obviously there were commercial breaks. Since this was shortly before Valentine’s Day, one of them happened to be for a Boudoir / Lingerie Chain that was advertising “Designer Underwear.”
Again, havoc ensues. The following is a best recollection accounting of the conversation that came in the wake of said commercial…
After a thoughtful pause, the O-spring, with an overabundance of confusion in her voice said, “Designer Underwear?! Who would want that?!”
“Well, honey,” I said. “Some people are all about the labels and things like that.”
“Oh, okay,” she replied.
I could tell by the way she said it that we weren’t finished. The traffic signal ahead of us winked so I made my left hand turn and proceeded down the road. The kid stewed silently for another minute or two. You could almost hear the cogs and gears clattering against one another as she concentrated.
Finally she announced, “I guess you just have to be old enough to want designer underwear.”
I was intrigued, so I asked, “How old is that?”
“Old enough to have a boyfriend,” she replied with a matter-of-fact air about her.
I “schnerked” and tried to avoid spitting a mouthful of coffee all over the inside of my windshield. Gathering my composure I followed up with, “Well, how old do you think that is?”
Once again, gears and ratchets began grinding, clanking, and whirring. A moment later she replied, “I don’t know.”
Like any father with a daughter, I saw a perfect opportunity before me. “Well,” I said. “I’m pretty sure that you aren’t old enough to have a boyfriend until you’re 40.”
“Okay,” the O-spring said, not even flinching. “Sounds good.”
“So, we’re agreed then. You aren’t going to have a boyfriend until you turn 40, right?”
As good a memory as the kid has, I’m fairly certain that in a few years she won’t remember this conversation at all. I’ll definitely remind her, but I don’t think it will do any good.
All I can say is when “teenhood” rolls around and she decides to break the pact, I know there’s nothing I can do. However, if she asks for money to go buy designer underwear, we’re going to have a problem…
More to come…
Laura Beckett
March 14th, 2010 at 06:51
Lemme just tell you the boyfriend thing sneaks up on you….I have a 13yr old and soon to be 11yr old…both girls…the 13yr old thought boys had “cooties” till this past summer then outta nowhere her best friend which is a boy is now cute to her….Be afraid….lol the Teenage years are the universe’s way of testing all parents!!!
March 14th, 2010 at 10:38
Fortunately, “The Boy”, as we like to call him, is 16 and still prefers hanging out at home to girls, however, I don’t think I’ll be so lucky with the other one. In fact, I feel sorry for the boy that ends up in her grasp…I think she’s been doing an Evil Kat correspondence course for minors. 🙂 My best friend’s father told her she couldn’t have a boyfriend until she was 32, married and had 2 kids. So the day she turned 32 (and had met said requirements), she walked into her parents house and demanded to know where her birthday present was! 😉 So be wary….that 40 thing could come back to bite you in the arse!
March 15th, 2010 at 00:14
Weren’t they just toddlers?! Dang, time moved too fast. O_o So far, my son has proclaimed he isn’t interested in dating ANYONE ever. My daughter, however, would like to be “grown enough” now because she has “plans”. Hehe. I theorize i won’t survive without tranquilizers. For them. Hehe. ~_^ Good luck!
March 15th, 2010 at 10:01
well, according to the esteemed phiosopher, Pythagoras, childhood lasts 20 years, adolescence lasts 20 years, and maturity begins at 40. So I dont know that Murv is so very off.
I decided to educate/scare my adolescent first child by giving him Dan Savage articles to read at around thirteen. (Dan wrote an excellent article for 15 year old boys which he reprinted when eldest son was 15.) At 14 I admonished said eldest to not make me a grandmother while still living under my roof,(this was promted by his classmate fathering a child. eek!) and gave him a variety of supplies and all the STD pamphlets you can possibly get from a PRIDE festival.
He didnt date till he wa a Senior in High School. It kinda scared me when his girlfriend started calling me mom………I am really glad the universe gave me boys!
March 17th, 2010 at 12:02
As you know, I am father to three daughters. And I am, my hobbies aside, a realist. I have conditioned myself from their earliest years with the thought that they will one day be adults, doing adult things. They will always be my girls, but time and aging cannot be stopped. The only true recourse we, as parents, have, is to teach them to be as careful and responsible as we can, trust them to be smart, and show them how things can go horribly wrong when caution is thrown to the winds. So far, this has worked well enough.
M. R. Sellars
March 17th, 2010 at 12:14
Yes, and I share the same view, actually. But, it wouldn’t have made a very funny blog entry. *wink wink and all that* 😉
March 18th, 2010 at 08:39
Of course. I meant it more for the general population than for you. The disconnect between the world you blog about and the real one reminds me of two things. An RPG called Pandemonium, Adventures in Tabloid World, where everything you’ve ever read in a tabloid is actually true. Quite fun. The other is an RPG concept of my own, a current day, modern game wherein all the situations, places and characters from 60 years of Rock songs are all real. That’ll probably never actually be written.
M. R. Sellars
March 18th, 2010 at 08:44
“Rock On…” 😉
Crystal Rose/Rosie
March 28th, 2010 at 20:00
So, I don’t really have anything to add about the dating thing. I don’t really think that my parents ever really did any of those serious talks with me. About the closest thing I heard was when we bought my 2-door Mustang. My step-dad said to me: “If you can get pregnant in the back seat of this car, more power to you.”
As far as that goes, I didn’t really start “dating” or doing “adult things” until I was 24….
But what I really wanted to share was this:
just in case you ever wanted to purposely provoke EK.