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  • Merp The Tech Hamster #3…


    Hamster Month continues on Brainpan Leakage…

    Image Copyright © M. R. Sellars – The “somewhat edible substances” joke stemmed from the fact that I am fairly adventurous where food is concerned, and willing to try most anything. Not EVERYTHING, but most anything. On more than one occasion, however, some of the “restaurants” in the vicinity of the new (at that time) place of employment served some rather tasteless and sometimes inedible selections. Since one of the Phyllis and Murv dark humor road show commentaries had to do with eating paste, this Early Years toon was born… Of course, Merp, being Merp, couldn’t just eat the paste. He had to get himself stuck to the wall with it as well…

    More to come…


    • Snort. Boys n their toys. It’s a miracle the human race ever managed to make it past climbing down from the trees, what with the propensity of the male of the species to insert any number of foreign substances and/or objects into a vast array of bodily orifices – not even necessarily their own!

      Thanks for the daily chuckle, Merp… er, Murv.

      • ROFL!

        Well, in the interest of full disclosure, I was NEVER a paste eater. We had a few in my class back in 19-koff-koff… But, I wasn’t one of them. It didn’t even look appetizing to me. Still, it made for some funny commentary whenever Phyllis and I would go off on a tear about something. She was a real kick.

    • I worry about you sometimes Murv….and for good reason. But argh….who am I to judge? Talk about the kettle and pot…….holy crap….heeheeee

      keep em comin…… I am now very much into my early Merp and coffee
      I think Merp needs to become a comic strip
      (there I go thinking again)

      cheers Murv

      • LOL!

        I’ve actually been wondering if I should resurrect the little rodent… At the very least, maybe scanning some of the less “inside jokeish” ones at a higher rez and having them put on T-shirts. 🙂

    • Sounds like my week thus far. Being stuck to the wall sounds pleasent in comparison. Love Merp. Wish he was here to cheer the place up.

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